Showing results 41 to 50 out of 194
International Association of Transportation Regulators (IATR) Hack-A-Thon
  23 Sep - 09:00 AM
  San Francisco, United States
If you've got a knack for big data and want to do good in the transportation industry, then join the members of the IATR during the IATR conference for a hackathon with access to massive amounts of otherwise private traffic information to try to solve some of the worlds transport problems. Topics of project may include apps and programs that promote shared mobility and multi-modal integration, enhance equity in transportation services for disabled passengers and under served communities, to increase vehicle safety or reduce motor vehicle crashes, but are not limited to these key points.
Weebly Hackathon
  20 Sep - 07:00 PM
  San Francisco, United States
Weebly's hackathon will feature events where apps and themes must be created in a timed environment. Take this opportunity to compete against others and race against the clock.
Hack Against Violence
  16 Sep - 06:30 PM
  San Francisco, United States
Are you passionate about ending violence? Next to killing thousands of innocent people, acts of violence have given rise to even more unrest and exclusion across societies. There is a time to reflect and mourn for the victims of these attacks and there is a time to act!  Come and apply your skills to create practical ideas on how to prevent violence and encourage interaction among social groups? This event is open to the whole SF tech community. Seriously, you don't have to be an expert to join this hackathon.
Global Startup Hackathon - Stanford
  15 Sep - 06:00 PM
  Stanford, United States
Whether you are a bootstrapped founder, engineer, doctor, PhD scientist, business hacker, or student, you are invited to join this must attend Hackathon. Global Startup Hackathon is open to anyone who is planning to start, work, mentor or fund a startup. If you are seeking to launch a startup across a large market, you will enjoy this chance to mingle and network with potential co-founder, partner, corporate clients or investors along top industry domain experts. This event will focus on Digital, IoT, Health/BioTech, CleanTech, or Media.
Learn to Code: Hack the Dot SF (9/14)
  14 Sep - 06:30 PM
  San Francisco, United States
Learn to Code at Hack the Dot SF! This is the event where school students, junior developers, experienced developers, marketers, and designers come together to build ideas. Hack the Dot is a two-hour hackathon—a quick and fun way to build a humorous (and functional) product quickly, while meeting people in your tech/startup community. You'll participate in a team and be given a single premium domain name at the beginning of the event. You'll then have two hours to come up with a functioning site inspired by that domain. The most creative and funny idea for the domain wins!
Banking Disrupted | Silicon Valley | Leadership Summit
  14 Sep - 08:30 AM
  Palo Alto, United States
Banking Executives, Fintech Innovators, Venture Investors! Come participate at Silicon Valley Innovation Center's "Banking Disrupted" Summit and meet face-to-face with leading innovators and disruptors from Silicon Valley to discuss the threats and opportunities arising from emerging technologies. Don’t miss your chance to become a part of this powerful dialogue. Gain valuable insights and make meaningful connections that might define the future of your business!
European Innovation Day, #SEC2SV
  12 Sep - 01:30 PM
  Mountain View, United States
European Innovation Day is the flagship pan-European conference in Silicon Valley, where fluid conversations and networking between high profile stakeholders from both continents occur. Investors and corporates meet policy makers and the best scaleups (growth stage companies - the next unicorns) and leading entrepreneurs from the EU. 2016 key topics include: ⇒Encryption, Privacy, and Security ⇒CRUNCH SEC2SV - The launch of a report on exits between EU & US (A study by Crunchbase and MTB) ⇒Open Innovation - The launch of a public directory of EU corporate outposts in SV ⇒The next EU Unicorns ⇒Scaling up the Shared Economy ⇒Digitizing European Industry ⇒Gender Equality - Women 2.0 ⇒Policy Hackathon - by Dell inc.
AT&T: Free IoT Coding Workshops | Sunnyvale
  12 Sep - 12:00 PM
  Sunnyvale, United States
If you like free hardware, learning about the internet of things, or data collection from web capable sensors, then consider attending the AT&T IoT Coding workshop. AT&T has partnered with AnnieCannons to supply Texas Instruments MSP432 LaunchPad and CC3100 SimpleLink Wi-Fi BoosterPack Internet-connected development boards for each attendee, and will be teaching how to use the above hardware in useful applications.
Rejectionathon - SF
  10 Sep - 10:00 AM
  San Francisco, United States
Entrepreneurship often centers around being bold. Practice taking a step away from your daily routine with the rejectionathon! Join or create a team, and spend the day solving challenges designed to make you hustle and push the limits of your comfort zone.
Women's Hackathon San Francisco
  10 Sep - 09:00 AM
  San Francisco, United States
A one day hackathon for women from experienced coders to total newbies. Come with an idea or join a team on-site and spend the day building a great project with enthusiastic, fun people. You don't have to know how to code to join this hackathon. Dev BootCamp is offering beginner coding workshops alongside the event so everyone leaves having learned a new skill and contributing to a project! Projects must be designed to solve one of the three following challenges for locals and visitors to San Francisco: Challenge 1: Help people find and shop at these merchants that are the foundation of SF's commerce industry. Challenge 2: Help newcomers navigate the city with ease and get immersed in SF culture! Challenge 3: Create an app that helps locals, new expats and tourists to find interesting new places, landmarks or trivia.