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Magic City Hacks
  18 Aug - 10:00 AM
  Birmingham, United States
WWCode Hackathon 2nd Annual: Magic City Hacks   Women Who Code Birmingham presents a two-day Innovation hackathon designed to showcase women as they take on tech. The event is designed to push you to build great things For two days, 75+ engineers, designers, mentors, and more will come together to create tech solutions. Harness the power of technology to build something artistic, solve a problem, design, develop whatever inspires you to change the world.  Why Birmingham? Birmingham is a growing hotbed for techs and startups.  WWCode Magic City Hacks will offer awards and prizes, and the opportunity to connect with other engineers for a fierce weekend of coding. Tickets will sell out. Get yours today!     Host Sponsor Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor FAQ's Q: What is a hacakthon? A: An intense sprint allowing you to collaborate with others to create/develop an awesome something in a set amount of time and presenting in front of an audience and/or judges. Q: What kind of hackathon is this? A: This is a Innovation Hackathon! We want to see you and your team use technology to creatively solve a problem, or bring new ideas in terms of of a compelling service, product, application or function.This could be an idea you have had sitting around for awhile or a solving a problem we provide during the hackathon. Areas of opportunity include IoT, FinTech, Nonprofits, Smart City Intiatives, etc Q: Why should I participate? A: There are so many good reasons! Here are 6: 1) Its so much fun!2) You can learn new technologies and connect with new peoples. Hackathons are the domain of hackers, bro-coders, techies and startups3) its a team building opportunity and you can encourage innovation using your products/services/api's4) Hackathons make geeks/nerds happy! Plus it may be the closest they get to camping! 5) Bragging rights if you win.6) Winners can receive blog and amplify package coverage meaning you can be seen by more than 100,000 WWCode members worldwide. Q:This is interesting. I would like sponsor or support this? Who should I contact? A: The Directors of the Network! You can contact us at! We appreciate your interest! Q: Who can attend? I'm a guy can I attend?A: Of Course! Anyone is welcome to attend. This event is perfect for Team Building, Startup ideas, challenging ones skills, etcQ: I'm new to programming. Can I attend?A: Yes! Hackathons are more than just about programming. Its about going from idea to concept/prototype in a matter of hours. Hackathons teach you how to work on a team (which is extremely important) and can be an excellent project to showcase to any employer. You also don't need to be a programmer to be apart of the hackathon. Teams need designers, project mangers, etc. to push a project forward. We will also plan to have prizes specifically for rookies and professionals. Q: How many people can be on my team? A: Each team can have a max of 4 participants.  Q: Will there be food?A: Yes! we plan to accommodate participants with mulitple options. If you have special accomadations such as allergies, please inform us at or you are welcome to bring your own food.  Q:Can I leave for the night and return in the morning?A: Yes that is totally okay! Communicate this your team so you can decide how you handle the workload.   Q: Whare is the hackathon?A:  TBA Q: Define a newbie?A: Someone who is new to programming, never worked in a tech position, or has participated in less than 2 hacakthons. Example: Student studying computer science could opt to be in a newbie track, but if the student had a software engineering internship or attended more than 2 hackathons they would have to opt for professionals.
    Civic Hackathon
      07 Jul - 12:00 PM
      Birmingham, United States
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas libero eros, varius id posuere non, faucibus quis turpis. Donec felis ex, dignissim et pulvinar et, elementum eu leo. Phasellus eu quam eu leo eleifend consequat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec maximus dapibus justo, ut rutrum dolor faucibus nec. Aliquam sagittis nec ante nec ornare. Aliquam erat volutpat.