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"Understanding Crime in America" App Project & Hackathon
  13 Aug - 02:00 PM
  Cincinnati, United States
Cincinnati residents! Interested in how to combat crime? Foxtrot Code is hosting a hackathon for the "Understanding Crime in America" App Project. Come and help design apps that use crime data and other sources to expose patterns or causes for crimes. Help police departments and communities increase their understanding of crime as well as the factors that contribute to it. Improve community outreach and involvement as well as policing.
AngelHack Cincinnati 2016
  18 Jun - 09:00 AM
  Cincinnati, United States
This is AngelHack’s 9th Global Hackathon Series. The Challenge is Simple. AngelHack’s nonprofit arm, Code For A Cause, is challenging superhero coders to build a technology that will have a positive impact on the world, people, or environment. No matter your age or skill level, just come and create projects that are innovative, and have the potential to improve or influence people’s lives. Build a hack that people can use, enjoy, and potentially scale and get the chance to fly to Silicon Valley for the Annual Global Demo Day and participate in a week of extensive pitch training!