Sowing results 3 out of 3
  06 Nov - 07:00 PM
  Lakewood, United States
 ROCKY MOUNTAIN Hackathon CREATE TECHNOLOGIES THAT MATTER!!!   New! Meals, gifts, and prizes covered by our generous sponsors. $2000 in cash awards  SEE ALL EVENT DETAILS AND SCHEDULES ON CODEFORTHEKINGDOM.COM   Are you an entrepreneur, technologist or innovator?  Have you ever wanted to solve problems that you see in your own city or community, or around the world? If so, join us November 6-8, 2015 for Code for the Kingdom’s first hackathon in Colorado. Come hack and... Create technologies to disrupt sex trafficking in our communities. Improve the quality of life for Africa’s rural poor by expanding on the foundation of a simple Rent-to-Own solar power system. Use technology to bring hope and understanding to billions of people and much more... Be the change!!! Code for the Kingdom is a weekend Hackathon series and ongoing ecosystem where the challenges confronting our communities, society, families, and spiritual lives are tackled from a Christian perspective.    Code for the Kingdom’s previous regional and global hackathons have already gathered over 2000 technologists to design and create over 250 new technologies to tackle real world problems.    And now is your chance to join the movement. Together, let’s use our skills to to affect our communities and global culture and create technology to address significant issues confronting society, families, and spiritual life.   Join some of the most talented developers, designers, entrepreneurs, and creative people in the country as they collaborate with each other to create innovative technology. Work with likeminded individuals to come up with ideas and projects to help release the oppressed, teach God’s word, heal the sick, feed the hungry, and clothe the naked.         ORGANIZERS
    Hack the Dot Denver #2
      13 Oct - 07:00 PM
      Denver, United States
    Hack the Dot Denver #2 The abusrdly awesome domain-driven hackathon @ Galvanize Denver - Platte. All the teams are told a single premium domain name at the beginning of the event to build something for. They then have two hours to come up with a functioning site inspired by that domain. Which ever team builds the most creative and funny idea for the domain wins. Participants will be judged on functionality, design, humor, and creative domain name interpretation. Learn more here: What you get at the event: FOOD!!!! BEER AND WINE!!!! Swag from the awesome sponsors! How much does it cost? It's free! And we're providing you with free food, wine, and beer! Amazinnnnng!   Sponsors & Supporters: - domain names Galvanize - venue Hired - job finding service (they'll be ordering us food from Denver Pizza Company!) - internet magic (they've made us an awesome new Hack the Dot website!) You? Click here for info.   Questions? Send them at Alex Kehr on Twitter or LinkedIn.
      HackCU Local Hack Day
        10 Oct - 09:00 AM
        Boulder, United States
      Gotchas: 12 hours of hacking Tons of free food  Tons of free swaggg No judging No need to start something new Ages 18+ and must be in school    Local Hack Day is a 12 hour mini-hackathon at the Idea Forge that brings together the local hacker community to celebrate building awesome technology. Simultaneously other students around the world will be hosting their own Local Hack Days, resulting in the largest single day of student hacking ever.   Throughout the day there will be awesome livestreams, chatrooms, and fun activities that you can use to meet students in your local community and across the globe. Whether you're a seasoned hackathon veteran or have never been to a hackathon before, Local Hack Day is the best way to kick off the Fall 2015 MLH Hackathon Season.   By purchasing a ticket, you agree to the MLH code of conduct. We retain the right to use your submitted data to further HackCU's sponsorship funds. We will only use your submitted information to raise funds to provide a more quality hackathon for HackCU's events.     Read more at