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Teen Tech Bham Hackathon 2020
07 Mar - 07:30 AM
Homewood, United States
TechBirmingham, TEALS (Technology Education and Literacy in Schools), and Samford University Computer Science Department are teaming up to host a Hackathon exclusive for high school students. Teams will compete for one day to build solutions to make our world a safer place. Students will have 12 hours to ideate, design, test, build and present their projects. Just like last year, this will include skills in both hardware and programming for solutions. We are only accepting 20 teams of 4 students, and each team must have an educator as a sponsor (for homeschoolers, this will be a parent). If you are a student who does not have a team, contact, and we will place you on a team. The teacher does not need to be your coach, we will have professionals in the community that will be assigned to each team as a Coach. The coaches will be there to assist with technical needs, time management and overall support for each team. The cost of the team entry will include food, supplies and an event t-shirt.  There will be prizes for the winning teams!