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Tech Club Orientation
  01 Oct - 07:00 PM
  Windsor, Canada
General info session for the Tech club. We will be discussing opportunities within the Tech club as well as our agenda for the year. UWin Tech Club is a campus organization designed to encourage and support students with entrepreneurial aspirations by providing them with the knowledge, skill set, and exposure to the local tech scene. Our mission is to bridge the gap between business and technology by connecting students from all backgrounds to understand the importance of technology in today’s world as well as help them prepare for a successful technology-related career. The UWin Tech Club runs some great programs on campus such as the Startup Internship Program where we connect aspiring students with local Startups so they can gain exposure to the inner workings of a tech company. We also established the University of Windsor’s first Startup Trek by taking 30+ students to visit high-growth tech companies in the Toronto and Waterloo area such as Shopify, Nymic, and Communitech. We are also responsible for organizing the annual Hacking Health Hackathon as well as our weekly How to Start a Startup sessions. If you are interested in joining our club, partnering with us as an organization, or sponsoring one of our events then please get in touch. Contact Us