Showing results 11 to 20 out of 20
Coinvention Hackathon
30 Aug - 09:00 AM
Philadelphia, United States
Blockchain enthusiasts! You're invited to participate in the Coinvention: Blockchain Conference Hackathon that will be held in conjunction with the Coinvention conference. At the hackathon, you'll be challenged to create an innovative project using the tools in the blockchain ecosystem. Compete for the chance for recognition -- the top three winning teams will present their projects to leaders in the blockchain world at Coinvention 2018 Philadelphia!
Red Queen Hackathon 2018
04 Aug - 10:00 AM
Philadelphia, United States
Calling all Web Developers, UX/UI Designers, Graphic Designers, Project Managers, and lovers of video games: the Red Queen Hackathon 2018 is going to be an amazing opportunity for gamers to build incredible web apps on the Red Queen platform!
We're teaming up with some awesome game developers to open up their game data just for you so you can create cool stuff like Damage Calculators, Interactive Maps, Gameplay Analysis Tools, and Communication Tools. You'll get data, art assets, and mentorship from the devs themselves and Red Queen's team to help you turn your imagination into reality. Team sizes can range from 1 - 6 people. Feel free to come alone, or with a pre-made team.
Every complete app will be hosted on Red Queen's Marketplace at In addition to showing off your skills and making money through your creations, you'll be able to participate in our challenges:
Red Queen Challenges: General challenges that any apps have the potential to win
Game Specific Challenges: Our Game Developer Partners will create challenges for teams who want to build for the Challenge-Specific Game.
Sponsor Challenges: Our sponsors will create challenges for best use of their APIs/SDKs
Food and Drink are provided. There will be plenty of space to get comfortable while you work. Feel free to bring a sleeping bag if you'd like to take a nap at some point!
If you are a game developer who would like to partner for this event, please contact us directly so we can talk about including your game. There are multiple partnership opportunities available, including mentoring, API hosting, challenge creation, and the ability to have a table to show your game.
Join our Discord!
Potential sponsors, please check out our sponsorship packet for more information about how sponsoring this Hackathon can benefit your organization!
Games and Game Developer Partners:
AVARIAvs by Juncture Media
Hastilude by Ghost Crab Games
Super Rock Blasters! by Quadtron Games
Beyonder by Flying Nightbear Games
more to come!
Designing Solutions for Health Challenges in Humanitarian Crises - Johns Hopkins University l Mercy Corps Gaza تصميم حلول للتحديات الصحية خلال الأزمات الإنسانية – جامعة "جونز هوبكينز" بواسطة مركز "جونز هوبكينز للابتكار و التصميم الحيوي الهندسي" و مجاني
23 Jun - 08:00 AM
, United States
Designing Solutions for Health Challenges in Humanitarian Crises Hackathon
هاكاثون "حلول للتحديات الصحية خلال الأزمات الإنسانية"
JOIN US THIS JUNE for a US-GAZA Humanitarian Health Design Hackathon with students, faculty, and experts based in Baltimore and Gaza.
انضموا إلينا خلال شهر يونيو ضمن هاكاثون "تصميم التدخلات الصحية الإنسانية – الولايات المتحدة و غزة" مع طلبة و أعضاء هيئة تدريسية و خبراء من "بالتيمور" و "غزة"
Participants will listen and participate in live lectures held in Baltimore and Gaza to help them understand the design process and healthcare needs in Gaza. Participants will share questions and discussion on the issues with experts. Details on topics covered below. Participants will have the opportunity to speak directly with care workers and residents to better understand the needs and context.
سيستمع المشاركون إلى و سيشاركون في محاضرات حية تعقد في "بالتيمور" و "غزة" تساعدهم على فهم عملية التصميم و احتياجات الرعاية الصحية في غزة. سيطرح المشاركون الأسئلة و يناقشون القضايا مع الخبراء. تفاصيل الموضوعات التي سيتم تغطيتها موجودة أدناه. سيكون لدى المشاركين الفرصة للتحدث مباشرةً إلى مزودي الخدمة و المواطنين من أجل فهم أفضل للاحتياجات و السياق.
WHAT: Hackathon participants will be on teams comprised of participants from both locations. Teams will collaborate using tools such as Google Drive, Whatsapp, and Google Hangouts to exchange ideas and create shared documents detailing their ideas, solutions, stakeholder feedback, etc. They will also have access to a "Portal" - a roomequipped with immersive audiovisual technology to ensure smooth virtual collaboration. Teams receive extensive mentorship by Innovation Mentors, Subject Matter Experts, faculty, and staff who will guide the teams through the design process. Prototyping supplies will be available on both sites. Each team will report to the larger group on the needs they have chosen to address and on their solution concepts.
ماذا: سيكون المشاركون ضمن فرق تضم أعضاء من كلا الموقعين. ستتعاون الفرق باستخدام أدوات مثل "جوجل درايف" و "واتساب" و "جوجل هانج آوتس" لتبادل الأفكار و إنتاج ملفات مشتركة تشتمل، بالتفصيل، على أفكارهم و حلولهم و التغذية الراجعة لأصحاب المصالح، إلخ. ستتاح لهم أيضاً إمكانية الوصول إلى "بورتال"، و هي غرفة مجهزة بتقنيات سمعية بصرية غامرة من أجل ضمان تعاون افتراضي سلس. تتلقى الفرق إرشاد/ توجيه واسع النطاق بواسطة "مرشدي/ موجهي ابتكار" و خبراء متخصصين في مواضيع محددة و أعضاء هيئة تدريسية و طواقم العمل، الذين سيرشدون الفرق خلال عملية التصميم. سيتم توفير مستلزمات النماذج في كلا الموقعين. سيقدم أعضاء كل فريق تقريراً للمجموعة الكبرى عن الاحتياجات التي تطرقوا إليها و عن مفاهيمهم لحلها.
WHERE: Participants in Gaza will work in a space designated by Mercy Corps and participants on the JHU campus will work in Clark Hall, on the Homewood Campus of Johns Hopkins University.
أين: سيعمل المشاركون من غزة في مساحة مخصصة بواسطة "ميرسي كور" و سيعمل المشاركون من حرم جامعة "جونز هوبكينز" في قاعة كلارك، في حرم "هوم وود".
WHEN: Participants will be expected to attend the hackathon in person on June 23, 24, 30 and July 1, 2018. Teams should work independently June 25-29 as needed and attend the live joint sessions during this time. All required times are outlined below.
متى: يتوقع من االمشاركين حضور الهاكاثون بشكل شخصي في أيام 23 و 24 و 30 يونيو و 1 يوليو 2018. على الفرق العمل بشكل مستقل، حسب الحاجة، خلال الفترة 25 – 29 يونيو و المشاركة في الجلسات الحية المشتركة خلال هذا الوقت. كل الأوقات المطلوبة مبينة أدناه.
Below, is a master timetable of work sessions coordinated between Gaza and Baltimore.
BEYOND THE HACKATHON: For those interested, teams will continue to work together on an ad hoc basis and receive guidance from faculty for a duration of 2-3 weeks and possibly even longer. For the top teams and ideas, additional support for grant applications will be provided throughout 2018.
ما بعد الهاكاثون: لأولئك المهتمين، ستستمر الفرق في العمل حسب الحاجة و ستتلقى توجيهات من أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية.سيتم توفير دعم إضافي نحو التقدم بطلبات منح خلال عام 2018 لأفضل الفرق و الأفكار.
WHO MAY ATTEND: Students, fellows, health practitioners, engineers, entrepreneurs, innovators, and designers from Gaza and Baltimore can apply. Preference will be given to students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, in all related fields, including Engineering, Public Health, Nursing, and Medicine are strongly encouraged to participate!
Some skillsets that we are looking to include (but not limited to) are:
· Public Health students and professionals from all disciplines
· Engineers and computer scientists of all backgrounds
· Industrial Design & Human Factors Engineers
· Materials Scientists
· Highly creative and inventive people of all backgrounds
من يمكنه/ها الحضور: يستطيع الطلاب و الزملاء و العاملين الصحيين و المهندسين و الرواد و المبتكرين و المصممين من "غزة" و "بالتيمور" أن يتقدموا بطلبات للمشاركة. الأفضلية ستكون للطلاب في مراحل الدراسة الجامعية و الدراسات العليا في جميع المجالات ذات الصلة بما في ذلك الهندسة و الصحة العامة و التمريض و الطب (نشجعهم بقوة على المشاركة). بعض مجموعات المهارات التي ننظر إليها (لكن لا نقتصر عليها) هي:-
طلاب الصحة العامة و المهنيين من كل التخصصات.-
المهندسون و علماء الحاسوب من جميع الخلفيات.-
مهندسو التصميم الصناعي و العوامل البشرية.-
علماء المواد.-
أشخاص مبدعون و مبتكرون للغاية من جميع الخلفيات.
ORGANIZERS AND SUPPORT: This unique event is supported by the Aspen Institute Stevens Initiative and organized by JHU CBID and Mercy Corps.
المنظمون و الدعم: يتم دعم هذا الحدث الفريد من قبل "معهد أسبين - مبادرة ستيفنز" و يقوم بتنظيمه مركز الهندسة الحيوية للابتكار و التصميم بجامعة "جونز هوبكينز" و "ميرسي كور".
HACKATHON PARTICIPATION RECOGNITION AND CREDIT: All participants who complete the program will receive a Certificate of Completion for the "Designing Solutions for Health Challenges in Humanitarian Crises Hackathon." Contact your local university or organization (JHU or Mercy Corps) about the possibility of receiving formal university course credit. Rules differ per institution.
الاعتراف ب و اعتماد المشاركة بالهاكاثون: سيتلقى كل المشاركين الذين يكملون البرنامج شهادة إكمال ل "هاكاثون (مسابقة) تصميم حلول للتحديات الصحية أثناء الأزمات الإنسانية". اتصل بالجامعة أو المنظمة المحلية ("جامعة جونز هوبكينز" أو "ميرسي كور") بخصوص إمكانية الحصول على اعتماد مساق جامعي رسمي. تختلف النظم بين المؤسسات.
OUTCOMES: At the completion of the hackathon, participants should be able to:
Identify and define public health problems and needs in a specific domain for design purposes.
Understand and engage with stakeholders in humanitarian settings to understand needs, constraints, and context, using appropriate research and design tools
Apply formal design processes from different disciplines for the design of solutions and interventions given a set of constraints
Apply relevant and appropriate technologies and tools to prototype their designs
Present their problems and designs to a diverse audience effectively
Function effectively in a team with diverse backgrounds and perspectives
Articulate a deeper understanding of perspectives and concerns of students in the Middle East and the United States.
النتائج: مع اكتمال الهاكاثون، سيكون المشاركون قادرين على:
تحديد و تعريف مشاكل الصحة العامة في نطاق محدد لأغراض التصميم.
فهم و الارتباط ب (التفاعل مع) أصحاب المصالح ضمن سياقات إنسانية من أجل فهم الاحتياجات و القيود و السياق باستخدام أدوات بحث و تصميم مناسبة.
تطبيق عمليات تصميم رسمية من تخصصات مختلفة لتصميم حلول و تدخلات أخذاً بعين الاعتبار مجموعة معينة من القيود.
تطبيق تقنيات و أدوات مناسبة و ذات صلة لنمذجة تصاميمهم.
عرض فعال لمشاكلهم و تصاميمهم لجمهور متنوع.
العمل بفعالية ضمن فريق بخلفيات و رؤىً متنوعة
IP RULES: By registering, participants agree that all concepts contained in the idea submission forms will be the property of their respective institution (JHU or Mercy Corps, based on the location), and will be managed according to the established IP rules of their institution. Some ideas submitted may be selected to include in proposals by the program organizers for funding for further development of these solutions. If your idea (based on the forms submitted) is included in one of these proposals and funding for development is obtained, you will be invited to participate in further development efforts via your institutional partner.
القوانين: من خلال التسجيل، يوافق المشاركون على أن كل المفاهيم الواردة في نماذج تقديم الفكرة ستكون ملكاً للمؤسسة المعنية ("جامعة جونز هوبكينز" أو "ميرسي كور"، حسب الموقع)، و أنه سيتم إدارتها حسب القوانين الخاصة بالمؤسسة. قد يتم اختيار بعض الأفكار المقدمة ضمن مقترحات يعدها منظمو البرنامج من أجل تمويل زيادة تطوير تلك الحلول. إذا كانت فكرتك (بناءً على النماذج المقدمة) واردة في أحد هذه المقترحات و تم الحصول على تمويل لتطويرها، ستتم دعوتك للمشاركة في مزيد من جهود التطوير من خلال مؤسستك الشريكة.
يلزم التسجيل لجميع المشاركين. يرجى التأكد من استلامك رسالة تأكيد بالبريد الإلكتروني من المنظمين قبل الهاكاثون (المسابقة) بثلاثة أسابيع. إن كان لديك أي أسئلة، يرجى الاتصال ب:
At Mercy Corps (Gaza): Jasem Humeid at
At Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore): Sofia Ahsanuddin at
DATE AND TIME التاريخ و الوقت
Sat, Jun 23, 2018, 8:00 AM –
Sun, Jul 1, 2018, 6:00 PM EDT
Add to Calendar
Johns Hopkins University Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design; Mercy Corps
Baltimore (USA) or Gaza (Palestine)
Hack For Impact Baltimore
01 Jun - 05:30 PM
Baltimore, United States
Hack for Impact is a Hackthon being held at the Impact Hub Baltimore with the mission to foster collaboration between social change makers and technology innovators.
The 24 hour Hackathon will begin on Friday at 5:30pm and commence with the selection of a winner on Saturday at 5:30pm
Teams of developers, engineers and designers will collaborate to build and implement a solution to tackle a problem statement in one of the challenge catagories.
Challenge Catagories:
Child Welfare
Domestic Welfare
Come and be a part of the change you wish to see!
Consumer Health-Data-Exchange Hackathon
20 May - 02:00 PM
Philadelphia, United States
The Consumer Health-Data-Exchange Hackathon presented by HSX Market Street and Healthcare Informatics will take place this year in conjunction with the Philly Health IT Summit. Healthcare industry leaders, technology innovators, and those inspired to propel healthcare technology into the future are invited to participate. For the Hackathon, HSX Market Street will open its APIs to the hackers as a pathway to innovation. This will make available to the hackers an invaluable resource: a vast database of patient data representative of the health status of the region. Hackathon participants will use this data and these APIs to create tools to increase patient access to their data, and empower consumers to improve their care management.
Informative meeting about IAC Eitanim and the Summer Hackathon in LA
07 May - 08:00 PM
Bryn Mawr, United States
The Nafshi family is proud to host an informative meeting about IAC Eitanim and the Summer Hackathon June 24-June 29 in Los Angeles
Join us and learn about this unique leadership and entrepreneurship project-based program and the scholarships we offer.
The meeting is for parents and children in 7th -12th grade. Location is in the Main Line area. Address will be sent upon registration. Questions? or 267-2503835
משפחת נפש שמחה לארח מפגש מידע לגבי תוכנית המנהיגות והיזמות – איתנים. וההקאתון אשר יתקיים ב24 ליוני – 29 ביוני בלוס אנג'לס. מילגות מוצעות לנרשמים)
הורים לילדים בכיתות ז-י"ב מוזמנים.
המפגש באזור המיין ליין. כתובת מדוייקת תנתן לנרשמים.
:לשאלות: – 267-2503835
York Exponential Robothon 2018
07 Apr - 08:00 AM
York, United States
What is Robothon? Robothon is York Exponential’s 32-hour York city hackathon inspired by and focused on the advancement and innovation of collaborative robots (robots that are designed to work alongside and augment humans, not replace them).
Why are we hosting Robothon? Robothon’s intention is to introduce the average person to the capabilities of our robots. We will have our engineers on site at all times to introduce functionality and monitor safety, and during the event, attendees will hear from inspiring speakers and have the opportunity to participate in workshops as well as fun activities planned throughout.
Where and when is Robothon? April 7th-8th
Robothon will take place from the morning of Saturday, April 7th to the evening of Sunday, April 8th. This is to help usher in robot week which takes place the following week!
LVHack 2018
06 Apr - 06:30 PM
Bethlehem, United States
Important Note: This year's LVHack has been moved to April 6th-8th.
Want to meet some incredibly interesting people? Push the limits of technology and yourself? Finally build something that's been bouncing around your head?
Join us for this 2018 version of the Lehigh Valley's premier hackathon.
What is #LVHack?
You supply the ideas, create teams, and bring a laptop. We'll supply a great venue, good food, and an incredibly fun time.
If you’ve been to LVHack before, you know it’s a great event for stretching yourself, learning something new, and building relationships that extend far past the weekend. If you’ve not been to LVHack, this is a great opportunity to connect with the local tech community - don’t worry - we’re fun to be around.
About LVHack
LVHack is an open hackathon - anyone can attend, and there’s no established topic or challenge. Come with an idea - or come looking to find a good one - and build what you can during the event. And your idea doesn’t have to be software. Over the years we’ve had plenty of physical projects - and we don’t expect that to change.
Pitch It, Hack It, Show It
Anyone is welcome to pitch their project idea and receive feedback from their peers. Teams organically form around the top ideas and then it’s a 54 hour frenzy of designing, coding, and hacking. The weekend culminates with presentations and prizes!
Fabulous Prizes and Great Food
There are two things our hackathons are famous for: Prizes and Food. We know that you've probably gone to other hackathons and came away empty handed and feeling like you ate pizza all weekend. That doesn't happen at our hackathons. We gaurantee you won't be disappointed. If you don't believe us, listen to this LV Tech Radio Show Clip.
6:30 PM - Registration7:00 PM - Welcome7:30 PM - Ideas / Team Formation10:00 PM - Everyone Out
8:30 AM - Doors Open12:30 PM - Lunch6:00 PM - Dinner10:00 PM - Everyone Out
8:30 AM - Doors Open10:00 AM - Final Prep11:00 AM - Presentations12:00 PM - Judging and Prizes12:30 PM - We're Done!
You'll love #LVHack
A big thank you to Lehigh University for hosting us this year. It's a great new space, and once the HackClock starts - you won't want to leave.
If you’re a student, have one of the faculty send us a note, and we’ll definitely explain why this is a valuable event, and you’re not just skipping a few classes.
And if your company is interested in a unique off-site experience for your team, let us know, we’d love to have you.
Day Zero Hackathon
30 Mar - 07:00 PM
Philadelphia, United States
Our Inclusion Hack Forum in November was a great success. We are now channeling what we learned from that conversation into the Day Zero Hackathon!Purpose:To provide an opportunity for students, professionals and employers of Linux | Cloud Computing | DevOps (“LCD”) to get together to practice their craft.Skills & Experience Required:Linux (up to Linux Basic Essentials)Cloud Computing → Working knowledge of AWSDevOps/Sysadmin) → 6 months of troubleshooting Linux Server
Test exercise → hereTiming:Friday March 30: 4:30 pm - 7 pm-Introduction & OverviewSaturday March 31: 8am - 6pm
8 am - 9 am → Registration + Breakfast
9 am - 10 am → ITEM Overview & Team alignment
10 am - 11 am → Establishing accounts & servers
11 am - 12 pm → Cloud Design & Deploy
12pm - 1pm → Lunch/Talk
1 pm - 3 pm → Installation of applications
3 pm - 4:30 pm → Defend
4:30 pm - 5 :30 → Design Walkthrough/Discussion of DDoS
5:30 pm - 6 pm → Prizes
6 pm - 7 pm → Celebrate.
Schedule is subject to change.
*There will be prizes!*
Employers/Sponsors, if you have ideas, swag or staff you want to join in, please email us and sign up as a sponsor above.More info coming soon!
THRIVE Trenton Mercer Hackathon
27 Jan - 08:30 AM
Trenton, United States
Developers, designers and other techies in New Jersey's Mercer County area! You're invited to participate in the second annual THRIVE Trenton Mercer Hackathon. In this 7-hour tech-based Disaster Relief competition, you'll collaborate with like-minded individuals to design and prototype a product or app solution to a given disaster relief problem. All skill levels are welcome -- novice or expert -- you'll compete at the appropriate level.