Sowing results 9 out of 9
#HackYourCourage Hackathon
22 Nov - 06:00 PM
Boulder, United States
A three-day hackathon connecting young social entrepreneurs from 6 different continents with the buzzing Colorado tech community
Halloween Hackathon at Galvanize Platte
29 Oct - 06:00 PM
Denver, United States
Randomly assigned teams have just two hours to come up with a project inspired by a single domain name. It's amazing.What do you get at the event?FOOD!
Hack the Dot is a two-hour hackathon where coding school students, junior developers, experienced developers, non developers, marketers, designers, and those with little or no computer programming skill come together to build ideas around a single domain name.
Our events are meant to be a quick and fun way to build a humorous (and functional) product quickly while meeting people in your tech/startup community.
Questions? Send them to HacktheDot at
Code and Care - A Charity Hackathon
31 May - 06:00 PM
Greenwood Village, United States
Competition designed to develop a nonprofit fundraising web application and benefits VR/AR programs at Children's Hospital Colorado
DENVER HACKATHON w/ Bitly & Thinkful | Spring 2019
30 Mar - 09:00 AM
Denver, United States
Bootcampers Collective is proud to announce our first official Web Development Hackathon of 2019! We would like to invite members of the Colorado coding community to join us in this endeavor.***Under Construction: STAY TUNED FOR MORE***Topic: TBASponsors: Bitly, ThinkfulAddress: 2401 Welton St, Denver, CO 80205Timing: 9:00am to 4:15pmFormat: Pair programming in front- and back-end teams. Orientation and team breakouts starts at 9:30am.Fee: $5.00/individualFood & beverages will be provided.Hackathons are a great opportunity for our members to gain resume-worthy experience working on open-source code for the community. Minimal experience required. ALL ARE WELCOME.The Pre-Hack Orientation on Friday 3/29/19 @ 7PM is not required to attend this Hackathon, but it is STRONGLY recommended for new and old members. It will take place in the #hackathon channel on Bootcampers Collective Slack (link below).About us:Bootcampers Collective is dedicated to providing web developers with experiential learning opportunities to produce code that helps small businesses around Colorado. Join us regardless of your experience level and have fun along the way.Join us on social media:
Meetup ( ( ( ( (
hrQ's HR Hackathon with Ardent Mills
18 Mar - 02:00 PM
Denver, United States
Does your organization face these types of challenges?
widely distributed workforce in multiple locations, time zones, global, etc.
hourly employees who are active on the job and not sitting in front of technology like smart phones or computers, such as in manufacturing, healthcare, retail, etc.
wide range of demographics with varied experiences and acceptance of technology for communicating
Please join us for our first ever HR Hackathon to help Ardent Mills "hack" one of their central business challenges: How do we create a dialogue with a dispersed and varied audience in a way that inspires and engages? Together as HR practitioners, we'll uncover some new and interesting approaches for addressing this business challenge.
Jay Cone, a senior consultant at Interaction Associates and the founder of Unstuck Minds, will guide us through an interactive experience of the Unstuck Minds Method to "hack" this business challenge. This method combines systems thinking and design thinking to produce insights and options when facing a daunting challenge. In addition to the new ideas this approach will generate, you will walk away with a toolkit for helping leaders get unstuck by asking better questions and avoiding thinking traps, especially when making decisions under conditions of uncertainty and volatility.
Prior to the session, you will be asked to answer a question about your relationship to this business challenge and complete the Unstuck Minds Profile, an online assessment that will take 15 minutes to complete. We will review the assessment and help you interpret your results in the session.
Jay Cone has a Ph.D in Organizational Systems, an MBA in Strategy and Organizational Development, and has spent the past 30 years supporting leadership development and organizational change with a focus on strategic agility and innovation.
This session is designed for internal HR leaders. Enrollment is limited.
Denver Decentralised - The non-official non-hackathon prior to ETHDenver
14 Feb - 07:00 PM
Denver, United States
We love Denver. We crave for decentralisation.
During this week Denver and Boulder will be home for dozens of great projects that are actively building a world free from decentralised tech giants.
Hundreds of hackers, engineers and developers will help them out during Colorado Blockchain Week and the great ETHDenver hackathon.
Denver Decentralised gathers several exciting projects for a night of lightning talks, drinks, codeshows, Q&A's and plain ol' fun.
So if you want to get some exciting technical content in an effective way, or you're undecided which project to hack, don't have a team or don't have inspiration for a cool Valentine's Day evening, then feel free to join.
The attending projects will be announced in the week of Jan 14-18
1800-1900 Walk in, speeddates
1900 Opening
1900-2000 Four talks/demo's
2000-2030 Q&A
2030-2130 Fun
See ya!
Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Tech Startup Business Today! Denver - AI - Entrepreneur - Workshop - Hackathon - Bootcamp - Virtual Class - Seminar - Training - Lecture - Webinar - Conference - Course
10 Jan - 01:00 PM
Denver, United States
Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Tech Startup Business Today!
Always wanted to start an AI Tech Startup? Now we have a complete blueprint for you start your own AI Tech Startup. During our tech startup program you will learn and navigate through tools, software, hardware, platforms, resources, projects, processes, methods and strategies to penetrate your own AI Tech Startup into the market.
Accomplish 10X Performance Results compared to other Startups
Receive 10X Return Of Investment (ROI) than a college education
Our Tech Startup Program contains jam-packed with practical market & industry insights
Our team has done the market/industry research so you won't need to,
Save 10X of Your Time
Learn to Develop a Six-Figure Tech Startup from Scratch
Discover the Potential with Emerging Technologies
Get a foot into a Billion Dollar Industry
Full Tech Startup Mentorship
Tech Entrepreneurship Certification/Diploma
Go From Beginner To Advanced Entrepreneur in No Time
Step by Step Instructions
Complete Tech Startup Business Setup: From Zero To Hero In No Time
No Previous programming or tech background needed except an open mindset
Generate sales in a B2B environment
Get a holistic overview of different tech startup processes
Discover new strategies and perspectives on developing your startup
Increase Your Creativity & Innovation IQ
During This AI Tech Startup Workshop We Will Cover:
Session 1: AI Basics
During this session we will explore the very foundation and the basic systems and platforms for you to integrate into your own tech startup process.
AI Hardware
AI Software
AI Platforms
AI Projects
AI Systems
AI Blueprint
AI Tools
AI Resources
Session 2: Tech Startup IdeasDuring this session we will explore tech startup ideas for you to implement and integrate into your own tech startup or use them as an inspirational source for developing your own products, projects, prototypes or services in your tech startup
Agricultural AI
Retail Analytics
AI Sensors
Recognition Systems
Management Automation
Home AI
Industrial AI
Speech Recognition
AI Assistance
AI Ads
Tourism AI
Health Diagnosis
and much more
Session 3: R&DDuring this session we will explore the research process, how you can research a specific niche industry, the market and tech trends.
R&D Tools
Startup Tools
Market Research
Consumer Analytics
Market Analytics
Industry Analytics
Trends Researching
Session 4: Creativity
During this session we will explore the creativity process, how to increase your own creativity intelligence and implement quality tech ideas into your own tech startup process.
Creativity Tools
Creativity Techniques
Creativity Strategy
Mind mapping
Idea Exploring
Idea Blender
Key-Point System
Problem Solving Strategy
Creative intelligence
Outside the Box Thinking
Lateral Thinking
Productivity Tools
Mind Relaxation
Higher Consciousnesses
Inspiration Tools
Idea Storage
Session 5: Capital/FundingDuring this session we will explore the capital and funding process of your tech startup. How to raise capital and make systematic attempts to penetrate into the market.
Capital/Funding Tools
Capital/Funding Strategy
Venture Capitalists
Angel Investors
Seed Funding
Accelerator Programs
Capitalization Table
Business Trade Fairs
Session 6: Clients/CustomersDuring this session we will explore the client acquisition process. Find your first clients and customers for your tech startup and implement the right tools, methods and strategies for creating an successful sale system for your specific niche industry/technology.
Client Acquisition Strategy
Client Acquisition Process
PR Strategies
Social Media Marketing
Competitive Analysis
E-Mail Marketing
Digital Marketing
Ad Systems
Competitor Research
Sale System
Sale Strategy
Growth Hacking
Sales Funnel
Email Hunting
Session 7: Business PlatformDuring this session we will explore the business organizing process. How to implement an organized and professional platform for your tech startup for creating efficient workflow.
Business Automation
Business Process
Business Strategy
Business Model
Business Management
Human Resources (HR)
Project Management
Document Management
Customer Support
Business Automation Tools
Session 8: Business FormationDuring this session we will explore the business formation process. Which platforms, models and tools to integrate into your tech startup formation for creating an successful launch process.Business Formation
Business Model
Corporate Structure
Payment Platforms
Payment Gateway
Invoicing System
Credit Cards/Payments
Pricing Strategies
Office Space
Virtual Address
Virtual Phone
Virtual Office
Remote Office
Virtual Assistant
Virtual Receptionist
Virtual Support
Product Demo
Product Launch
Session 9: Startup CodingDuring this session we will explore the coding process of your tech startup.Coding/Programming
Code Analysis
Data Visualization
Programming Platforms
Programming Tools
Agile Development
Software Code Management
Session 10: Startup Hardware/PrototypingDuring this session we will explore the hardware and prototyping process of your tech startup. Using different tools and platform to innovate and integrate your own tech startup projects.
Raspberry Pi
Hardware Boards
Hardware Tools
Hardware Platform
3D Design
3D Models
3D Printing
DIY Tech
Tech Lab
Embedded Systems
Session 11 : Startup IT OperationsDuring this session we will explore the IT infrastructure process of your tech startup. Which platforms to use for setup an organized database system, cloud system and other technical solutions for your tech startup to work efficiently
IT Infrastructure
Remote Access
Technical Documentation
Data Recovery
Log Management
Session 12 : Startup ConsultingDuring this session we will explore the consulting process for your tech startup. An strategic approach, where you can receive more experience before you launch your own specific products/projects.
Tech Startup Consulting
Tech Consulting Services
Tech Consulting Structure
Tech Consulting Approach
Tech Consulting Strategy
Tech Consulting Contracts
Tech Consulting Referrals
Tech Consulting Portfolio
Tech Consulting ISO
Tech Consulting Integration
Tech Consulting Projects
Session 13 : Startup ManagementDuring this session we will explore management process of your tech startup. How to manage your internal and external environments for increasing the probability of your tech startup to succeed.
Tech Startup Management
Motivational Skills
Time Management
Team Management
Leadership Skills
Learning Skills
Goal Setting Skills
Decision Making Skills
Stress Management
Communication Skills
Procrastination Hacks
Productivity Hacks
Confidence Hacks
Growth Mindset Skills
Problem Solving Skills
Analytical Skills
Strategic Thinking Skills
Learning Management
Session 14: Tech WorkshopsDuring this session we will explore tech trends, emerging markets and disruptive technologies and future workshops
Future Workshops
Disruptive Technologies
Emerging Markets
Emerging Industries
Tech Trends
For more detailed information go to our website
[This is an Online Web Workshop]
Workshop Curriculum
Basic Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation. Session 1-5.4 Hour Tech Startup Workshop
Business Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT OperationsSession 1-12.12+ Hours of Tech Startup Workshops,On-Demand 30 Days Streaming Access
Premium Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Coding/Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT Operations, Startup Management, Startup Consulting, Startup Workshops.Session 1-14. ALL Sessions.16+ Hours of Tech Startup Workshops,On-Demand 6 Months Streaming Access24/7 VIP SupportCertification/DiplomaTech Entrepreneurship Bonus Material
Gold Edition: Everything included in the Premium Edition + Entrepreneur Starter Kit (1000+ PR Contact List PDF, 1000+ Journalists/Tech Blogs Contact List PDF, 1000+ Tech/Startup Slack Communities List PDF, 2500+ Potential Customers/Clients Contact List PDF, 2000+ Venture Capital/Startup Funding List PDF, 1700+ Startup Accelerators List PDF)
"Atechup Startup Workshops is the most valuable business workshop we have EVER purchased." - Johnny M.
"Not able to tell you how HAPPY I am with Atechup Startup Workshops." - Elisabeth F. T.
"Atechup Startup Workshops, is a visionary product, shaping FUTURE tomorrow" - Cohen. A
"I am completely blown away by the QUALITY and generous material. Thank you very much" - Steven D.
"Your company is TRULY upstanding and UNIQUE. I have gotten at least 50 times the VALUE from your Workshops." - Xinye T.
"I have FUNDED my Startup with Series A for the first time and its all THANKS to Atechup workshops" - F. Martinez
For more detailed information go to our website
[This is an Online Web Workshop]
Develop a Successful Healthcare Tech Startup Entrepreneur Business Today! Denver - Medtech - Entrepreneur - Workshop - Hackathon - Bootcamp - Virtual Class - Seminar - Training - Lecture - Webinar - Conference - Course
09 Jan - 01:00 PM
Denver, United States
Develop a Successful Healthcare Tech Startup Business Today!
Always wanted to start an Healthcare Tech Startup? Now we have a complete blueprint for you start your own Medtech Startup. During our tech startup program you will learn and navigate through tools, software, hardware, platforms, resources, projects, processes, methods and strategies to penetrate your own Medtech Startup into the market.
Accomplish 10X Performance Results compared to other Startups
Receive 10X Return Of Investment (ROI) than a college education
Our Tech Startup Program contains jam-packed with practical market & industry insights
Our team has done the market/industry research so you won't need to,
Save 10X of Your Time
Learn to Develop a Six-Figure Tech Startup from Scratch
Discover the Potential with Emerging Technologies
Get a foot into a Billion Dollar Industry
Full Tech Startup Mentorship
Tech Entrepreneurship Certification/Diploma
Go From Beginner To Advanced Entrepreneur in No Time
Step by Step Instructions
Complete Tech Startup Business Setup: From Zero To Hero In No Time
No Previous programming or tech background needed except an open mindset
Generate sales in a B2B environment
Get a holistic overview of different tech startup processes
Discover new strategies and perspectives on developing your startup
Increase Your Creativity & Innovation IQ
During This Healthcare Tech Startup Workshop We Will Cover:
Session 1: Medtech Basics
During this session we will explore the very foundation and the basic systems and platforms for you to integrate into your own tech startup process.
Medtech Hardware
Medtech Software
Medtech Platforms
Medtech Projects
Medtech Systems
Medtech Blueprint
Medtech Tools
Medtech Resources
Session 2: Tech Startup IdeasDuring this session we will explore tech startup ideas for you to implement and integrate into your own tech startup or use them as an inspirational source for developing your own products, projects, prototypes or services in your tech startup
AI Bio Profiles
Bio Profiles Big Data
Behaviour Analytics
Niche Disease Wearable
Disease BioLocking
Herb Biolocation Platform
Biodesign Bioapp Marketplace
Heart BioMonitoring
AI Patient Care
Genome BioAnalytics
BioEnergey App
AI Treatment Adviser
Brain Performance BioMonitoring
Biohancement Platform
BioCloud Platform
BioVR Sleep Lab
Sleep Lab Analytics
Biosleep Sensors
Microscopic CV AI
Microscopic BD IP
pH BioMonitor MedDevice App
Biomimicry Simulation VR/AR Lab
Biorobotic AR Surgery
BioCycle Feedback System
Bioalgoritm Data Warehouse
Healthcare Enterprise Intelligence
BioSound Therapy
NeuroControlled VR
AI BioSurgery
Medical AI Assistant
Healthcare Emergency System
Healthcare Notifications/Alerts
VR Healthcare Lab
and much more
Session 3: R&DDuring this session we will explore the research process, how you can research a specific niche industry, the market and tech trends.
R&D Tools
Startup Tools
Market Research
Consumer Analytics
Market Analytics
Industry Analytics
Trends Researching
Session 4: Creativity
During this session we will explore the creativity process, how to increase your own creativity intelligence and implement quality tech ideas into your own tech startup process.
Creativity Tools
Creativity Techniques
Creativity Strategy
Mind mapping
Idea Exploring
Idea Blender
Key-Point System
Problem Solving Strategy
Creative intelligence
Outside the Box Thinking
Lateral Thinking
Productivity Tools
Mind Relaxation
Higher Consciousnesses
Inspiration Tools
Idea Storage
Session 5: Capital/FundingDuring this session we will explore the capital and funding process of your tech startup. How to raise capital and make systematic attempts to penetrate into the market.
Capital/Funding Tools
Capital/Funding Strategy
Venture Capitalists
Angel Investors
Seed Funding
Accelerator Programs
Capitalization Table
Business Trade Fairs
Session 6: Clients/CustomersDuring this session we will explore the client acquisition process. Find your first clients and customers for your tech startup and implement the right tools, methods and strategies for creating an successful sale system for your specific niche industry/technology.
Client Acquisition Strategy
Client Acquisition Process
PR Strategies
Social Media Marketing
Competitive Analysis
E-Mail Marketing
Digital Marketing
Ad Systems
Competitor Research
Sale System
Sale Strategy
Growth Hacking
Sales Funnel
Email Hunting
Session 7: Business PlatformDuring this session we will explore the business organizing process. How to implement an organized and professional platform for your tech startup for creating efficient workflow.
Business Automation
Business Process
Business Strategy
Business Model
Business Management
Human Resources (HR)
Project Management
Document Management
Customer Support
Business Automation Tools
Session 8: Business FormationDuring this session we will explore the business formation process. Which platforms, models and tools to integrate into your tech startup formation for creating an successful launch process.Business Formation
Business Model
Corporate Structure
Payment Platforms
Payment Gateway
Invoicing System
Credit Cards/Payments
Pricing Strategies
Office Space
Virtual Address
Virtual Phone
Virtual Office
Remote Office
Virtual Assistant
Virtual Receptionist
Virtual Support
Product Demo
Product Launch
Session 9: Startup CodingDuring this session we will explore the coding process of your tech startup.Coding/Programming
Code Analysis
Data Visualization
Programming Platforms
Programming Tools
Agile Development
Software Code Management
Session 10: Startup Hardware/PrototypingDuring this session we will explore the hardware and prototyping process of your tech startup. Using different tools and platform to innovate and integrate your own tech startup projects.
Raspberry Pi
Hardware Boards
Hardware Tools
Hardware Platform
3D Design
3D Models
3D Printing
DIY Tech
Tech Lab
Embedded Systems
Session 11 : Startup IT OperationsDuring this session we will explore the IT infrastructure process of your tech startup. Which platforms to use for setup an organized database system, cloud system and other technical solutions for your tech startup to work efficiently
IT Infrastructure
Remote Access
Technical Documentation
Data Recovery
Log Management
Session 12 : Startup ConsultingDuring this session we will explore the consulting process for your tech startup. An strategic approach, where you can receive more experience before you launch your own specific products/projects.
Tech Startup Consulting
Tech Consulting Services
Tech Consulting Structure
Tech Consulting Approach
Tech Consulting Strategy
Tech Consulting Contracts
Tech Consulting Referrals
Tech Consulting Portfolio
Tech Consulting ISO
Tech Consulting Integration
Tech Consulting Projects
Session 13 : Startup ManagementDuring this session we will explore management process of your tech startup. How to manage your internal and external environments for increasing the probability of your tech startup to succeed.
Tech Startup Management
Motivational Skills
Time Management
Team Management
Leadership Skills
Learning Skills
Goal Setting Skills
Decision Making Skills
Stress Management
Communication Skills
Procrastination Hacks
Productivity Hacks
Confidence Hacks
Growth Mindset Skills
Problem Solving Skills
Analytical Skills
Strategic Thinking Skills
Learning Management
Session 14: Tech WorkshopsDuring this session we will explore tech trends, emerging markets and disruptive technologies and future workshops
Future Workshops
Disruptive Technologies
Emerging Markets
Emerging Industries
Tech Trends
For more detailed information go to our website
[This is an Online Web Workshop]
Workshop Curriculum
Basic Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation. Session 1-5.4 Hour Tech Startup Workshop
Business Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT OperationsSession 1-12.12+ Hours of Tech Startup Workshops,On-Demand 30 Days Streaming Access
Premium Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Coding/Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT Operations, Startup Management, Startup Consulting, Startup Workshops.Session 1-14. ALL Sessions.16+ Hours of Tech Startup Workshops,On-Demand 6 Months Streaming Access24/7 VIP SupportCertification/DiplomaTech Entrepreneurship Bonus Material
Gold Edition: Everything included in the Premium Edition + Entrepreneur Starter Kit (1000+ PR Contact List PDF, 1000+ Journalists/Tech Blogs Contact List PDF, 1000+ Tech/Startup Slack Communities List PDF, 2500+ Potential Customers/Clients Contact List PDF, 2000+ Venture Capital/Startup Funding List PDF, 1700+ Startup Accelerators List PDF)
"Atechup Startup Workshops is the most valuable business workshop we have EVER purchased." - Johnny M.
"Not able to tell you how HAPPY I am with Atechup Startup Workshops." - Elisabeth F. T.
"Atechup Startup Workshops, is a visionary product, shaping FUTURE tomorrow" - Cohen. A
"I am completely blown away by the QUALITY and generous material. Thank you very much" - Steven D.
"Your company is TRULY upstanding and UNIQUE. I have gotten at least 50 times the VALUE from your Workshops." - Xinye T.
"I have FUNDED my Startup with Series A for the first time and its all THANKS to Atechup workshops" - F. Martinez
For more detailed information go to our website
[This is an Online Web Workshop]
Develop a Successful FinTech Startup Business Today! Denver - Finance - Entrepreneur - Workshop - Hackathon - Bootcamp - Virtual Class - Seminar - Training - Lecture - Webinar - Conference - Course
08 Jan - 01:00 PM
Denver, United States
Learn to Develop a Successful FinTech Startup Business Today!
Always wanted to start an Tech Startup? Now we have a complete blueprint for you start your own FinTech Startup. During our tech startup program you will learn and navigate through tools, software, hardware, platforms, resources, projects, processes, methods and strategies to penetrate your own FinTech Startup into the market.
Accomplish 10X Performance Results compared to other Startups
Receive 10X Return Of Investment (ROI) than a college education
Our Tech Startup Program contains jam-packed with practical market & industry insights
Our team has done the market/industry research so you won't need to,
Save 10X of Your Time
Learn to Develop a Six-Figure Tech Startup from Scratch
Discover the Potential with Emerging Technologies
Get a foot into a Billion Dollar Industry
Full Tech Startup Mentorship
Tech Entrepreneurship Certification/Diploma
Go From Beginner To Advanced Entrepreneur in No Time
Step by Step Instructions
Complete Tech Startup Business Setup: From Zero To Hero In No Time
No Previous programming or tech background needed except an open mindset
Generate sales in a B2B environment
Get a holistic overview of different tech startup processes
Discover new strategies and perspectives on developing your startup
Increase Your Creativity & Innovation IQ
During this Fintech Startup Workshop we will cover:
Session 1: Fintech BasicsDuring this session we will explore the very foundation and the basic systems and platforms for you to integrate into your own tech startup process.
Fintech Hardware
Fintech Software
Fintech Platforms
Fintech Projects
Fintech Systems
Fintech Blueprint
Fintech Tools
Fintech Resources
Session 2: FinTech Startup IdeasDuring this session we will explore tech startup ideas for you to implement and integrate into your own tech startup or use them as an inspirational source for developing your own products, projects, prototypes or services in your tech startupTech Ideas:
Fintech System
FinTech Chatbot
FinTech Automated AI
FinTech VR/AR Platform
Blockchain Virtual FinCard
Cryptocurrency Crowdfunding Platform
Fintech Portfolio App
Fintech Niche Wearable
Cryptocurrency Stock Market
Fintech On Demand
Accounting App Platform
Tax Calc App
Telepresence Fintech Consulting
Invoicing & Payments Management
Banking AI Platform
Cryptocurrency Big Data
Business Based Currency
Traffic CV AI Fintech
Cryptocurrency Classifieds
Cryptocurrency E-Commerce
Cryptocurrency AI
Cryptocurrency Telematics
Advertising Platform
Cryptocurrency ATM
Software Cryptocurrency Retail
Cryptocurrency Ad Networks
Cryptocurrency IoT
Financial Smart Contracts
Fintech Cybersecurity
Fintech Metrics Platform
Fintech IT Infrastructure
and much more
Session 3: R&DDuring this session we will explore the research process, how you can research a specific niche industry, the market and tech trends.
R&D Tools
Startup Tools
Market Research
Consumer Analytics
Market Analytics
Industry Analytics
Trends Researching
Session 4: Creativity
During this session we will explore the creativity process, how to increase your own creativity intelligence and implement quality tech ideas into your own tech startup process.
Creativity Tools
Creativity Techniques
Creativity Strategy
Mind mapping
Idea Exploring
Idea Blender
Key-Point System
Problem Solving Strategy
Creative intelligence
Outside the Box Thinking
Lateral Thinking
Productivity Tools
Mind Relaxation
Higher Consciousnesses
Inspiration Tools
Idea Storage
Session 5: Capital/FundingDuring this session we will explore the capital and funding process of your tech startup. How to raise capital and make systematic attempts to penetrate into the market.
Capital/Funding Tools
Capital/Funding Strategy
Venture Capitalists
Angel Investors
Seed Funding
Accelerator Programs
Capitalization Table
Business Trade Fairs
Session 6: Clients/CustomersDuring this session we will explore the client acquisition process. Find your first clients and customers for your tech startup and implement the right tools, methods and strategies for creating an successful sale system for your specific niche industry/technology.
Client Acquisition Strategy
Client Acquisition Process
PR Strategies
Social Media Marketing
Competitive Analysis
E-Mail Marketing
Digital Marketing
Ad Systems
Competitor Research
Sale System
Sale Strategy
Growth Hacking
Sales Funnel
Email Hunting
Session 7: Business PlatformDuring this session we will explore the business organizing process. How to implement an organized and professional platform for your tech startup for creating efficient workflow.
Business Automation
Business Process
Business Strategy
Business Model
Business Management
Human Resources (HR)
Project Management
Document Management
Customer Support
Business Automation Tools
Session 8: Business FormationDuring this session we will explore the business formation process. Which platforms, models and tools to integrate into your tech startup formation for creating an successful launch process.Business Formation
Business Model
Corporate Structure
Payment Platforms
Payment Gateway
Invoicing System
Credit Cards/Payments
Pricing Strategies
Office Space
Virtual Address
Virtual Phone
Virtual Office
Remote Office
Virtual Assistant
Virtual Receptionist
Virtual Support
Product Demo
Product Launch
Session 9: Startup CodingDuring this session we will explore the coding process of your tech startup.Coding/Programming
Code Analysis
Data Visualization
Programming Platforms
Programming Tools
Agile Development
Software Code Management
Session 10: Startup Hardware/PrototypingDuring this session we will explore the hardware and prototyping process of your tech startup. Using different tools and platform to innovate and integrate your own tech startup projects.
Raspberry Pi
Hardware Boards
Hardware Tools
Hardware Platform
3D Design
3D Models
3D Printing
DIY Tech
Tech Lab
Embedded Systems
Session 11 : Startup IT OperationsDuring this session we will explore the IT infrastructure process of your tech startup. Which platforms to use for setup an organized database system, cloud system and other technical solutions for your tech startup to work efficiently
IT Infrastructure
Remote Access
Technical Documentation
Data Recovery
Log Management
Session 12 : Startup ConsultingDuring this session we will explore the consulting process for your tech startup. An strategic approach, where you can receive more experience before you launch your own specific products/projects.
Tech Startup Consulting
Tech Consulting Services
Tech Consulting Structure
Tech Consulting Approach
Tech Consulting Strategy
Tech Consulting Contracts
Tech Consulting Referrals
Tech Consulting Portfolio
Tech Consulting ISO
Tech Consulting Integration
Tech Consulting Projects
Session 13 : Startup ManagementDuring this session we will explore management process of your tech startup. How to manage your internal and external environments for increasing the probability of your tech startup to succeed.
Tech Startup Management
Motivational Skills
Time Management
Team Management
Leadership Skills
Learning Skills
Goal Setting Skills
Decision Making Skills
Stress Management
Communication Skills
Procrastination Hacks
Productivity Hacks
Confidence Hacks
Growth Mindset Skills
Problem Solving Skills
Analytical Skills
Strategic Thinking Skills
Learning Management
Session 14: Tech WorkshopsDuring this session we will explore tech trends, emerging markets and disruptive technologies and future workshops
Future Workshops
Disruptive Technologies
Emerging Markets
Emerging Industries
Tech Trends
For more detailed information go to our website
[This is an Online Web Workshop]
Workshop Curriculum
Basic Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation. Session 1-5.4 Hour Tech Startup Workshop
Business Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT OperationsSession 1-12.12+ Hours of Tech Startup Workshops,On-Demand 30 Days Streaming Access
Premium Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Coding/Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT Operations, Startup Management, Startup Consulting, Startup Workshops.Session 1-14. ALL Sessions.16+ Hours of Tech Startup Workshops,On-Demand 6 Months Streaming Access24/7 VIP SupportCertification/DiplomaTech Entrepreneurship Bonus Material
Gold Edition: Everything included in the Premium Edition + Entrepreneur Starter Kit (1000+ PR Contact List PDF, 1000+ Journalists/Tech Blogs Contact List PDF, 1000+ Tech/Startup Slack Communities List PDF, 2500+ Potential Customers/Clients Contact List PDF, 2000+ Venture Capital/Startup Funding List PDF, 1700+ Startup Accelerators List PDF)
"Atechup Startup Workshops is the most valuable business workshop we have EVER purchased." - Johnny M.
"Not able to tell you how HAPPY I am with Atechup Startup Workshops." - Elisabeth F. T.
"Atechup Startup Workshops, is a visionary product, shaping FUTURE tomorrow" - Cohen. A
"I am completely blown away by the QUALITY and generous material. Thank you very much" - Steven D.
"Your company is TRULY upstanding and UNIQUE. I have gotten at least 50 times the VALUE from your Workshops." - Xinye T.
"I have FUNDED my Startup with Series A for the first time and its all THANKS to Atechup workshops" - F. Martinez
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[This is an Online Web Workshop]