Showing results 31 to 40 out of 44
MIT/law Legal Hackathon
06 May - 05:00 PM
Cambridge, United States
The MIT/law Legal Hackathon is an open participatory event providing an open forum to build, design, and explore projects. Your goal will be to solve legal and technical issues and other challenges as law and business become fully digital. Software developers, business people, academics, government employees, advocates and others are all invited to join sessions to collaborate on 'hacking the law' by developing computer and legal projects. The projects include OpenNotice revolutionizing the Legal Notice protocols, "Bank-in-a-box" a toolkit for starting your own Credit Union from scratch, and many other themes, topics and projects. So bring your laptop, your ideas, and your enthusiasm!
#HackNursingNU Workshop: Digital Health Implications for Health Disparities
23 Apr - 12:00 PM
Boston, United States
Current American healthcare issues can be better solved in cross-disciplinary teams. In this hackathon-style workshop, nurses, entrepreneurs, engineers, designers and healthcare enthusiasts will brainstorm and ideate around modern-day digital health innovations and how they can be used to solve health disparities.
This workshop will involve engaging, hands-on discussion in teams. All interested in healthcare are welcome to attend. No experience necessary!
Food and drinks will be provided.
Lyme Innovation: How to Hack Lyme
16 Apr - 12:00 PM
Cambridge, United States
This is event is aimed to prepare you for the Lyme Innovation hackathon taking place on June 17-19. An afternoon of ignite speeches, team building, and learning! You will hear from Lyme disease experts and learn about unique challenges facing the field of Lyme disease. These complex problems include prevention, diagnostics, treatment, and rehabilitation. Time will be dedicated to networking, sharing ideas, and initiating team formation for the main hackathon event. Prizes will be awarded to individuals and teams with promising ideas!
Astropreneurship and Medicine in Space Hackathon
08 Apr - 05:30 PM
Cambridge, United States
This is a hackathon which will take place at the Harvard Innovation Lab at Harvard Business School inviting all entrepreneurs, doctors, law makers, engineers, political specialists, data scientists, managers, students, professionals, and space-fans to come along and address practical issues that arise from space exploration. Hack solutions to biomedical, social, policy and investment challenges to people prospering in deep space.
#HacktoMaptheGap: The Role of Data in Building Equitable Communities
02 Apr - 12:00 PM
Cambridge, United States
This hackathon is hosted by the GSD African American Student Union who have been working on a research initiative entitled “Map the Gap,” which investigates spatial, socioeconomic, and political inequities in ten U.S. cities. #HacktoMaptheGa will aim to bring together students, practitioners, academics, and community members to further conversations about inequity in the nation’s urban centers. You will gather data and information across four main categories including: housing, education, transit/job access and crime, and discuss the results of the research together. The initiative is rooted in U.S. current events. It analyzes recent police shootings by contextualizing fatal encounters within their built environment. This event hopes to drive constructive conversations around inequity, begin to reframe alternate modes of decision making/ policymaking, and offer a new model for learning and teaching within academia.
2016 Boston Baseball Hack Day
19 Mar - 09:30 AM
Boston, United States
A hackathon which mixes baseball will tech! This is the fifth annual Boston Baseball Hack Day, a friendly one-day hacking competition (also known as hackathon, hackfest or codefest) for baseball fans. It will also be held in three other cities besides Boston: Philadelphia, Montreal, and Chicago. Come to make cool projects within a limited time on your computer. Design anything from a tool, app, website, or data visualization!
CodeAcross Boston 2016
05 Mar - 10:00 AM
Boston, United States
Please join Code for Boston for a weekend of civic hacking, youth mentorship, and code education at our third annual CodeAcross event on March 5-6, 2015 at the Roxbury Innovation Center. Our goal for this year's CodeAcross is to start building the next generation of civic hackers through a curated, educational hackathon. Pretty cool, right?!
To do this, Code for Boston is partnering with Resilient Coders, a code education non-profit focused on underserved youth, on what we're calling a progression hackathon: a structured hacking event where novice coders and students work in teams with experienced software developers and designers on hacakathon projects, and learn fundamental dev skills like ideation and wireframing, Github and source control, and more through a series of fast-paced, educational workshops.
At CodeAcross, we'll bring together civic technologists, community organizations, and local businesses to work collaboratively on projects around career building, equity, and economic development. Although this year's event is more focused on technology than our usual events, CodeAcross will always be open to the entire community: Community involvement and inclusion are extremely important to us, and our best projects always have a mix of technical and non-technical team members.
We can't wait to see you all for a couple days of learning, teaching, collaborating, and civic hacking!
Should I come to CodeAcross?
Yes! This year's CodeAcross is all about developing coding skills as a way to improve marketable tech skills for participants - especially those from Resilient Coders and other youth-focused coding programs - and as a way to improve the city where we live. We feel that those two things actually go together really well, and hope that you'll join us as we create more economic opportunity and make a positive change in the community, whether your a new or experienced coder, a designer, business person, a community member, or more!
If you are interested in becoming a Dev Mentor, please contact Noah Teshu at with a resume (or link to Github / portfolio / etc) and a brief statement. Dev Mentors are experienced web developers and designers, with patience to support and mentor project teams. Dev Mentors are not assigned to particular teams, but will float throughout the event, working with Code for Boston staff and providing technical support to project teams.
What will we be doing at CodeAcross?
At this year's CodeAcross, we hope to introduce both novice and experienced developers to the world of civic hacking and create an environment where they can build skills and learn from each other. Before the event, Code for Boston will be developing problem statements with community groups in the Dorchester / Roxbury area for development teams to work on.
At the event, attendees will form teams to work on those problem statements, supported by Code for Boston mentors. Teams will spend the rest of the weekend developing their idea together, and have the chance to take part in several software development workshops. While we hope that project teams have amazing demos by the end of the weekend, we want to focus on building apps and learning together - and teams can always keep working on their projects afterwards at Code for Boston hack nights!
For a taste of what CodeAcross is like, check out this video from last year's event!
How can I get ready for CodeAcross?
Great question! If you are new to software development or hackathons in general, you can prepare for the event by checking out some of the following links:
Brush up on your coding & design skills
CodeAcademy: General, HTML / CSS Tutorial
Khan Academy: HTML / CSS, Javascript
Get Started with GitHub
Hack Design
Get some development tools
Sublime Text: A text-editor that we like (PC / Mac / Linux)
TextWrangler: A similar text editor (Mac only)
Check out some commonly-used software libraries
Bootstrap: A library of layout and functionality tools that make starting with websites easy
Foundation: Similar to Bootstrap
Other useful stuff:
CSS Tricks: A whole website about cool things you can do with CSS and HTML
CodePen: An online tool for trying out HTML / CSS / Javascript experiments
A List Apart: An online magazine about web design
Smashing Magazine: Another online magazine about coding, design, and a bunch of other tech stuff
What to Expect at a Hackathon: We don't focus 100% on students like they do in this article, but it's pretty close!
I have other questions, ideas, or partnership opportunities for CodeAcross!
Awesome! Here's how we can hook up:
If you have a project idea, an idea for a workshop, want to get your school or group involved, or want to contribute your company's data or technology: Contact or
If you are interested in making a financial contribution, donating a meal, or other forms of sponsorship: Contact or
If you have a general question not covered here: Contact
09:30 - 10:00: Doors Open & Breakfast
10:00 - 10:45: Intro talks and pitches
10:45 - 11:30: Form teams and icebreaker activity
11:30 - 12:30: Design workshop I: Intro to Design Thinking, User Interview, Personas and Problem Framing with Shanfan
12:30 - 01:00: Lunch
01:00 - 01:45: Open hacking time
01:45 - 02:45 Workshops:
A: HTML and CSS for beginners workshop (Think Space) with Del
B: Github Fundamentals (Learn Lab) with Alex
02:45 - 03:30: Open hacking time
03:30 - 04:15: Workshops:
A: Getting started with jQuery (Think Space) with Lauren
B: Basics of using a REST API (Learn Lab) with Noah
04:15 - 05:00: Open hacking time
09:30 - 10:00: Doors Open & Breakfast
10:00 - 11:00: Design workshop II: Prototype and Fidelity Level; Storyboard and User Journey with Cristen
11:00 - 11:30: Open hacking time
11:30 - 12:00: Lunch
12:00 - 12:30: Workshops: An intro to open-source software (Learn Lab) with Nimit
12:30 - 02:00: Open hacking time
02:00 - 03:30: Team Presentations
03:30 - 04:00: Snacks and mingling
Our Thanks
CodeAcross Boston 2015 would not be possible without a generous financial donation from the following organization:
With additional support from:
About CodeAcross
CodeAcross is a weekend of civic hacking events hosted by local chapters of the Code for America network around the world. The goal of CodeAcross is to activate the Code for America network and inspire residents everywhere to get involved in their community.
CodeAcross also serves as the annual kick-off for Code for Boston’s year of programming, and is our chance to try new and different event formats that we hope push the intersection of civics, design, technology, and community forward.
Read more about CodeAcross at Code for America
About Code for Boston
Part of the Code for America Brigade network, Code for Boston is a volunteer group of developers, designers, data geeks, and citizen activists who use creative technology to solve civic and social problems in the Greater Boston area.
Part mission-driven non-profit, part technology meetup, part advocacy group, part social club, we provide a way for citizens to give back to their communities by building civic applications, opening public data sources, and generally helping to leverage technology for use in the public sphere.
Read more about Code for Boston
Questions about attending? Interested in becoming a partner, donating a meal, or how you can contribute? Please contact or
Emotion Lab ‘16: Emotion Hack Your Tech
04 Mar - 05:00 PM
Cambridge, United States
Come and design the future of emotion technology and add emotions from human behaviour to the digital world through devices, apps and technology that can sense and adapt to them. You will get to use Affectiva’s emotion-sensing SDKs for iOS, Android and Windows.
ATHack 2016
27 Feb - 08:00 AM
Cambridge, United States
The goal of ATHack is to bring awareness to the important field of developing assistive technologies. Pairing teams of students with clients in the Boston/Cambridge community who live with a disability. Each client has a problem in mind which they face because of their disability. Over the course of the hackathon, students brainstorm, design, and create prototype solutions for their client.
On February 8, teams will meet their clients at the Meet the Clients Dinner to understand the problem and start brainstorming solutions. On February 27, the actual hackathon occurs where you will work at creating the team's solution.
International Development Hackathon 2016
12 Feb - 05:30 PM
Medford, United States
Organized by Harvard Developers for Development, MIT Global Poverty Initiative, Tufts Entrepreneurs Society, and Tufts Empower, the 4th annual International Development Hackathon (ID Hack) will bring together hackers, technology enthusiasts, and organizations working in international development to create impact with technology. All levels of skills are welcome!