Showing results 51 to 58 out of 58
The Hackathon of Outlandish Things - SF
09 Oct - 06:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
Designers, Developers, Mobile, Web, Robotics, Internet of Things... Everyone is welcome to join us to hack for FUN! There will be prizes for standard/serious hacks as well as prizes #outlandishhacks that are a bit more crazy. For the outlandish hacks, these apps can be as crazy as you want so long as you use #kandy_io. A previous team made a "useless helper app" that inverted the video stream.
Friday 6pm - Event Begins, Networking, Pitching, Teams Form, Dinner
Saturday 10am - Breakfast
Saturday 01pm - Lunch
Saturday 06pm - Presentations start
Saturday 07pm - Winners Announced
$250 Best Outlandish Idea
$250 Best app
$250 Best tutorial
$25 Starbucks Gift Cards for new bugs submitted
Alex Donn - Director, Developer Relations, / Genband
H2O Hackathon
09 Oct - 07:00 AM
Stockton, United States
H20 Hackathon – A Water Challenge was conceived during the summer of 2014 by San Joaquin County entrepreneurs, business leaders, government officials, and environmental leaders who saw a need for the development of new water technology in order to contend with the impacts of severe drought.
San Joaquin County is ground zero for many of the water challenges facing urban and agricultural communities throughout the state. Farmers face the challenges of extended droughts and extreme wet periods that will intensify with the impacts of climate change. A growing urban population, urban water districts, state parks, and wildlife areas face the same challenges.
Water is the most essential resource for the continued health of California’s agriculture, recreation, and business economies. Yet, it is a finite resource that must be protected to guarantee the future environmental health of the state, in addition to the public health of California residents.
Prototyping: How to create a website or mobile app without coding
30 Sep - 06:30 PM
San Francisco, United States
Looking for a tool to create beautiful fully interactive, animated prototypes? - Take your static designs, wireframes or mockups to the next level with ProtoHack
During this workshop, Cole Fox will show you a range of examples from ProtoHack prototype gallery and how to build a quick prototype from scratch that can be tested on the actual device in a native app.
What you will learn:
• You will leave with your very own prototype
Who is this workshop for:
• Software engineers who want to transition to Product Management
• MBAs with a finance/consulting background who want to work in high-tech companies as a Product Manager
• Project Managers, Marketers who are seeking for new opportunities in Product Management
6:30 - 6:45pm: Meet & Greet with Wine & Refreshments
6:45 - 7:45 pm: Presentation & Q&A
7:45 - 8:30 pm: Networking & with Wine & Refreshments
Bring you own laptop
Meet the speaker: Cole Fox
Cole Fox is a Director of Partnerships at Koding & CEO at Protohack. Cole has started and worked for companies that sold used cars, vitamin vodka, office supplies, tech, and now hackathons. His M.O. with any endeavor is to learn, create, master, then share. Cole is a creator at heart, and loves contributing and watching people manifest their vision. The most fulfilling thing in life is to create something that solves a huge problem. Creating and evangelizing tools and experiences that can enable people to create their dreams are his favorite use of his professional efforts. When not enjoying the heck out of his inspiring career in technology, he's pushing the envelope on snowboards, backpacking and eating ridiculously healthy food.
EdTech Design-A-Thon 2015
26 Sep - 10:00 AM
Redwood City, United States
$3000 in cash prizes + unlimited food and drinks + expert mentors
= Your next amazing project for your portfolio!
**Due to the high volume of applicants, we will continually be monitoring and removing disqualified applicants. If there are currently no spots open, please check again later.***
The EdTech Design-A-Thon is a hack-a-thon for designers with clear creative visions and an understanding of online course platforms. Are you able to easily connect to the user experience? Send your portfolio now and be among the top 15 selected to join!
Participants can work alone or form teams. Prizes in the amounts of $1500, $1000, and $500 will be awarded to the top 3 designs.
Unlimited meals and drinks will be provided, and mentors will be at the event to help bring your ideas to life. Selected participants will present their final designs to a panel of judges from GSV, UX Design World, and BeNative.
Applicants must fill out the application AND share a portfolio (website or PDF files) to bu Thursday, September 24. Selected participants will be notified after review. Failure to send your portfolio will result in being removed from the list, sorry. :(
Participants must give a 3-5 minute presentation on stage to showcase their design. Having excellent speaking skills and a professionally-made slideshow will be extremely important in awarding the winning designs. Please note that all presentations will be filmed and recorded for use on BeNative's educational platform.
Saturday Schedule
10:00 AM | Check-in & Registration
10:30 AM | Welcome & Present Design Prompt and Q&A
11:00 AM | Brainstorming + Ideation + Start working!
6:10 PM| Pitch + Q&A
8:00 PM| Winner Announced + Prize Presented!
Social & Networking event to follow
Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?
You must be 21 or over and have a valid photo ID for verification purposes.
What else should I bring?
You must bring your own laptop and any other equipment necessary.
Do I need to have experience or any other skills?
You should have either a background or experience in design. It's a plus if you have experience or passion in education and languages. As mentioned previously, all participants must send examples of their portfolio to Anyone who registers without sending the necessary information will not be invited to attend.
Are there any other requirements?
You need to be a fluent English speaker. We will give higher priority to native English speakers, as one of the purposes of this event is to record presentations from native English speakers. A phone call interview may be necessary to determine acceptance to the event.
Can I bring guests with me?
Unfortunately, no. As we have limited space, only participants will be allowed entrance.
Is there parking available?
Yes, we have free parking available at the event.
Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Please direct all questions to
About BeNative
BeNative™ helps American and European businesses connect to the powerful and growing markets of Asia. We provide product localization, market research, promotional materials (video and social media), legal representation, as well as fundraising opportunities through our vast network of Asian-based VCs.
Video materials are featured on BeNative Pro, an e-learning service that teaches business English and Chinese from the interviews and interactions of real businesspeople, making it a 100% natural and authentic language-learning experience. Business executives are filmed regularly, growing a massive database of phrases and vocabulary. This set of big data is then analyzed and curated using unique text mining techniques to find the most commonly used phrases spoken in business.
Interviews of note include Dr. Clayton Christensen of Harvard Business School and Bob Lutz of GM as well as other execs from IBM, PayPal, Box, 3M, Kimberley-Clark, and more.
Customers include employees from over 2000 companies and more than 2 million followers on social media platforms. BeNative operates offices in China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and the USA.
Integrate 2015 Hackathon
26 Sep - 09:00 AM
Sunnyvale, United States
The Integrate 2015 Hackathon invites developers to build as many integration-centric and API-centric apps within one weekend as possible. Participants are free to build any type of web or mobile app as long as they start design / development Saturday at 9:00 AM! There will be $50,000+ in prizes and we expect hundreds of designers, developers, and entrepreneurs to attend. The Integrate 2015 Hackathon is the kick-off to the Integrate 2015 Conference!
We also ask all participants to be in compliance with the Hack Code of Conduct Terms.
By registering for Integrate 2015 and its conference tracks, you agree that Integrate 2015 top-level partners can send you non-subscription one-time announcements relevant to your event participation including invitations to relevant partner events or featured speakers. Please complete this form if you want to remove yourself from all partner announcements / promotions. All Integrate Partners contractually agree with Integrate that they will not subscribe you to any email list.
Subscription: By registering for this event, you are opting into DevNetwork email updates. These updates will notify you about Integrate 2015 news as well as announcements about DevNetwork events. You can opt out of this email newsletter at any time.
Internet of Everything (IOE) Startup Hackathon - SF Bay Area
25 Sep - 06:00 PM
Stanford, United States
Whether you are a bootstrapped founder, engineer, business hacker, student, or mentor/investor interested in tech; you are invited to this must attend event. Must be 21 or over !
This event is open to those who work, start, mentor and fund tech companies. Guests seeking to launch a startup in IoT and Mobile space across industry will enjoy this chance to mingle and network with potential founder, partner or investors along top industry leaders. Read more about IoT and the $19 Trillion Opportunity
Participant Application (Mandatory): All Hackathon participants (alone or as a team) must sign up and submit idea, demo or pitch deck here (you would have a chance to update it during Hackathon, you also own all Intellectual Property): OneTraction/Hackathon
Events Details:
Friday (Opening):
6:00-7:00pm Kickoff: Mix, mingle and meet other likeminded startups founders, mentors, and investors. Explore demo of select startups
7:00-7:15pm Panel/Judge: intro and overview of IoT disruptive innovation and how to capture it during your startup product launch?
7:15-7:45pm Team Leader/Founder/Developer as solo or as a Team "2mn Verbal Pitch" (developer must have experience in Mobile, Web, or Wearables): Describe the Problem, your Innovative Solution, Target Market and "three steps use case: how it works".
7:45-8:00pm Selected Team formation (Judge select participant and match incomplete team with any of the missing role (Developer, UI/UX, Growth Hacker based on available volunteer). Selected team would continue hacking together remotely (no need for overnight stay, but can use during day time on saturday and sunday our partner office space located next to Stanford "see your confirmation email for detailed instruction).
Example of Work to be completed during hackathon:
a) - Team have a very complex solution to a very large market and cannot create an MVP in two days (in this case work together to complete a compelling pitch deck by sunday 6pm) and submit/add it to you application
b) - Team have a very simple solution to common problem and can create an MVP in two days (in this case work together to complete your minimum viable product by sunday 6pm).and submit/add it to you application
Virtual Hackathon Start 9pm Friday and end Sunday 6pm: all completed pitch or link to MVP (stored in your cloud account) must be submitted using same application link above (simply update your application by sunday 6pm). Support would be provided via email during the entire hackathon, simply use a same email in your ticket confirmation to contact us.
Winner of The Hackathon: Would be informed by email within 5 business days with their respective prices (Acceptance to OneTraction with sponsored Funding by top VC, Tech Corporate Venture or our Mentor Investors for $25k to $250k contingent on graduation, along inclusion in Press Release and featured on our select sites
Demo Table: Partners and Team who already purchased their ticket with demo table would have a shared space where they can display their innovation via their laptop or desktop screen/laptop within the event area.
Prizes: The following prizes are geared towards accelerating you towards a successful startup launch and expanding your hackers network with industry expertise:
Best IoT Disruptive Solution with Compelling Pitch (Acceptance Guarantee to OneTraction and + $100k investment upon graduation).
Best IoT Mobile App prototype (Acceptance Guarantee to OneTraction and +$50k investment upon graduation).
Best IoT Web app prototype (Acceptance Guarantee to OneTraction and + $25k investment upon graduation)
Note: all other team who complete the hackathon would be entered to a draw where the winners would have access to our standard program.
Judging Criteria: Disruption that can impact large and dysfunctional market with coachable team, able to launch an MVP within 60 to 90 days!
Food/Beverage: Cold appetizers would be served at no cost, along access to extended happy hours that you can purchase from one of the best restaurant at Stanford.
Direction: Full address would be provided to all confirmed attendee 48 hours prior to the event! Location is within Stanford University and accessible by car or public transportation.
Event Speakers/Judge:
Dr. Daniela Busse, Director of Innovation - Citi Ventures
Dr Larry Chao, Innovatin Expert. NASA, Intel, Stanford University
Jean Rouge, Thunderbird SGM, Apple
Bill Reichert: Venture Capitalist
Michael Foster: Innovation Leader at eBay
Andrew Preston: Stanford GSB graduate and SV Entrepreneur
Dr Sandy Ahn, Stanford University, Director at Samsung Research
Dr Stephane Boutet, Stanford University, BioTech, Healthtech Scientist
Robert H. Lee, Singularity, Stanford Research Follow IP & Technology
Ting Louie, USC, Morgan Stanley, PWC Investments
Event Sponsors:
"self.TaughtCoder = Coder" Training for TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon
23 Sep - 10:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
"self.TaughtCoder = Coder"℠ is a service mark of, Inc. to identify the organization as the sole fiscal sponsor of self-paced tech training and website and mobile application developer development.
Watch and learn how to code from more than 2,595+ online courses. PHP, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, MySQL, Parse, iOS, Android, Apple Watch, and more.
Day-to-Day access fee is $30, Monday through Friday, 10AM to 6PM.
Monthly unfettered access fee is $800 includes evening meetings from 6:30PM to 11:30PM and invitations to other tech events, etc.
Proceeds benefit 501(c)(3) initiatives.
Bring your laptop and your headphones. Join in on group meetings, work in pairs, or conduct independent research. Create more projects in less time, qualify for a new occupaton or launch your own mobile web or device application.
Phone/SMS text 415-373-6767 with any questions.
If you're training for an upcoming hackathon, be sure to indicate the date(s).
TeenTech GLOBAL Civic Hackathon Registration
21 Sep - 08:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Register now to join the inaugural TeenTech GLOBAL Civic Hackathon & World Pitch @Salesforce HQ!
Oct/Nov: Multi-Site Civic Hackathons around the world!
Dec 5: World Pitch Finals livestreaming from Salesforce HQ
4x Forbes' "Most Innovative Company in the World"
What Makes the TeenTech GLOBAL Civic Hackathon Unique?
Social Impact Goal: Tech Solutions to Civic Problems
Free, Beginners Welcome: Special Award for New Hackers
Open to Anyone, Anywhere: Equal Access to Tech for Teens
GREAT! How Do I Get Started?
Register to receive the TeenTech GLOBAL Civic Hackathon prompts.
Develop a tech solution to a civic problem and a 3 minute pitch. You will have a maximum of 48 continuous hours (must be continuous, you cannot work 6 hours for 8 days).
Projects can take any form: coding project, app creation, Arduino project, website, Maker prototype, 3-D printer project...)
Hackathon teams are made up of 2-5 students who must be 13-18 yrs old. Each student must register individually.
Project must be original and new. Previously developed projects cannot be submitted.
NOVEMBER 16: GLOBAL Wild Card Submission deadline extended!
NOVEMBER 22: Submission deadline for community-wide Civic Hackathon finalists and GLOBAL Wild Card finalists
DECEMBER 5: Civic Hackathon World Pitch Finals livestreaming from SalesForce HQ!
Anyone, anywhere can enter the GLOBAL Wild Card category. Projects and pitch video must be submitted for judging by NOVEMBER 9. Finalists in the GLOBAL Wild Card category will be notified by NOVEMBER 16 and will have a maximum of an additional 48 continuous hours to polish their presentation and develop a 3 minute pitch video. Finalists must submit their projects by NOVEMBER 23 for the TeenTech GLOBAL Civic Hackathon World Pitch Finals livestreaming from Salesforce HQ!
TeenTech GLOBAL Civic Hackathon Guidelines PDF
GLOBAL Wild Card entries must be supervised by a teacher, tech leader, or other adult mentor who is not related to the student participants (cannot be a parent). Mentors are encouraged to provide support and advice and must verify that the student participants followed the TeenTech GLOBAL Civic Hackathon guidelines. A mentor may support more than one team and may also choose to be a TeenTech GLOBAL Civic Hackathon Organizer.
TeenTech GLOBAL Civic Hackathon Guidelines PDF
We're looking for global partners to help organize Civic Hackathons in their local area during October and November. A TeenTech GLOBAL Civic Hackathon Organizer could be a teacher or community leader who wants to organize a mini-hackathon for two afternoons after school or a complete hackathon over a weekend. The event could be for a single class, school-wide, or open to any student in the community. The event could be sponsored by your school, your neighborhood library, or a tech company or non-profit organization.
Students who develop projects as part of classroom or school activities should enter in the GLOBAL Wild Card category and must submit projects and pitch video for judging by November 9. Finalists in community-wide events or a school event open to the entire community will automatically advance to the TeenTech GLOBAL Civic Hackathon World Pitch Finals livestreaming from Salesforce HQ in San Francisco and should submit their projects and pitch videos by November 23.
TeenTech GLOBAL Civic Hackathon Guidelines PDF
TeenTech GLOBAL Youth Summit & World Pitch Livestream
Join teens and global partners from around the world for the TeenTech GLOBAL Youth Summit & World Pitch livestream. Anyone, anywhere, can tune into the global livestream featuring updates on tech trends around the world, our keynote speakers, and the judging for the World Pitch finals! If you're a teen who would like to give an update on the tech scene in your area, let us know at:!
Link to more info about the: TeenTech GLOBAL Youth Summit & World Pitch.
About TeenTechSF:
Since launching, we have connected 1400+ teens on 5 continents with more than 100 mentors from Apple to Zynga, including speakers and workshops on app development, coding, design thinking, civic entrepreneurship, game creation, global tech trends, professional networking, STEAM, social media, and venture funding.
For more about WHO WE ARE and WHAT WE DO, visit
For the latest events and opportunities, LIKE the TeenTechSF Facebook page
Please share these events with your community!
TeenTech GLOBAL Civic Hackathon Guidelines PDF
TeenTech GLOBAL Youth Summit & World Pitch (SF) PDF
TeenTech GLOBAL Partner Outreach PDF
TeenTech GLOBAL Sponsorship PDF
TeenTech GLOBAL Partners Outreach (version française) PDF
Thanks for supporting the next generation of tech innovators!
Events are FREE, but advance registration is required.