Showing results 31 to 40 out of 86
Collaboration Tree Hackathon - Los Angeles
01 Sep - 10:00 AM
Los Angeles, United States
Join us for our monthly hackathon to work on the open source Collaboration Tree (cTree) demo site: a collaborative design/innovation web platform. Work with other contributors in LA and online to develop this exciting new open source technology as a community. Attendees are encouraged to join one or more of the teams working on a specific part of the project. For newer programmers and designers, open source project teams are a great way to build up your resume.
Programmers: get experience with Google's Polymer platform and web components (no web experience needed)Designers: help shape the user experience for this uniquely complex projectEveryone Else: learn more about the project and how you can get involved early
Before the event
We recommend joining our Slack group and checking out the project before the event, as well as signing up for GitHub if you don't already have an account. Programmers are also encouraged to set up the project in advance, and we can help resolve any issues during the event.
If you're looking to jump in a bit early we're also at Hack for LA most Tuesday nights.
Free parking
Parking is available up the ramp off Beverly Blvd, just next to 2731 Beverly Blvd. Take the stairs down from the center of the parking lot and follow the signs to the lobby.
Amazon Alexa Skill Building Workshop & Hackathon
18 Aug - 10:00 AM
Torrance, United States
This FREE workshop, presented by Amazon and Code District is intended for anyone interested in learning how to program voice controlled devices. Amazon Alexa is a great place to start learning. Hands-on labs will teach you how to code cool skills for Alexa. Lucky participants will win a free Amazon devices!
Learn Skill Development for the Echo Show
Echo devices with a screen, such as Echo Show and Echo Spot, allow skill developers to create skills for Alexa that use both screen and voice interaction. Hands-on labs will teach you how to build Alexa skill for the new Echo Show device using the new video capabilities.
What is an Alexa Skill?
Alexa is Amazon’s voice service and the brain behind tens of millions of devices like the Echo family of devices including Echo Show and Echo Spot. Skills are like apps for smart phones and tablets. They provide capabilities for Alexa devices. There are now tens of thousands of skills from companies like Starbucks, Uber, and Capital One as well as other innovative designers and developers in the Alexa skill store.
Beginning and Advance Skill DevelopmentSaturday, August 18 | 10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Attendees will learn about voice user interfaces (VUI) and will gain experience with three services: Amazon’s Alexa Skills Kit, AWS Lambda, and the Node.js backend JavaScript framework. The need for Alexa Skill Developers is growing rapidly, as many companies move toward adding Alexa voice control to their products and services. Now is a great time to begin learning this valuable skill!
Skills HackathonSunday, August 19 | 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Got a great idea for an Alexa skill? Start building it in this full day Alexa skill hackathon. Skills that are built during this hackathon that pass the Alexa certification test will be published to the Amazon Alexa skills store for anyone to download!
First and Second Prize for Best Skills
First and second place prizes will be awarded. Winners will be selected based on the uniqueness of the skill, creativity and best use of the Alexa Skill Kit especially the use of in-skill purchasing.First prize – Amazon Echo ShowSecond prize – Amazon Echo Spot
Pre-requisites For this EventGet a developer account: (free)Get an aws account: (free - but CC required for signup)Download sample templates to your desktop: Laptop computer and a willingness to learn
Justin JeffressSenior Solutions Architect, Alexa Hackathons. at AmazonThis event is sponsored by Genuent IT Staffing. Genuent has openings for software engineers skilled in React, React Native, Node.js.
Teen Hackathon (Summer Session)
13 Aug - 07:00 PM
Glendale, United States
Teen hackathon (summer session).
SMS text 415-373-6767 with specific questions.
Core Strengths Intensive Workshop
11 Aug - 01:00 PM
Santa Monica, United States
Do you want to increase your leadership impact/influence on others?
The foundation for great leaders is maximizing their strengths.
In order to become a stronger leader, you must first identify then leverage your personal strengths.
*Prerequisite for this workshop is taking the StrengthsFinder Assessment (code found at the end of the book).
During this highly interactive workshop, join other current and aspiring leaders and learn the following:
Why personal strengths are the foundation for your leadership style
How to leverage your Top 5 Strengths
Where your strengths fall within the 4 theme domains
How to answer the job interview question, "Why should I hire you?"
Optimize complementary strengths in a team environment
How to utilize your strengths by participating in a group strengths hackathon
How to effectively manage others
Tips on managing remotely
And how to stay accountable, take feedback and be inspired moving forward as a leader!
Dress code is: athleisure (google it).
RSVP your spot now and come promptly at 9 AM!
Any questions? Contact Scott at:
C: (310) 367-1059
IG: @leadmuscle
IG & T: @leadmuscle
Los AngelETH Hackathon
28 Jul - 09:00 PM
Santa Monica, United States
Ethereum developers in Southern California! If you're passionate about visualization, distributed apps, and/or blockchain technologies, then you're invited to participate in the Los AngelETH Hackathon. Come with a team of up to three members, or join one at the event. You'll be challenged to design, prototype, and pitch an innovative project -- in a given vertical sector -- for your chance to win an awesome prize.
28 Jul - 05:32 PM
Los Angeles, United States
Hackademia is Southern California’s first hackathon by high schoolers, for high schoolers. Our aim is to help hundreds of student hackers in the Los Angeles area realize their greatest coding potential in a 16 hour coding competition. We ask all hackers to build the best they can– both hardware and software– within 16 hours.
Hackademia LA
28 Jul - 08:00 AM
Los Angeles, United States
Hackademia is Southern California’s first hackathon by high schoolers, for high schoolers. Our aim is to help hundreds of student hackers in the Los Angeles area realize their greatest coding potential in a 16 hour coding competition. We ask all hackers to build the best they can– both hardware and software– within 16 hours.
Voice Assistants for All Hackathon - Final Competition
13 Jul - 10:00 AM
Los Angeles, United States
The USC Center for Body Computing and WITH Foundation are hosting Voice Assistants for All Hackathon, a 24-hour hackathon. The challenge is for participants to develop novel voice assistant technology that can help bridge the gap in understanding and resources that causes disparities in healthcare. The ultimate goal of this hackathon is to work towards inclusive healthcare for all while addressing the unique needs of groups such as adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), seniors and veterans.
Once the competition is over, you are invited to watch the hackers give their pitches to our panel of distinguished judges. One winning team will be announced at the awards ceremony. The best pitch will recieve the $10,000 cash prize and an opportunity to further develop their technology by partnering with industry leaders.
Agenda for Friday, July 13 2018
10:30 AM - Final Team Pitch Presentations
12:00 PM - Hackathon Winner Announced
12:15 PM - Luncheon
The official website of the hackathon is
Ready Hacker One Hackathon Location: Irvine,CA
30 Jun - 12:00 PM
Irvine, United States
Ready Hacker One is Exsilio Solution's first ever international Hackathon!
Fire up your dev box for this free 24 hour hackathon event.
Food and beverages will be provided for the entire 24 hour hackathon event.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes for teams of up to 5!
Ready Hacker One technology constraints:
Front end: Any JS framework/library
Middle layer: .NET or NodeJs
Back end: no constraint
IAC Eitanim Demo Day 2018
28 Jun - 06:00 PM
Los Angeles, United States
IAC Eitanim is a cutting edge leadership and entrepreneurship project-based-learning (PBL) program for teens. Join us as they present their projects resulting from the Summer Hackathon.
We'll start with a light dinner from 6:00 to 6:30, then proceed to the main event, where our Hackathon finalists will take the stage to pitch their briliant ideas to a panel of professional judges.
Don't forget your cameras!!
** Please note that not all teams will advance to the finals.