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Hack the Future: Between Earth & Sky
  13 Jul - 09:00 AM
  Choctaw, United States
On July 13-15, 2018, the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, in collaboration with California-based innovation firm 7th Future, will present Hack the Future: Between Earth & Sky, the first-ever Hackathon in east-central Mississippi. Hack the Future will bring together a hundred participants ages 16-26 for a long weekend of immersive learning and friendly competition, offering talks from entrepreneurs from around the world, access to cutting-edge technologies, hands-on coding, pitching, and creative workshops, and no shortage of caffeine-fueled hacking. What makes the Hackathon format unique is that it provides learning not just through listening, but through doing. Participants will form teams of no more than 5 and engage in a product development cycle compressed into a weekend: generating ideas, developing prototypes, “iterating” on their prototypes using the agile methodology, and then pitching their solutions to a panel of expert judges as they compete for $10,000 worth of prizes. No better training exists for developing real-world entrepreneurial skills. The Hackathon coincides with the Choctaw Indian Fair, the most important cultural event of the year on the Reservation, as well as the Stickball World Championships, which MBCI have hosted for the last 69 years. Participants can apply to participate in the Hackathon at Once approved, they will receive a special access code via email to purchase a Participant ticket for $25. Event attendees need only pay $5 to enjoy the event. However, this ticket excludes Hackathon participation and access to free food.