Showing results 1 to 10 out of 11
InsurTech Business Plan Hackathon
09 Dec - 10:00 AM
Hartford, United States
Goal of the hackathon
Help InsurTech startups and entrepreneurs generate and refine a business plan and identify steps to take their ideas to the next level.
Why a hackathon?
Hackathons are known for their ability to stimulate creative, free-flowing ideas. By working with others, people are able to connect and create in ways they would not do by themselves. Hackathons are known as marathon coding competitions aimed at solving particular issues. This hackathon will not involve coding. Regardless, we encourage coders and non-coders to attend.
Who can attend?
The event is open to anyone with interest in InsurTech. If you are in idea stage or revenue generating, the event is open to you. If you welcome even if do not have an InsurTech idea. People looking to participate in helping the InsurTech Hartford start-up community are welcome. To learn more about InsurTech, visit the InsurTech Hartford website.
This event is free, and we will be having pizza. That's right, put it all together and you get free pizza!
• Meet & greet
• Business plan elements
• Engage in ideation
• Create business plans
• Partner with mentors
• Learn more about InsurTech Hartford
• Learn more about Upward Hartford
Why are we meeting at Upward Hartford?
Upward Hartford is a 27,500-square-foot high-tech hub of innovation comprised of office and shared space for entrepreneurs, start-ups, and incubators. InsurTech Hartford has established a strategic alliance with Upward Hartford to help the community take advantage of the awesomeness Upward Hartford has to offer.
Where can I get more info?
Please direct any questions to
We also launched our website. Be sure to check it out:
You can also find:
@InsurTechHfd on Twitter:
on Facebook:
For more on Upward Hartford, please visit
We hope to see you there! BTW - FREE PIZZA
Terms and conditions
Annual SIM-Central CT Chapter Charity Gala
03 Nov - 07:00 PM
Portland, United States
Join Us!
For the Society of Information Management's (SIM) Central CT Chapter's Annual Charity Gala supporting the SIM Scholarship Fund for students embarking on STEM degrees as well as Random Hacks of Kindness, Jr. The mission of Random Hacks of Kindness Junior, Inc. (RHoKJr) is to empower students to use technology to positively impact the challenges facing local nonprofits in their communities by hosting one-day hackathons around the state where students are partnered with technology mentors to create technology based solutions facing thier community.
Tickets are $75 per person for SIM members or RLF graduates or upcoming graduates. $100 per person for non SIM/RLF members. Your ticket includes: Hot & Cold passed and stationary appetizers, open bar, sit down menu selected dinner, dessert, late night snacks, DJ/Dancing and 50/50 Raffles. It's going to be a great night!
Black Tie Optional - Dress to Impress - Come mingle with your peers and network with some great leaders!
Looking forward to seeing you there! Questions can be directed to Leslee Cook @ or Jim West @
Sponsorships still available!
Sponsored by:
Our Floral Centerpiece Sponsor:
20 Oct - 07:00 PM
Amherst, United States
Massachusetts professionals and students interested in sustainability! Sustainability Projects Abroad (SPA) invites you to participate in the Sustainathon @ UMass. This is a creative marathon and software coding is not involved! The 24-hour event will focus on sustainability challenges faced by the UMass campus is facing as well as problems faced by communities both domestic and abroad.
InsurTech Hackathon Weekend 2017
08 Sep - 05:00 PM
Hartford, United States
It's time to build it!
(And win some prizes, too, $8,000 worth!)
InsurTech Hartford and Upward Hartford have come together to help create a funfilled, engaging event. This Hackathon Weekend is a 48-hour event designed to take you from idea to MVP over the course of a weekend in one of the hottest growth industries - InsurTech.
Each weekend is special, but this year, the weekend of September 8, 9, 10 is extra special, as it will be the launch point for new InsurTech businesses.
InsurTech is simply the use of technology to create new or improve existing ways of running the insurance industry. Over the last 3 years, VCs invested over $5B into InsurTech startups. Hartford, known for its insurance industry leadership, is a great breeding ground for young companies and entrepreneurs. InsurTech offers great opportunities, and we are bringing it here.
Join us if you have:
A desire to pursue entrepreneurial ventures
Interest in developing a technology-centric / digital company
Love to solve problems
Want to work with incredible mentors and investors for an entire weekend
Did you ever want to be part of a startup from the ground floor? Did you ever want to start your own company?
This hackathon weekend can be the launch point! Here is what's in store for you:
Mentors - Meet mentors from around the country who have all had multiple exits
Investors - Rub shoulders with investors who are ready to write checks for great ideas
Education - Learn more about InsurTech from industry coaches
Networking - Meet others with similar goals and interest
Here's what else you get for the price of admission:
6 catered meals (Fri = 1, Sat = 3, Sun = 2)
Endless coffee, soda, water
Wifi, power, and space to enable your creation
The opportunity to work at Upward Hartford - the newest innovation center in downtown Hartford
Knowledge and tools to start a business
A problem statement, a business plan, a design, and a prototype
A hot judges panel of insurance experts, VCs, and entrepreneurs
New relationships and possible future business partners
Need more motivation? How about this:
1st Place Prize - $5,000 - Sponsored By : Travelers!
2nd Place Prize - $3,000 - Sponsored By : XL Catlin!
The winning teams also have the opportunity to present their idea to insurance companies and investors during CT innovation week in October at Upward Hartford. Everyone can join regardless if you can code or not! Bring your ideals, entrepreneurial motivation, and creative energy!
Special discounts are available for students who purchase by September 4th! Regular admission is $100.
To read more about the schedule, the food and the mentors and judges - visit
InsurTech Pitch Night & Networking
31 Aug - 05:30 PM
Hartford, United States
Making it happen - InsurTech Pitch Night
Momentum is building around Hartford's InsurTech startup community. The next InsurTech event will be exciting. On August 31, Mike Kalen from Aquiline Capital Partners will speak about the value of advisors in early startup phases. Then, several early-stage InsurTech start-ups will pitch their ideas to real investors and Insurance executives to receive feedback. Come, have fun, and enjoy the chance to experience Hartford's newest asset, Upward Hartford.
Startups who will be pitching that night include:
Insurance Agent Mobile App
Hi Marley!
Triplepoint Software
Panel memebers
Mike Kalen(Executive Advisor @ Aquiline Capital Partners)
Christopher Zock (Managing Director @ Sandbox Industries)
Paul Tyler (Chief Marketing Officer @ Phoenix / NassauRe)
5:30 - Arrivals and networking
6:15 - Kickoff & Hartford Updates
6:20 - The value of startup advisors (Mike Kalen)
6:30 - What VCs see in InsurTech and why they are willing to invest
6:45 - Main event - Round I
7:15 - Break
7:20 - Main event - Round 2
7:50 - Judging & awards
8:00 - Evening networking
Free beverages provided. Beer and wine will be available for attendees 21 and over.
Be sure to register in advance, as tickets will be $20 at the door.
About InsurTech Hartford
Find more about InsurTech Hartford on the web:
Like us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
Join our Meetup Group
Join our LinkedIn Group
BTW, have you heard about InsurTech Hackathon Weekend?
Also, don't forget about InsurTech Connect 2017 In Las Vegas
19 Aug - 08:00 AM
Worcester, United States
Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis and Visualization
July 15th-July 16th
Special projects to reveal your data skills.
Interactive Pipeline BuilderVisual Comparison AnalysisNGS Pattern DiscoveryComplex Data Representation
Life Scientists, Programmers, Vizualization People
You have some experience in some of those:Python, Perl, Ruby, or any scripting language PHP, Django, Ruby on Rails, or any web development tool D3, React, or any graph JS library Cytoscape, Gephi, or any network representation tool
Join our Datathon '17
Check the details.
InsurTech Hartford Business Plan Hackathon
12 Aug - 10:00 AM
Hartford, United States
Goal of the hackathon
Help InsurTech startups and entrepreneurs generate and refine a business plan and identify steps to take their ideas to the next level.
Why a hackathon?
Hackathons are known for their ability to stimulate creative, free-flowing ideas. By working with others, people are able to connect and create in ways they would not do by themselves. Hackathons are known as marathon coding competitions aimed at solving particular issues. This hackathon will not involve coding. Regardless, we encourage coders and non-coders to attend.
Who can attend?
The event is open to anyone with interest in InsurTech. If you are in idea stage or revenue generating, the event is open to you. If you welcome even if do not have an InsurTech idea. People looking to participate in helping the InsurTech Hartford start-up community are welcome. To learn more about InsurTech, visit the InsurTech Hartford website.
This event is free, and we will be having pizza. That's right, put it all together and you get free pizza!
• Meet & greet
• Business plan elements
• Engage in ideation
• Create business plans
• Partner with mentors
• Learn more about InsurTech Hartford
• Learn more about Upward Hartford
Why are we meeting at Upward Hartford?
Upward Hartford is a 27,500-square-foot high-tech hub of innovation comprised of office and shared space for entrepreneurs, start-ups, and incubators. InsurTech Hartford has established a strategic alliance with Upward Hartford to help the community take advantage of the awesomeness Upward Hartford has to offer.
Where can I get more info?
Please direct any questions to
We also launched our website. Be sure to check it out:
You can also find:
@InsurTechHfd on Twitter:
on Facebook:
For more on Upward Hartford, please visit
We hope to see you there! BTW - FREE PIZZA
26 Jul - 03:30 PM
Farmington, United States
You’re invited to come build a killer bot. There are 6 hours to make it happen, and hundreds of dollars in prizes to make yours.
Have questions or better yet, wanna help? We could really use a hand. Contact Holly Stradczuk for more information.
*1st, 2nd AND 3rd PLACE PRIZES!
Located at Primacy in the Gym.
DevOpsCT: ChatOps Hackathon
18 Jul - 06:00 PM
Hartford, United States
Want to try out Lita, Hubot or Cog, but just don't have time at your day job? Want to get advice on how to get up and running in ChatOps and use Slack as more than a communications tool?
Come out for our July meetup to explore what you can do in your chat tools.
InsurTech Business Plan Hackathon
01 Apr - 10:00 AM
Hartford, United States
Interested in the use of technologhy in the insurance sector? InsurTech Hartford invites you to participate in the InsurTech Business Plan Hackathon. Although this is not a coding event, both coding and non-coding professionals in Insurance Technology will get to collaborate with InsurTech startups and entrepreneurs. You goal will be to help them refine their business plans and identify steps that will help them take their ideas to the next level.