Showing results 21 to 30 out of 32
05 Apr - 12:30 PM
Birmingham, United Kingdom
University or college students, 'would be' entrepreneurs! If you're interested in making a difference by taking on social challenges within the Birmingham area, then iSE C.I.C. invites you to participate in a hackathon. Participants in HACK A SOCIAL CHALLENGE will be presented with a number of challenges and priorities and will then be tasked with investigating and creating solutions to the key challenges.
17 Mar - 10:00 AM
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Hackers in and around Cambridge! Think you'd like to do something to help charities? Hackers at Cambridge invite you to sign up to participate in ChariTech. You don't have to be an expert coder -- there will be plenty of experts on hand -- just come if you want to make a real difference. You'll collaborate with tech experts and novies alike and be challenged to help different charitable organizations and to help create innovative new products and solutions that will help them pursue their mission!
Hack@Brookes 2017
11 Mar - 08:00 PM
Oxford, United Kingdom
Students in and around Oxford! Want to showcase your hacking skills? You're invited to sign up to participate in the Hack@Brookes 2017 24-hour hackathon at Oxford Brookes University. This year's event is all about cyber security. You'll be challenged to work with Kali Linux -- the advanced penetration testing distribution of Linux to explore how you can tighten security on your network.
28 Feb - 10:00 AM
Leicester, United Kingdom
Music hackers in the UK! You're invited to sign up to participate in mobilise! You'll get the opportunity to work with the electronic music technology team from IRCAM in Paris. You'll be challenged to make your own personalised mobile phone music app with a few lines of code.
Hackathon for Health, Assisted living, Social care and Community (HALE 2017)
28 Feb - 08:30 AM
Leicester, United Kingdom
Hackers in the East Midlands! DS-Cubed Ltd. invites you to sign up to participate in the Hackathon for Health, Assisted Living, Social Care and Community (HALE 2017). You'll be challenged to create innovative proof of concept prototype to help address one of the following problems: »Homelessness of young people in UK »Awareness, interest and participation in Musculosketal (MSK) conditions. »Bluetooth wearable/iPhone app to measure patient position with greater accuracy.
WarwickHACK 2017
25 Feb - 10:00 AM
Coventry, United Kingdom
Students from all over the EU! WarwickTECH invites you to sign up to participate in WarwickHACK. You'll be challenged to collaborate to use technology to design and create innovative projects in a short 24-hour event. You don't have to be an expert coder to take part. All levels of skill are welcome and there will be special workshops available to help beginners get started.
env.infohackit evening presentations @Birmingham
17 Feb - 08:00 PM
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Interested in seeing real scientific ideas presented in new innovative ways? Want to see science teamwork at its best? Come to the env.infohackit evening presentations @Birmingham. You'll see the project presentations made by teams of PhD environmental scientists, designers, developers and other creative types. They will present the results of their hackathon participation where they will compete to create the most exciting, informative and compelling infographics to communicate their research topics.
Midlands Tableau User Group
07 Feb - 05:45 PM
Nottingham, United Kingdom
The Midlands Tableau User Group invites you to participate in the Viz hackathon at the upcoming user group meeting in Nottingham. You'll get the opportunity to network and collaborate with fellow Tableau users and share experiences. You'll find out about new features in Tableau 10 and dive into the details with with data in the hackathon.
Leicester Startup Weekend
03 Feb - 05:00 PM
Leicester, United Kingdom
Aspiring entrepreneurs in the East Midlands! Got an idea for a techie startup? Leicester Startups invites you to bring your project to their hackathon-style "Pitch, Build & Launch a Startup in a Single Weekend" event. You'll collaborate with like-minded individuals to develop and refine your start-up concept, reviewing it with mentors and then pitching your project to a panel of entrepreneurs.
UniHack- 48 hour social hackathon
03 Feb - 01:00 PM
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Aston University students and graduates! Come and participate in UniHack! Collaborate to create innovative solutions to real-world challenges. Be one of 50 participants and team to develop an app, service, product or campaign that solves a real-life problem. Meet like-minded hackers and build innovative and incredible things!