Showing results 31 to 40 out of 321
Global Demo Day 2017 & Startup Bash
  02 Nov - 06:00 PM
  San Francisco, United States
Tech and startup enthusiasts in San Francisco and the Bay Area! You're invited to attend Global Demo Day 2017 & Startup Bash, where you'll see the finalist winners from the local AngelHack Global Hackathon Series present their winning projects.
Hackathon to build 100 apps that fix 100 real problems in Africa
  28 Oct - 11:00 AM
  Berkeley, United States
Hackers in Silicon Valley and the Bay Area! Are you interested in how tech can help solve problems that people face in the Third World? You're invited to participate in a weekly hackathon to build 100 mobile apps that fix 100 real problems in Africa.
GDG Bayfest DevFest 2017 -San Francisco, Berkeley, Fremont & Oakdale
  28 Oct - 09:00 AM
  San Francisco, United States
Techies in the Bay Area! Are you planning to attend the GDG Bayfest DevFest? Make sure to sign up for the Hack-a-thon @ Fremont. You'll be able to put in practice all the stuff you've learned at the Codelab and Conference on the first two weekends. Come and showcase your skills -- compete for prizes and bragging rights!
Tech + Student Activism Hackathon
  27 Oct - 12:00 PM
  Oakland, United States
Students and techies in Oakland and the Bay Area! Are you interested in how tech can be used to help make campuses more inclusive? The Kapor Center invites you to participate in the Tech + Student Activism Hackathon. You'll be challenged to come up with creative ways to help improve college climates for underrepresented communities and to build connections between tech and activism.
Developer Circles: Oakland Beginner Bot Workshop (10/26)
  26 Oct - 06:30 PM
  Oakland, United States
Developers in the Oakland Bay Area! Are you planning to participate in the Facebook Developer Circles: Oakland Bots Hackathon? If so, Facebook Developer Circles invites you to attend their Oakland Beginner Bot Workshop. You'll learn how to build ChatBots on the Messenger platform.
Azure Government HackFest + Training
  23 Oct - 08:30 AM
  San Francisco, United States
Hackers and techie innovators in the Bay Area! Microsoft invites you to participate in Azure Government HackFest + Training. Folks of all levels of experience are welcome. As part of a team of passionate technologists, you'll collaborate on a series of challenges as a basis for building an innovative solution on Azure Government. Present your final solution and compete for prizes awarded to the best solutions.
Hack the Patriarchy hackathon - Project Presentations & Award Ceremony
  22 Oct - 01:00 PM
  San Jose, United States
Interested in technology solutions applied to diversity? Want to see some awesome and innovative projects that were designed and prototyped by women and nonbinary techies? You're invited to attend the Project Presentations & Award Ceremony for the Hack the Patriarchy Hackathon. Come and see who wins the Grand Prize and cast your vote for the Audience Choice winner!
Women Who Code Silicon Valley Hackathon 2017
  21 Oct - 08:30 AM
  San Jose, United States
Women coders and designers in Silicon Valley -- professionals or students! Women Who Code - Silicon Valley invite you to participate in "Hack for Social Justice". Guys -- you're invited too, as long as you bring along a woman coder, designer, or student. Come and collaborate on solutions for social justice -- and compete for prizes for the top 3 projects.
TeenTechSF Civic Hackathon @TheMixatSFPL Oct 14 & 15
  14 Oct - 08:30 PM
  San Francisco, United States
Tech-savvy teens? Come participate in the TeenTechSF Civic Hackathon and collaborate ideas for tech solutions for the most pressing issues facing teens today! Your project can take any form—app, Arduino project, website, video, 3-D printer prototypes! Compete and win a chance to participate in the TeenTech Civic Hackathon World Pitch.
SF MusicTech Hackathon 2017
  14 Oct - 01:00 PM
  San Francisco, United States
Music hackers in the San Francisco Bay Area! If you're planning to attend the SF MusicTech Summit, then don't miss the opportunity to participate in the SF MusicTech Hackathon. In this 24-hour hacking event, you'll collaborate on creating an awesome solution to a challenge in Music VR/AR/XR, Music AI, music blockchain and cryptocurrencies.