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  18 Jan - 06:00 PM
  Jackson, United States
Join us for a weekend of collaboration, innovation, and entrepreneurship—Jackson's first-ever hackathon! We'd love to see how your ingenuity solves real-world problems... WHO: Developers, designers, entrepreneurs, engineers & tech enthusiasts -- all skill levels welcome! Who is a "hacker"? One who adds an appropriate application of ingenuity to a problem. Join us if that's you! WHAT: the theme is: “It’s Always Been Done This Way” But does it HAVE to be? It might be even better with a new direction. Join us to pitch your tech solution for something that could be different than what’s always been. Use this weekend to take advantage of people willing to develop things in a new and better way. WHEN: Friday, January 18 at 6:00pm - Saturday, January 19 at 7:30pm Be sure to bring your best ideas and a laptop, or anything else you might need to build on an idea. We'll provide all meals starting from dinner Friday through lunch on Saturday and snacks galore in between. We'll also provide you with a bunch of brainstorming supplies and acesss to Slack to communicate with the team you'll form over the weekend.  FAQ HOW WILL THIS WORK? // We'll kick the event off with dinner and a bit of networking to get to know who's all there. Then attendees will have time to pitch their ideas for an app or product based around the theme. Once all ideas have been pitched the festivities begin, you'll form your own teams and get to creating! theCO will be a home base for you to use to meet/develop your project and for meals/snacks, and then on Saturday night we'll come together to hear the results—a show & tell of what you've made and accomplished. A panel of judges will be looking for the best NEW project, the best existing project (yes, you can bring something you've already been working on if it fits with the theme), the most complete/market ready, the best design/UI, and then the Best of the Best. The project deemed the "Best of the Best" will win $500. HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? // Just $20 to help cover food for the weekend. HOW ARE TEAMS FORMED? // While you're welcome to come with your team already in mind (if you're all registered), you're also welcome to come solo and seek out the best teammates amongst the crowd. You're also welcome to be a team of one, if you're feeling extra competitive! We encourage you to form a team with a wide variety of skills and personalities, and once formed, you will elect a team leader. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? // Anyone! You don't just have to be a coder; teams will need designers, content writers, those with  physical prototyping skills and more. When you sign up, we'll ask you to identify as a "developer, designer, entrepreneur, engineer, tech enthusiast or problem solver" just so we can have an idea of the mix of skills represented. All participants must be 16 years of age or older. DO I HAVE TO PARTICIPATE THE WHOLE EVENT? // The success of the projects rest on the shoulders of the attendees so we hope that you can stay for the duration of the event. If you have a temporary prior engagement that would count you out for a few hours, no worries—we just ask that if you volunteer to be a team leader, you are participating in the full event. WHAT IF THIS IS MY FIRST HACKATHON? // Awesome-- we can't wait for you to join --head here to read one of our favorite guides to how they work! If you're still curious about what a hackathon even is, click here to head to our site to watch a few videos describing them.