Showing results 11 to 20 out of 47
2017 DC Climathon Launch Event
05 Oct - 05:30 PM
Washington, United States
Are you passionate about climate change? If you're in the Washington DC area and want to help make a difference in preparing DC residents for merging impacts, then you should sign up to participate in the 2017 DC Climathon: Resilience. You'll be challenged to collaborate to create solutions that empower grassroots preparation and responses to climate change events such as urban heat island effects, extreme weather events, and increased flooding.
Microsoft Azure Government HackFest + Training (Washington, DC)
03 Oct - 08:30 AM
Chevy Chase, United States
Join us! Microsoft Azure Government HackFest + Training, October 3-4 in Washington, DC.
Calling all developers and IT pros in the DC-metro area in the Government space! The Microsoft Azure Government team invites you to register and participate in our HackFest + Training event, October 3-4, at the Microsoft location in Chevy Chase, Maryland.
Register now for this can't-miss opportunity that features one day of training presentations by members of the Microsoft Azure Government Engineering team followed by an all-day HackFest for all experience levels (yes, ALL are welcome – newcomers to experienced developers – in this friendly and supportive HackFest environment!). Each team will be given a series of challenges as a basis for building their solutions. The event will culminate in final presentations and a social hour.
During the Azure Government HackFest +Training, you will have the opportunity to:
Educate yourself and your team on the latest features and technology available on Azure Government
Engage directly with members of the Microsoft Azure Government Engineering team while getting hands-on experience building compelling solution on Azure Government
Meet and work with passionate technologists as you collaborate on innovative solutions in a welcoming environment
Space is limited to this free event and on a first-come, first-served basis. Be sure to register and secure your spot today!
If you have any questions or for more information, pleaase contact Steve Michelotti.
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
8:30am - Welcome and Introduction - Steve Michelotti
9:00am - Microsoft Azure Overview - Zach Kramer
10:00am - Getting Past Lift and Shift - PaaS on Azure Government - Steve Michelotti
11:00am - Cognitive Services on Azure Government - Steve Michelotti
12:00pm - Lunch
1:00pm - Secure IaaS on Azure Government - Pishoy Bous
2:00pm - Data Services on Azure Government - Ken Hausman/Jason Errett
3:00pm - Citizen Services on Azure Government - Dux Raymond Sy
3:30pm - Hands-on: Deploying PaaS and IaaS on Azure Government
4:00pm - Hackathon Begins
7:00pm - You don't have to go home but you can't stay here
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
8:00am - Hackathon
12:00pm - Lunch
12:00pm - Hackathon continues
3:00pm - Hackathon Final Presentations
5:30pm - Hackathon Awards
5:45pm - Hackathon Ends - Happy Hour
Pishoy Bous Microsoft Azure Technology Specialist Zach Kramer Microsoft Azure Government Engineering Lead Steve Michelotti Microsoft Azure Government Chief Evangelist Dux Raymond Sy AvePoint Public Sector CTO
Hurricane Hackathon - National Day of Civic Hacking 2017
23 Sep - 10:00 AM
Washington, United States
NOTE: CHANGE OF LOCATION TO COMBINE FORCESWe have decided to merge this hackathon (sorry it is last minute) to join colleagues from the interagency Open Data community at the Johns Hopkins Sibley Innovation Hub in Washington, D.C. (5255 Loughboro Rd NW, Washington, DC 20016) at this broader DC National Day of Civic Hacking event. We will host a future event at Planet. You can still Register here to stay tuned with more updates.
Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and now Maria resulted in unprecendented impacts on our Nation, but digital volunteers can also be a powerful force in helping with the response efforts!
Come celebrate and participate in the 2017 National Day of Civic Hacking this Saturday, September 23. This national event connects public servants, people with technology skills, graphic designers, journalists, problem solvers, and community organizers to show how government can work in the 21st century when we all build it together. Join this Hack for Change movement to do good during times of crisis.
You don't have to donate money to help save lives. Donate your time and skills to help emergency responders and managers respond to the recent hurricanes. Editing a map, mining social media, and creating data visualizations are also critical resources that can make a difference during disasters.
This is an opportunity to learn about existing crowdsourcing efforts after the recent hurricanes as well as contribute and develop new applications to help with the response efforts. The US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is interested in learning how crowdsourcing can help with their current and future emergency management efforts. This is an opportunity to show them the power of the crowd.
Representatives from FEMA and U.S. Geological Survey will kick-off the event during the talks from 10 - 11 am and highlight the federal resources publicly available as well as some of the current critical needs.
If you are in the Washington, D.C. area, the event has been changed to combine with the other DC National Day of Civic Hacking event located at Johns Hopkins Sibley Innovation Hub (5255 Loughboro Rd NW, Washington, DC 20016).
If you are not in DC or cannot come in person, sign up to volunteer remotely and we will setup a Video Conference and Slack to allow you to participate remotely.
All skill levels and backgrounds are welcome, especially technology developers, government employees, graphic designers, journalists, data scientists, non-profit employees, UX designers, and the general public that want to help in response to these recent 2017 hurricanes.
Just bring a laptop! Lunch and snacks will be provided. Happy Hour will follow nearby.
Please RSVP if you are confident you will attend to receive more details on the new location for the hackathon. If you cannot make it, please unRSVP or register as a Remote Volunteer to stay informed about how to participate remotely.
For more information, email: S O P H I A L I U @ U S G S . G O V
Volunteers can work on the following 3 projects:
(1) FEMA's Damage Assessment Crowdsourcing Applications using Civil Air Patrol & Drone Aerial ImageryRegister to get more information and access to this crowdsourcing application.
(2) Data Visualizations Integrating Open Data StreamsCreate a data visualization that combines open data from HIFLD, social media, remote sensing imagery such as from Planet Labs, and other data streams to address FEMA's top 3 needs to better coordinate resources.
Disasters Open Data: Imagery:
(2) OpenStreetMap (OSM) Projects for Hurricane Harvey, Irma, and MariaVarious Harvey, Irma, & Maria OSM Projects at OSM Tasking Manager:
DC Government Health and Human Services Hackathon
23 Sep - 09:30 AM
Washington, United States
Data enthusiasts in the Washington DC area! You're invited to sign up to participate in the DC Government Health and Human Services Hackathon. You'll be challenged to come up with innovative ways to use data to answer complex questions and design new solutions to pressing Washington DC issues including health, aging, homelessness, and child well-being!
#ETE17: Cybersecurity Festival, Career & College Fair by STEM4US!
20 Sep - 08:00 AM
Washington, United States
Join STEM4US! for #ETE17--- the Energy, Technology & Education Festival, planned for Wednesday, September 20, 2017 at the Washington Convention Center, 801 Mount Vernon Place, NW, Washington, DC 20001.
The theme for ETE17 is Hacking the Nation's Cybersecurity Workforce Shortage in Energy, Finance, Health Sciences & Gaming. Check out our #ETE17 preliminary schedule below and RSVP today!
ETE17 Preliminary Schedule
8:00 AM - 8:15 AM: OPENING SESSION - Come listen to the STEM4US! announcement of a new consortium of energy, technology, and education leaders designed to create a network of cybersecurity incubators at community colleges and Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs). Each incubator would be partnered with local stakeholders including school systems, businesses, and non-profits. The consortium seeks to build a $500 Million funding source for the incubators through federal, state, and private investments. Once established, each incubator should be positioned to operate sustainably and train annually, as many as 100 people for entry into the cybersecurity workforce.
Confirmed Presenter(s): Talib Karim, STEM4US!
8:15 AM - 9:00 AM: CTOS BRAINTRUST ON CYBERSECURITY DEMANDS FOR 2018 AND BEYOND: Join chief technology officers in energy, health, finance, and gaming for an informative conversation about the real-life cybersecurity challenges facing our nation. Hear stories from the front line in confronting the latest cyber threats and get their advice on what skills are needed to help them protect the marketplace.
Confirmed Panelists: Hassan Karim, PNC Bank; Ralph Smith, Global Solutions Consulting; David Sidransky, Chief Information Officer, Department of Health Care Finance
9:15AM - 10:15AM: CEOS SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ROUNDTABLES: Hear CEOs and other senior executives from each festival sector (Energy, Technology, Financial Services, Health, and Gaming) discuss the importance of cybersecurity to their bottom line. Panelists are also expected to highlight their corporate and philanthropic investments to meeting the cybersecurity workforce challenge.
Confirmed Panelists: Judge Arthur Burnett, Executive Director, National African American Drug Policy Coalition; Paula Jackson Glover, President and CEO, American Association of Blacks in Energy
10:15AM - 11:00AM: LEGAL & ENTERTAINMENT FORUM: Come hear lawyers and entertainment industry executives discuss how their work is impacted by cyber threats. Learn about industry and law enforcement efforts to address online theft of personal data, bullying, and exploitation and trafficking of children and women.
Confirmed Panelists: Damani Ingram, TEC Law Firm; Stanley Pierre-Louis, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Entertainment Software Association; Michael Lyles, Executive Director for the Prince George's County Human Relations Commission
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM: ENERGY REGULATORS FORUM: Listen to local, state, and federal energy regulators discuss the importance of cybersecurity in protecting privacy, consumer rights, and competition.
Confirmed Panelists: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Representative and Representative of the DC Office of the People’s Counsel
12:15 PM - 1:00 PM: CONGRESSIONAL LUNCH: Enjoy lunch and a discussion with Members of Congress highlighting the importance of greater cybersecurity workforce investments to protect the energy, health, financial services and gaming sectors.
Confirmed Speakers: Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (TX), Congressman Hank Johnson (GA)
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM: EDUCATORS & BUSINESS LEADERS TOWN HALL ON CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE TRAINING: Join university Presidents, Deans of engineering and science schools and K-12 administrators along with corporate and government leaders for a town hall forum on the curriculum and other changes needed to rapidly boost the nation’s cybersecurity workforce.
Moderator: Mariko Bennett, Education/Public Policy Consultant
Confirmed Panelists: Dr. Alan Anderson, Bowie State University; Elizabeth.Davis, Washington Teachers Union; Ralph Smith, Global Solutions Consulting
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM: SUPPLIER DIVERSITY & VENTURE CAPITAL PANEL: Meet government and corporate contracting officers along with venture capitalists and other stakeholders working to recruit, develop, and increase the diversity of small businesses that are supplying goods and services to the energy, financial services, health, and gaming industries. Come learn about efforts to ensure that the firms employed to help relief and reconstruction efforts in Texas and other places impacted by the recent flooding are diverse.
Moderator: Jameel A-Johnson, NASDAQ
Confirmed Panelists: Edsel Brown, Small Business Administration; Nick Gumer, DC Office of the People’s Counsel; Pepco Representative; and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Representative
3:30 PM - 4:15 PM: INTERNATIONAL FORUM: ATTRACTING INVESTMENT TO SPUR BALANCED DEVELOPMENT IN THE US AND CANADA --- CASE STUDY ON TORONTO CARIBBEAN FESTIVAL: This panel seeks to examine innovative and lucrative development opportunities to advance underserved neighbourhoods in the US and Canada. It will explore the current risk factors in underserved neighbourhoods and the importance to employ solutions that will spur balanced development. With many underserved neighbourhoods on prime real estate, how can venture capital be invested in a manner that also benefits the people indigenous to those communities. The Toronto Caribbean Festival is a case study for how investment can go wrong. Canada’s largest street festival, which began as a tribute to the end of slavery in the Americas, generates $450 million in revenues for the Canadian economy. However, recent private and public investment in this festival have largely displaced the original festival organizers and deprived them of all but minuscule benefits from this lucrative cultural tourism attraction. Meet international and domestic senior executives, developers and policymakers and hear about their efforts to invest in development as well as cybersecurity training to protect the public.
Moderator: Kerry Ann Thomas
Panelists: Dr. Maurice Bygrave, Toronto Caribbean Carnival Co-founder; Sheryl Ponds, Real Estate Broker; Dr. Mirza Baig, Real Estate Investor
4:30 PM - 5:15 PM: HEALTH SECTOR FORUM: PROTECTING & REDUCING COSTS OF LIFE SAVING, OTHER MEDICINES: PHARMACEUTICAL REGULATORY AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CONSIDERATIONS: This discussion will explore recent cyber attacks of pharmaceutical companies and the potential benefit of regulatory action to protect the nation’s supply of medicines and to make these medicines less costly and more accessible to all, including veterans. The pricing of the life saving drug Epipen will be used as a model to discuss the competing issues of incentivizing innovation vs. preventing price gouging. We intend to also analyze proposals to curb pharmaceutical costs by limiting drug advertising and intellectual property protections.
5:30 PM - 6:15 PM: HACK-RACE-A-THON/VENTURE COMPETITION FINAL PRESENTATIONS: The primary aim of most for-profit ventures is to solely to generate a profit. This competition challenges teams to develop mobile phone apps or social media campaigns that are both profitable and end (i.e. hack) racism. The venture competition is inspired by the tragic death of a Bowie State University student who was slain in an apparent hate crime this spring while waiting for an Uber on campus at the University of Maryland. Registration deadline and other details can be found at:
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM: ENERGY, TECH, ED HACKATHON AWARDS RECEPTION HOSTED BY NASDAQ: Come celebrate the conclusion of the #ETE17 festival as we honor winners of our Hackathon along with industry leaders. Participants also have an opportunity to enjoy refreshments and live entertainment. To expand the audience, the event is expected to be live streamed and presented as a Google Hangout, Live Twitter Chat, Instagram Live, and SnapChat.Background on #ETE17 & STEM4US!
So what is ETE17?
ETE17 is a cybersecurity-focused STEM festival. At ETE17, guests can:
Network with representatives from companies, government agencies, universities, schools, and after school/summer programs
Learn about cybersecurity scholarships, jobs, grants and contracts
Listen to cutting edge discussions with leaders in the energy, health, and finance fields
Shop for deals with innovative artists and other entrepreneurs among our exhibitors
Breakfast, lunch, and an evening reception hosted by NASDAQ are included in the registration price. Plus, check out our #Hackathon---a venture competition inspired by the tragic death of one of my Bowie State University students slain in an apparent hate crime this spring while waiting for an Uber.
As an added attraction, for this year's festival we plan to include a Gaming Zone, complete with free computer games. This space seeks to highlight the important role of computer gaming and sci-fi in boosting excitement in cybersecurity.
Like in past years, ETE17 coincides with the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's Annual Legislative Conference (Sept. 20 - 24). This conference attracts over 10,000 of the nation’s top Members of Congress and other policy makers, executives, and academic leaders.
Given the high profile business and tech executives plus venture capital and policy leaders we've invited to participate, tickets are likely to sell out quickly. For video and pics from past years' Festival click:
ETE17 Partners: NASDAQ OMX, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; District of Columbia Office of the People's Counsel; National African American Drug Policy Coalition, American Association of Blacks in Energy; Global Solutions Consulting, BRIC, Inc.; American Association of Blacks in Energy; Multicultural Media and Technology Council; Dinkra and Styles; and Akira's Book Club
ETE17 History: STEM4US! held its first #ETE festival in 2014 at the Pepco Edison Gallery and featured speakers, companies, and institutions including Congressman Bobby Scott (VA) and David Owens, former Executive Vice President with the Edison Electric Institute. Since then, ETE festivals have been held annually at the Washington Convention Center. Speakers have included Members of Congress, executives, and venture capitalists.
About STEM4US!: Launched in 2013, STEM4US! is a non-profit advocacy organization formed to increase funding for colleges, schools and nonprofit organizations to expand the Cybersecurity and other STEM workforce particularly in the energy, finance, and health sciences fields.
Target Audience: 300-500 energy, health, financial services, gaming industry executives along with Members of Congress and other senior federal government officials, venture capitalists, academic leaders, professionals, parents and students.
Summer Hackathon
19 Aug - 08:30 AM
Chevy Chase, United States
Code. Share. Inspire. The Summer Hackathon is a place for high schoolers across the DMV to come together and get excited about computer science. Here, it’s all about collaboration, creativity, and learning from others. Inspire others to code by sharing your awesome code, skills, and Grids. Come and unlock your full potential with the latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence and win prizes!
Women in Tech Demo Day Presented by Capital One®
21 Jul - 09:00 AM
Arlington, United States
Women developers, designers, and entrepreneurs -- and their male allies -- in the Washington DC area! Angelhack, Women Who Code, and Capital One invite you to participate in the Women in Tech Demo Day in Arlington, VA. Come and collaborate in your team of up to 5 members -- build an innovative technical solution -- a mobile app, a web app, or whatever you can conceive. Your project will address one of the following challenges:
» Unconscious Bias
» Powered by Perspective
» Investing in Networks
» Celebrating Role Models
Thursday Network's #UNHackTheVote2017
20 Jul - 06:30 PM
Washington, United States
The Goal
Inspire young professionals to protect the voting rights of racial minorities. This Hackathon will push YPs to learn about redistricting and gerrymandering and propose data and technology-driven solutions that increase public awareness.
The Challenge
Develop an informative way for citizens to learn about redistricting and gerrymandering practices using maps, data, and successful, unsuccessful, and ongoing initiatives. Propose solutions, policies, and movements that will prevent marginalization of our voting rights.
The agenda
Thu, July 20th: 6:30-8:30 pm
July GBM Hackathon Kickoff
Learn all about redistricting, gerrymandering, and policy
Fri, July 21st: 6:30-10 pm
Mix and Mingle Social
Form your team meeting leaders in the community, and pitch your ideas while networking with TN
Sat, July 22nd: 8am-6:30 pm
Hackathon: Un-hack the Vote
Full day to form your groups and start working on ideas, solutions, and proposals to pitch to the judges.
The Background
Redistricting is the process of redrawing district boundaries and generally, occurs when a state has more congressional representatives than districts. State representatives have 2 to 4- year terms, and the number of representatives per state increases with the increase of a state's population. Redistricting, however, only occurs every ten years alongside the national census. The next national census is in 2020.
Historically, the majority political party in the state legislature has used gerrymandering to influence the next ten years of electoral votes. Districts redrawn on the state level then affect which federal party representatives come into power.
Gerrymandering explained
The diagram below illustrates three ways of redistricting to control the outcome.
Why should you care?
Every ten years, following the national census, city council, the state legislature and congressional district boundaries must be redrawn to reflect the nation’s shifting population. The way district boundaries are drawn after the national census affects the composure of the state and federal legislatures for multiple election cycles. It is critically important that districts are drawn to maximize fair community representation.
Do you know who draws the lines of your district and how this will affect your next election, the school system our children will belong to, or the interests of the community you live in? Do you know what options you have under the current rules – and how to change them?
Redistricting mostly takes place behind closed doors. Legislators and political consultants decide which streets or neighborhoods are in or out, specialists make the maps, and the public has little opportunity to weigh in. This opacity allows for districts to be drawn for political gain. We believe that this should change – that this process should be more transparent. We believe that by leveraging technology, citizens can be more involved.
Contact us
For more information or to pre-register for this event, please visit us online:
To find out about sponsoring this event or making a donation, please reach out to Amy Lee Walton, the Personal and Professional Development Chair of Thursday Network and Program Manager of this event at
Attain Hackathon 2017
14 Jul - 06:00 PM
McLean, United States
Attain LLC employees, friends, family, and professional associates! If you're a developer, an engineer, a designer, a technology student, or just crazy about technology and design, then you're invited to participate in the Attain Hackathon 2017. You'll get the chance to get together with like-minded enthusiasts to collaborate, hack, solve problems, and compete for cash prizes!
DC - Jollof Festival
02 Jul - 02:00 PM
Washington, United States
Kick back and experience an amazing Jollof-Fest, with food, drinks, music, and good times in beautiful company. Help us determine the best Jollof nation during a live vote for vendors participating in the Jollof Festival. Your vote will determine the winner of the Jollof Wars!!
There will also be a blind tasting of Jollof prepared by teams of 2-3 people representing their country during the first ever Jollof Hackathon. Everyone is welcome to sign up to participate, represent your country!
Shop, sip, flex your swag and purchase unique culturual wears and designs from a well curated vendor selection of our favorite stylists and vendors carefully picked by our friends at the "Ankara Bazaar."
Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sierra Leone, Liberia and more !
Skip the line
1 hour open bar (African beers and wines from 2-3pm)
Exclusive VIP Chef
Exclusive VIP Hangout area
Jollof Chicken Wings
Jerk Chicken
Chef Renny’s Sweet Potato Curry
Chef Renny’s Plantain-Shrimp Skewers
Mini Meat Pies
Variety of Puff Puff (AKA Bofrot) – Chocolate, Sugar, and Jelly Puffs
5 Samples of Jollof (from different vendors of your choice)
DJ spinning
*VIP tickets grants 1hour early access to the festival Session 1: 2:00 - 3:00 PM (VIP Open Bar) Session 2: 2:00 - 8:00 PM (Food, Festivities)
Detailed schedule:
Interested partners, vendors, and chefs, kindly email
Can I buy tickets at the door?
No, in order to help our vendors prepare to feed everyone adequately, ticket sales will end on the morning of the event. All tickets must be purchased in advance.
Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?
Yes, ID's will be needed for purchasing drinks
What can/can't I bring to the event?
Please don't bring food, drinks, physical objects or pets.
Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Is my registration/ticket transferrable?
Can I update my registration information?
Not likely
Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?
It will be helpful if you did but we don't mind helping you check in with your ID so we can save some trees.
What is the refund policy?
Tickets purchased are final. Unless the event is canceled, or postponed, tickets will not be reimbursed or refunded.
* Schedule and activities subject to change