Showing results 41 to 50 out of 57
DeansList Summit
13 Mar - 08:00 AM
New York, United States
Join us on Friday, March 13th in New York City for our 2020 DeansList Summit. Expect a day of learning, sharing best practices, networking, previewing new features, and learning how to better utilize DeansList at your school.
Date & Time
Friday, March 13th, 2020
Registration & Breakfast from 8:00am - 9:00am
Opening Program & Summit Sessions from 9:00am - 5:30pm (Happy Hour from 5:30pm - 7:30pm)
Optional events Thursday, March 12th (more info below)
Ticket Pricing
Early Bird (by 1/31 - limited quantity available) - $200
Group Rate Early Bird for 4+ Attendees (by 1/31) - $175
General Admission (after 1/31) - $275
What to Expect
A day-long conference with engaging sessions, followed by a Happy Hour on us.
Examples of last year's sessions include:
Best Practices: Ideas for Reducing Absenteeism
Showcase: Building Engagement with School Culture Data at Democracy Prep
Panel: Applying Lists to School Culture
Discussion: Reframinig Your Discipline System at Caliber Beta Academy
Tech: DeansList Custom Reporting Platform In-Depth
Showcase: Building Comprehensive Student Data Reports at KIPP DC
Best Practices: Running Great Data Meetings
Showcase: Using DeansList to Engage Families at UP Academy Boston
Check out this article from our Help Center for information about last year's Summit sessions.
2019 Summit Attendees Have Said...
"[The Summit] literally gave me a new perspective on working with my most challenging students."
"It made me realize that I have access to so much data, and I needed to make more of an effort to display it to my team and have open discussions about it."
"I knew that DeansList compiled a lot of data and that many schools were using it, but I did not know how much you all were rooted in social justice outcomes. I'm even prouder now to say we use DeansList as a school!"
"Just opened my eyes to frame things for other teachers."
Breakfast, lunch and snacks will be provided. If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know when purchasing your ticket or e-mail us at
Hotel and Travel Accomodations
We have reserved a limited number of rooms at the following hotels from Thursday, March 12th to Saturday, March 14th (check out on Sunday, March 15th). We will send out the reservation links early next week for you to make your lodging arrangements.
Holiday Inn Express Wall StreetThe Holiday Inn Express (126 Water St) is a 10-minute walk from the TFA NYC office. The cutoff date for guests to reserve rooms at the rates below is 2/12/20. Room Type/Rate: King - $139.00/night, Double - $159.00/night. Book your reservations through this link by February 12th.
Doubletree by Hilton - Financial DistrictThe Doubletree by Hilton (8 Stone St) is a 5-minute walk to the TFA NYC office. The cutoff date for guests to reserve rooms at the rate below is 3/02/20.Room Type/Rate: King - $179.00/night. Book your reservations through this link by March 2nd.
Presenting at the Summit
The Summit is a great opportunity to highlight every school's achievements. If you're interested in presenting/sharing how your school uses DeansList, we want to hear from you! Please reach out to us at with a brief description of what you'd like to share.
Optional Events - Thursday, March 12th
We will be facilitating a day of school visits and hosting a Hackathon on Thursday for any attendees arriving early for the Summit. Signups for the school visits are now closed, but if you would like to attend the Hackathon, please email
General Inquiries
If you have any other questions about the DeansList Summit, feel free to email us at
We look forward to seeing you this spring in NYC!
- The DeansList Team
HackTrin VII: NYC Hackathon for High Schoolers and Middle Schoolers
08 Mar - 08:30 AM
New York, United States
HackTrin VII is the seventh iteration of Trinity School’s annual (free!) hackathon for middle and high schoolers of any experience level.
HackTrin VII: NYC Hackathon for High Schoolers and Middle Schoolers
08 Mar - 08:30 AM
New York, United States
HackTrin VII is the seventh iteration of Trinity School’s annual hackathon. Middle and high schoolers, of any experience level, can participate. You can form teams of 1-4 students, even across different schools, and work to make projects relating to coding. We'll have workshops and mentors to help you with your projects and learn! We will announce the secret theme two weeks before HackTrin, after which you can start planning (but not coding or building). Coding and building starts March 8th. You’ll present your projects to our panels of judges to win prizes in multiple categories (including a beginner category)!
#GirlsInAI2020 New York Hackathon - New York
07 Mar - 09:00 AM
New York, United States
Girls and young people from underrepresented communities (LGBTQIA)—ages 12-18—in the Greater New York Area! Are you excited by the promise of artificial intelligence (AI)? Then you're invited to celebrate International Women's Day by participating in the #GirlsInAI2020 New York City Hackathon.
At this event, you'll learn all about AI and develop a diverse set of skills including project management, design & coding. You'll also be challenged to design, prototype, and pitch an AI-based product that addresses a real-world problem.
Check out practical advicefor #GirlsInAI2020 New York City hackathon participants!
Finastra fintech meetup: New routes to market
04 Mar - 03:30 PM
New York, United States
Join the NYC fintech meetup & afterwards join 300 bank decision makers who are attending Finastra's annual conference cocktail reception.
LYLAS Labs: Open Data Hack on Pay Parity
01 Mar - 09:00 AM
New York, United States
Join forces with LYLAS Labs to hack pay parity at the Flatiron School for NYC Open Data Week!
LYLAS Labs: Open Data Hack on Pay Parity
01 Mar - 09:00 AM
New York, United States
LYLAS Labs is uniting with 50+ New Yorkers across industries on Sunday, March 1st to develop open data solutions to advance pay parity.
The day-long hackathon will engage interdisciplinary teams to propose creative technical solutions to the gender pay gap as part onNYC's annual Open Data Week.
LYLAS Labs hackathons are open to all participants, regardless of technical experience or subject matter expertise.
Hack It Together 2020
01 Mar - 08:30 AM
New York, United States
A Day of Coding and Creativity for Women Studying STEM
Can Data Start a Movement?
01 Mar - 08:30 AM
Queens, United States
Diverse teams will examine NYC Open Data and come up with new ways of visualizing the data and envisioning the future of NYC
2020 RHoK Jr & Girl Scouts at Holberton School
29 Feb - 08:30 AM
New Haven, United States
Aspiring techie girls in the 4th to 8th grades in Connecticut! Random Hacks of Kindness Jr invites you to a special one-day hackathon at Holberton School in New Haven. At this event, you will be working with computer science mentors and local nonprofits to design, build, and test an amazing app that helps local charities. You will be provided with an Android device, although you may prefer tobring your own.
Be prepared with advice from the hackathon tips page!