Showing results 51 to 60 out of 144
Bayer NY Metro Area Hackathon
28 Sep - 05:30 PM
Hanover, United States
Techie university students in New York City tri-state area! You're invited to showcase your technical and creative skills at the Bayer NY Metro Area Hackathon. Come as a team of 3-5 members -- everyone must register themselves! You'll be challenged to create an innovative technology solution to a Bayer business challenge. Pitch your team's ideas to an expert panel of judges for a chance to win a cash prize and recognition as the Bayer Hackathon winner!
2019 Nestlé Skin Health SHIELD & Zahn Center Hackathon Info Session
27 Sep - 12:30 PM
New York, United States
CCNY techie and hacker students! If you're interested in health tech and would like to participate in the 2019 Nestlé Skin Health SHIELD & Zahn Center Hackathon, then be sure to come along for Info Session. You'll get to learn about the hackathon and how you'll be challenged to create an innovative skin health solution -- an app. a skin care product idea, an educational campaign, or whatever you can conceive!
genEquality Hackathon Kick-Off
22 Sep - 01:00 PM
New York, United States
Up to $10,000 in seed funding
Developers, community organizers, data scientists, behavioral scientists, media makers, designers, and more! If you're passionate about gender equality, then you're invited to participate in the genEquality Hackathon. Participate on your own, or register as a team. You'll have 4 months to build an innovative technology solution that will help solve a problem or create positive change for gender equality. Pitch your project for a chance to win up to $10,000 in seed funding.
22 Sep - 10:00 AM
South Brunswick Township, United States
Kids aged 7-14 in central New Jersey! Are you an avid game developer? Want to be one? Ask your parents to sign you up for HACKNINJA @ CODE NINJAS in South Brunswick Township. You'll get to learn how to create your own game using the MIT Media Lab's Scratch programming language. You'll join a team of 4 kids to collaborate on building your game. Present your team's game to a jury for an awesome prize.
GraphHack 2018: Neo4j Buzzword Bingo Hackathon
22 Sep - 09:00 AM
New York, United States
This event is in partnership with our friends at:
Neo4j NYC
React NYC
PyLadies NYC
Kubernetes NYC
Google Developers BX
Byte Academy
500 Tech
Stack Overflow
Join other graph hackers for a fun day of building applications featuring Neo4j's great integrations with popular technologies (aka Buzzwords).
Workshop (Optional): 9am-10am (includes breakfast)
GraphHack: 10:00am-3:00pm (includes lunch)
10:00-10:30 - teams form
10:30-11:00 - presentation / kickoff
11:00-3:00 - hacking
Presentations: 3:00pm-4:00pm
GraphHack cocktail hour: 4:00pm
This year we thought it would be fun to highlight many of the useful Neo4j integrations with other technologies in a “Buzzword BINGO” format. This means that teams will be building applications using Neo4j and other technologies listed on their BINGO cards. (Insert example?) Each team must make a BINGO (four in row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally) for a valid hackathon submission.
0. (optional) Intro workshop. Come to the 1 hour intro to Neo4j workshop.
1. Choose your team. Register your team in advance here, or join teams on site
2. Choose your bingo card. Find a BINGO option of neo4j buzzwords. Your submission must make a BINGO using the buzzwords on the card.
3. Present! Present your graph hack.
4. Win! Our esteemed panel of judges will be awarding team prizes.
Not currently a graph hacker, or want to learn more? Come early (9am-10am) for a hands on workshop covering an intro to Neo4j and an overview of many of our popular "buzzwords" - also known as technology integrations that make building applications with Neo4j easier :-)
Optional Workshops: 9am-10am:
Intro to Neo4j. New to graph databases and Neo4j? Start here. This workshop will start with an overview of the property graph datamodel, graph thinking, an introduction to querying Neo4j using Cypher and Neo4j Browser and show how to use Neo4j Sandbox to work with existing datasets and load your own data.
Intermediate Neo4j. For those who have some basic experience with Neo4j, this workshop will focus on how to use the Neo4j drivers to build an application using Cypher, and cover more advanced data import techniques like loading from web APIs and using the APOC library.
Building Fullstack Applications With GRANDstack (GraphQL, React, Apollo, Neo4j Database). Learn how to build modern web applications backed by Neo4j using GraphQL and React.
Natural Language Process With Neo4j. Learn how to apply NLP techniques to enrich the graph model and find insights in large text-based datasets.
Building Graph Apps To Run On Neo4j Desktop. Part of the Graph Platform, Graph Apps run directly in Neo4j Desktop and leverage components specifically designed for building graph applications.
Spatial Neo4j. Learn how to take advantage of spatial functionality in Neo4j. This workshop will cover using spatial features with Cypher and how to use OpenStreetMap data for tasks like routing.
Data Visualization With yFiles. Visualize and work with graph data using the yFiles visualization tool from yWorks. Learn how to build interactive graph applications and visually explore your data.
GPU Visual Analytics Hands-On with Graphistry. Join Graphistry's CEO on combining GPU visual technology with Neo4j and Notebooks, and hear what is coming with GoAi GPU startups.
**Please arrive early if you plan to attend a workshop as they will begin at 9am.
Plan to spend the day hacking on a cool graph application with new friends.
You must join a team. (it's OK to come alone, meet new friends, etc)
You must present at the end of the day for a chance to win
Please include a slide or diagram that shows the different “Buzzwords”(integrations) your team used
A valid submission should use a combination of technologies listed on their bingo card that make a bingo (4 in a row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally)
You must register your team on the HackDash board so we can keep track of your team
Please include the buzzwords used on HackDash
(this card is only an example)
Most complete application
Best use of cypher
Most buzzwords used
Best Fully Functional Application
Oculus Rifts
Bose SoundLink Color Bluetooth Speakers
and more!
**Please note!
You will need a laptop and power cord. We also suggest that you already have Neo4j installed. If not familiar with Neo4j, its suggested that you attend the 9am workshop.
To download Neo4j: or check out for free hosted neo4j suitable for development
Guests will need a photo ID to enter the building!****
Hub Hack: Beauty & Personal Care + Future of Voice Hackathon
21 Sep - 08:30 AM
New York, United States
Techies interested in the Beauty and Personal Care sector! The Hub invites you to apply to participate in Hub Hack: Beauty & Personal Care + Future of Voice Hackathon. You'll be challenged to address a specific real-world problem to be revealed at the event. The hack is focused on [Beauty & Personal Care] + [Future of Voice]. You'll work in a multi-disciplinary team to design an innovative AI/Voice solution that you will present to a panel of judges for the chance to win awesome prizes.
UX Mini Hackathon Series with a Real Startup Client @ Starta Accelerator
07 Sep - 06:00 PM
New York, United States
Looking to practice your UX skills, learn, meet cool people and help improve a real startup product? Welcome to UX Mini Hackathon Series.
What is the UX Mini Hackathon?
Our UX mini hackathons are short one-evening events featuring real organizations that provide problems that can be addressed with design and technology. Attendees collaborate in teams, brainstorm and prototype their solutions and then present back to the organizations. Teams are provided with feedback from clients / mentors and can win in various categories (and get prizes, if available).
Who should attend?
Those who want to improve their UX/prototyping skills by helping a real organization: UX and UI designers, product designers, researchers, product people, developers, aspiring UX professionals and other tech people who want to meet new people, learn and advance their UX skills in a team environment.
What will the format be like?
- Organizations are invited and requested to provide a problem that they would like help with where design and technology can help (design brief will be shared with attendees a bit in advance)
- During the 3 hour UX hackathon, the teams will be able to put together a basic idea and prototype their solution - Teams will have the opportunity to present their solution to the client(s) / UX mentors and get feedback
- The winning team and others interested might continue working on the project if they and the organization are interested
**Important - what you will need:
- Laptops will be quite useful ;)
- You need to be able to use design / prototyping tools (any tools of your choice will work: i.e. Sketch, Adobe Suite (design), InVision, Marvel or Principle for Mac, Pixate, Axure, or at least POP, Balsamiq or Keynote)
- Practice your UX skills in a fast-paced team environment
- Make connections with other cool UX people and accelerator leadership
- Gain experience and help improve a real startup product
- Enhance your presentation, team collaboration and client interaction skills
2019 Venture Competition Application Kickoff
06 Sep - 12:15 PM
New York, United States
Are you ready for the annual Zahn Center Startup Competition?! Last year, CCNY students just like you competed for prizes totaling $150K to start their own businesses with apps, hardware devices, social impact organizations, and more. Our 2019 application opens on Thursday, September 6th & we're throwing a party in the NAC Ballroom to celebrate! Come check it out and stay for:
-Discussions with CCNY startup founders who have completed our program--you can ask them all about it, and learn how they're creating impact with their startup
-A super speedy Design Thinking Workshop where you'll learn how to discover pressing problems, get to the root of those problems, and come up with awesome solutions. If you don't have an idea but want to join our competition, this is a great place to start! If you do have an idea, this is a great exercise to learn! The best idea will win a prize at the end!
-A safe environment to network & meet new ambitious creatives like yourself. Plus, there will be snacks!
-You'll also learn how to apply, what events we're offering this year, and how to book meetings with us to talk about your idea.
So come out and celebrate with us, learn something new, and meet friends. The kickoff takes place in the NAC Ballroom (past the Bookstore) from 12:15-2:00pm. Don't miss it!
The Zahn Innovation Center is the entrepreneurial hub at The City College of New York. We offer an annual startup competition for CCNY students that includes business development training, prototyping assistance, and mentorship. We also host hackathons, ideation sessions, and makerlab workshops.
Studio Session
28 Aug - 06:00 PM
New York, United States
Join us for a evening of co-working! We want to create a space where creators can get together and create, with as little distraction as possible. Use this time to work on your own project, or find others in the community to collaborate with -- the rest is up to you.Bring laptops, headphones, instruments, mics -- just be mindful of those also working around you. We'll be in a co-working space, and there will be limited conference rooms available for use.All are welcome!
#MCLStudioSession #MCL
Yale Innovation & Entrepreneurship Bazaar 2018
28 Aug - 11:00 AM
New Haven, United States
THE YALE INNOVATION & ENTREPRENEURSHIP BAZAAR brings together Yale’s many entrepreneurial organizations and clubs under one (literal) tent. More than 30 campus organizations are represented, coming together around interests that range from design to consulting to maker projects to social innovation to coding. Find out about the latest Yale entrepreneurship prizes, programs, workshops, hackathons, classes, and opportunities; sign up for mailing lists; ask questions of current student entrepreneurs; sample food from Yale startups; take photos in our photobooth; enter to win up to 3 different raffle prizes; and pick up some fun swag!
If your organization is local to the Yale community, and can be considered an innovative or entrepreneurial resource, and you are interested in tabling at this event or have been invited to table and would like to confirm, please contact; tabling is available on a first come, first serve basis.