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Hackathon for Humanity
  12 May - 12:00 PM
  Upper Arlington, United States
Join us Friday, May 12th, from noon-6pm and give back to the community by contributing to one of two open source projects listed below. As a result of joining this hackathon you will accomplish the following... 1. Help non-profit organizations with their open source development issues/bug fixes 2. Learn new technologies you may not be using currently 3. Develop your skillset and build resume 4. Collaborate with fellow colleagues of all skill-levels and join in paired programming 5. Have fun! We encourage you to review both projects listed below and find which is right for you. Also, we suggest you take a look at the tech stack to get a better understanding of the type of work that needs done before the event begins.  MIFOS: This project will consist of Angular, Java API, and Android development. Mifos is dedicated to effectively and efficiently delivering financial services to the poor.  Website     Github: ALLREADY: An open-source solution focused on increasing awareness, efficiency and impact of preparedness campaigns as they are delivered by humanitarian and disaster response organizations in local communities. Volunteers from Microsoft originally developed allReady and it is now maintained by Humanitarian Toolbox community.  Website     Github Please RSVP and we look forward to coding with you.