Showing results 1 to 10 out of 25
oSTEM 2017 Annual Conference & oSTEM / Maven / Chicago QTC Hackathon
  16 Nov - 09:00 AM
  Rosemont, United States
Are you out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics? Are you going to the OSTEM 2017 Annual Conference? Why don't you plan to come early to participate in the all-day Hackathon co-sponsored by Maven and Chicago QTC? You'll get to collaborate and compete with oSTEM members from across the country.
HR HACKATHON - Powered by DisruptHR Chicago
  15 Nov - 08:30 AM
  Chicago, United States
Corporate HR and business practitioners in the Chicago area! DisruptHR Chicago invites you to participate in their HR HACKATHON. You'll get to collaborate with other HR innovators in tackling a specific HR challenge in a design-thinking inspired “DisruptHR-style” way. You'll present your challenge solution with your team to a panel of HR experts for a chance to be the challenge winner.
SourceCon Chicago: November Workshop
  08 Nov - 05:30 PM
  Chicago, United States
Please join SourceCon Chicago for a hands-on sourcing workshop, sponsored by STA Worldwide at Level Office!  Our community is at its best when we help each other. Bring your most difficult sourcing challenges to a hands-on and collaborative workshop. We'll work together to refresh your search strings, suggest new tools, and share tips and tricks to find and engage qualified prospects! Don't forget your laptop!  Fall 2017 SourceCon Hackathon Winner Ben Solomon, Cybersleuth Jung Kim and's Jackye Clayton will join the usual suspects of our organizing committee, including Angie Verros, Allison Kruse, Nicole Greenberg, Evan Herman, Charles Bretz, Sarah Goldberg, and David Marr.
    BuiltWorlds Hackathon 2017
      03 Nov - 05:30 PM
      Chicago, United States
    Developers, makers, and designers in and around Chicago! BuiltWorlds invites you to sign up to participate in BuiltWorlds Hackathon 2017. You'll be challenged to collaborate to use the cutting-edge technologies to create innovative solutions to key AEC industry problems. Your team will have 21 hours to design and prototype your solution to a designated challenge. You'll compete for cash and other prizes for the best entries in Challenges for Software, Maker (hardware or robotics), or Design.
    Colony 5 2017 Civic Tech Challenge Hackathon
      03 Nov - 05:30 PM
      Chicago, United States
    Technology entrepreneurs in the Mid West! If you're interested in smart community technology solutions, then Colony 5 invites you to participate in their 2017 Civic Tech Challenge Hackathon. Bring your best early-stage idea -- Internet of Things, wearables, driverless cars, etc. -- develop it at the event and present it to the expert panel of judges. You could be one of the three chosen to become Entrepreneur in Residence at UI LABS and receive over $100K in support!
    Discover® Global Network API Showdown Hackathon
      14 Oct - 09:00 AM
      CHICAGO, United States
    Show up to Showdown! Millions of transactions occur every day. Think about that: every single day millions of 1’s and 0’s fly through mainframes. But written in that code is the livelihood of people, small businesses, even huge companies. At the Discover® Global Network API Showdown Hackathon, we’re looking for the brightest minds in FinTech to compete for one of two cash prizes of $8,000 and $3,000 each. And the best part? We’re offering travel stipends of $350 per person for you to fly out to Chicago and compete. The Challenge for the Discover® Global Network API Showdown is simple: the best use of Discover® Global Network APIs wins it all. Utilizing the provided Discover® Global Network APIs, leverage these technologies together to create the best hacks that would affect one of two market segments, 1) the user or 2) the customer. Grand Prize:Cash Prize: $8,000USDMoney 20/20! Your team will be flown to the Money 20/20 Conference October 22-25, 2017, put up in Vegas, and given a booth to pitch your idea to the top financial leaders on the globe. Runner Up Prize:Cash Prize: $3,000 USDGadgets: GoPro for Each Member of the Team 2nd Runner Up Prize:Gadgets: Amazon Echo & Amazon Echo Dot products for each member of the team "Amazon, Amazon Echo & Amazon Echo Dot are trademarks of Amazon". Wednesday, October 11th: 6:30-8:30 pm Pre-Discover Virtual Session via WebEx Meeting number: 627 731 986Webex link: Here!Video address:Dial connection: +1-510-338-9438 USA TollAccess code: 627 731 986 Saturday, October 14th:9:00am - Doors Open & Breakfast10:00 am - Opening Ceremony & Presentations from Partners (please note who you’d like to speak here)11:00am - Coding Begins12:00 pm - Lunch1:00 pm - Breakout Session6:00 pm - Dinner10:00 pm - Pitch Workshop12:00 am - Midnight Snack12:00- 8:00am - Hack through the night**If you would like to hack overnight the event will be open and staffed Sunday, October 15th:7:00am - Breakfast12:00pm - Lunch1:00 pm - Submission Deadline2:00 pm - Round 1 Judging3:00 pm - Judge Deliberation3:30pm - Awards4:00 pm - Event Close Each submission will be scored in each round based on the following criteria with a minimum score of 0 and maximum score of 20 points, with the final score being the average of the judges’ scores: Simplicity (5 points): Is the application simple to use and can the team explain it clearly in three sentences or less? Creativity (5 points): How creative was the team in developing an innovative solution for the challenge? Impact (5 points): Did the team create an application that can have a real and valuable impact? Design (5 points): Was the UX/UI intuitive and appealing? TEAMS OF UP TO 5 PARTICIPANTS ARE ALLOWED. ALL TEAM MEMBERS MUST HAVE COMPLETED THE PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT TO COMPETE. YOU MAY NOT BEGIN YOUR PROJECT UNTIL THE COMPETITION OFFICIALLY BEGINS. PLEASE DON'T COME IN AND BUILD ON TOP OF PREVIOUS PROJECTS IF YOU WANT TO WIN. TEAMS HAVE FULL OWNERSHIP OF EVERYTHING THEY BUILD AT OUR EVENTS AND ARE FREE TO DO WITH IT AS THEY WISH. WINNING TEAMS WILL BE SUBJECT TO A CODE-REVIEW AT SOME POINT FOLLOWING THE EVENT OR IMMEDIATELY BEFORE WINNING.
      TADHack Global, Chicago Location
        23 Sep - 09:00 AM
        Chicago, United States
      For the 4th year running, TADHack Global 2017 will be the largest telecom focused hackathon in the world. Last year we had 3000 registrations resulting in 208 impressive hacks being created around the world, with over $75k won in cash. This Fall, the Chicago location on the 7th Floor of the IIT Tower at 35th and State will run over the 23rd – 24th September (Saturday-Sunday), and will be one of 30+ locations running in parallel around the world. The Real-Time Communications Lab at Illinois Institute of Technology has been proud to partner with TADHack Global  beginning with the inaugural event in June, 2014. The Lab has since hosted three additional TADHack’s with increased participation at each, and we’re expecting another record crowd this Fall. As a result, we advise early registration in anticipation of a capacity crowd. TADHack Global has been scheduled this year to coincide with the Thirteenth Annual IIT RTC Conference immediately following on September 25-28, so it should be an exciting week in Chicago, filled with the latest innovations in real-time communications. Whether you’re a hacker, hustler or hipster (developer, business-type or designer); TADHack is for Everyone!. You’ll learn about adding programmable telecoms to your apps, services or business; be able to share your experiences with others; do some “coding”; and potentially create a winning hack that makes a difference in your community. Oh, and don’t forget about the awesome food and prizes. Check out the Chicago location and register to reserve your place!
        Hackathon to End Hunger 2017
          23 Sep - 08:00 AM
          Chicago, United States
        Technologists, engineers and data analysts in Chicagoland! Are you appalled to know that people in this great city are going hungry? The Greater Chicago Food Depository invites you to bring your creativity and passion to the all-day Hackathon to End Hunger 2017! You'll collaborate and compete to develop innovative software, mobile, web, and hardware solutions that can help hack away hunger. Share your experience on social media using the hashtag #HackHungerChi.
        DisruptHR Chicago Fall 2017
          13 Sep - 05:30 PM
          Chicago, United States
        We kindly ask vendor partners (consultants, staffing agencies, HR tech providers, etc.) to purchase a vendor donation ticket. Or please contact us at to inquire about additional sponsorship opportunities. Overview DisruptHR Chicago is an information exchange designed to energize, inform and empower executives, business leaders and professionals in the vast and important fields of Human Resources. We are about blowing up the norms to which we've fallen prey, innovating, and creating a more meaningful, rewarding, and engaging experience from this thing called work. The Event 10 speakers with a recognized voice and something really disruptive to share will be given 5 minutes each to wow you - they’ll do it while 20 slides advance automatically every 15 seconds. It’s energetic, thought-provoking, and high-impact. We’ve identified some of the best in the area to take the stage. Here's an example from our April 2017 event just to whet your appetite: VIDEO The ticket price includes beverages (adult and otherwise), food, incredible content and awesome networking opportunities interspersed throughout the evening. And all of it in a cool place that is becoming synonymous with innovation in Chicago - 1871! High-Level Agenda 5:30 - 6:00 pm  Networking (appetizers and drinks) 6:00 - 6:10 pm  Welcome, Intros, and Housekeeping 6:10 - 7:15 pm  Our Disruptive Speakers do some Disrupting 7:15 - 7:30 pm  Speaker Q&A and Closing 7:30 - 8:00 pm  Networking (dessert and drinks) The September 2017 Speaker Lineup  Amy Bastuga, Senior Vice President of Human Resources at Radio Flyer: "How a No Bu!! S@*! HR Approach to Working with Your Executives can Lead to Greater Influence" Jamael "Isaiah" Clark, Founder at Impact Makars: "Ten HR Commandments: Don’t think small. Think BIGGIE." Ericka Carmona-Vega, Human Resources Manager at Sterigenics & Miguel Vega, Fulfillment Center Leader at Amazon: "We're Here, We're Diverse, This is How We Look!" Halleemah Nash, Executive Director at iMentor: "Straight Outta Compton - What Dr. Dre Knows About Talent" Craig Atkinson, Vice President of Communications and Strategic Services at The Walsh Group: "Creativity Myth Busters, Alien Unicorns, or The Science of Courage" Amy Buck, Founder & Coach at Wisdom Ridge Ranch: "From the Horse's Mouth: What Our Equine Friends Can Teach Us About Leadership" Betsy McCann, Head of People Operations at Valkyrie Trading:"How to Talk to Your Trans Employee" Jason Seiden, Co-Founder & Executive Board Member at Brand Amper: "Branded Storytelling: How to Safely Turn Over Employer Branding to Employees" Allie Temkin, Talent Acquisition and Program Manager at Common Threads: "What I Learned from DisruptHR Chicago's First Hackathon" William Busch III, Associate Client Partner at Korn Ferry Hay Group Our September 13th Event is Proudly Brought to You By Our Partners & Sponsors: Thank you for being a supporter of the DisruptHR Chicago initiative - it's an important one, and it's more powerful now that you're part of it. We look forward to seeing you on September 13, 2017! Quick Note: Given our administrative constraints, no requests for refund can be accepted after September 06, 2017. Thank you for your understanding. Once you register on Eventbrite, your name, title and company will be visible to other participants to support networking opportunities.
          Workshop #1: Your App-Enabled Business & the Colony 5 Civic Tech Challenge
            30 Aug - 10:00 AM
            Chicago, United States
          Entrepreneurs in and around the Windy City! Are you planning to participate in the Civic Tech Challenge Hackathon in early November? Are you interested in learning how to construct a solid design approach? If so, then Colony 5 invites you to attend the workshop -- Your App-Enabled Business & the Colony 5 Civic Tech Challenge. This event will help you build upon your initial idea and help you understand tools and opportunities that are available for you to use in introducing technologies such as Internet of Things, Wearables, Driverless cars, etc. into your business concept.