Showing results 41 to 47 out of 47
Hacking Gender and Inclusion in Leadership
03 Mar - 06:00 PM
Washington, United States
Professionals and leaders from all industries! Are you interested in innovating in the field of gender and inclusion? Liberty and Access For All invites you to sign up to participate in the upcoming event: Hacking Gender and Inclusion in Leadership. You do not need technology skills to take part in this event! You'll collaborate with like minded individuals to engage in problem solving and in developing implementable program ideas.
School Ideas Drive: Donate Your Brain!
11 Feb - 08:00 AM
Arlington, United States
Come lend your "grey matter" to the School Ideas Drive! Collaborate with educators from Title I schools to design solutions they actually need! Five Title I schools will begin the event detailing a challenge that is preventing them from moving forward. Individuals will pick one of the five challenges presented and teams will work together throughout the day to develop an apt solution that the school will be able to implement.
French Embassy Hackathon: Mobility
05 Feb - 09:30 AM
Washington, United States
Data scientists and developers of all levels and backgrounds in and around Washington DC! You're invited to participate in the French Embassy Hackathon: Mobility. You'll be challenged to take a single day data dive on Franco-US student mobility and to create data vizualizations to help the French Embassy decide where and how to encourage students to study abroad. Following the hackathon, participants will present their projects to Embassy Staff at a reception.
Association Strategy Hackathon
02 Feb - 09:00 AM
Arlington, United States
Mark your calendar: Association Strategy Hackathon
Thursday, February 2, 2017, 9:00am – 3:00pm
Start the year out right, get the innovation juices flowing! Bring your team. Bring your association challenge and let’s hack it up!
The purpose of this event is to start the new year with an enthused and motivated leadership team. Come and learn, create and innovate!
You will be inspired by thought-provoking, presentations and work side-by-side with peers to develop visionary strategies of your own for your association.
We will focus on four topics:
(1) Associations without Members
(2) Moving at the Speed of Light: Associations in the Cloud
(3) Old Power, New Power: the Hybrid Model
(4) Branding Associations in the 21st Century
You will learn and get creative together, coming up with new ideas and strategies for your organization.
Register now! $175 per person, $150 each for 2 attendees, $125 each for 3 or more attendees. Lunch will be provided.
Sponsored by Online Lenders Alliance
Hacking The Home
30 Jan - 10:00 AM
Fulton, United States
Interested in applying the IoT to the home? DataTribe invites you to sign up to participate in the Hacking the Home contest. You'll compete with other IoT enthusiasts tp design and build innovative new solutions for home automation. You can use any combo of device and software for your solution. Raspberry Pi, Google Home, Amazon Echo®, Apache Spark, or other product — it's your choice!
DISTRICT II Wymer's (Downtown) DC Hackathon
18 Jan - 12:00 PM
Washington, United States
Coders, designers, hackers in the Washington DC area! Are you passionate about your city and its history? The Historical Society of Washington, D.C. invites you to participate in the DISTRICT II Wymer's (Downtown) DC Hackathon. You'll be challenged to help update the interactive website, which displays the iconic photographs taken by hobbyist photographer John P. Wymer and donated to the Historical Society in 1977. This website is a valuable resource for tourists, citizens, and historians of the district.
Canadian Hackathon in DC Eh?
12 Jan - 05:00 PM
Washington, United States
Web developers and user experience designers! Are you interested in public policy development and innovation? Do you have experience in civic technology and public policy? Want to help Natural Resources Canada's ADAPT policy innovation team? Come and sign up to participate in a hackathon that will focus on creating prototypes for the next iteration of Canada's Policy Innovation Portal — a web support tool for open policy making. You'll be given access to the current portal and design objectives for the new site. You'll then have a matter of hours to conceive a design for the new portal and build a convincing early prototype for presentation.