Showing results 41 to 50 out of 54
HackTrin VII: NYC Hackathon for High Schoolers and Middle Schoolers
08 Mar - 08:30 AM
New York, United States
HackTrin VII is the seventh iteration of Trinity School’s annual hackathon. Middle and high schoolers, of any experience level, can participate. You can form teams of 1-4 students, even across different schools, and work to make projects relating to coding. We'll have workshops and mentors to help you with your projects and learn! We will announce the secret theme two weeks before HackTrin, after which you can start planning (but not coding or building). Coding and building starts March 8th. You’ll present your projects to our panels of judges to win prizes in multiple categories (including a beginner category)!
MORS Hacks
07 Mar - 12:06 PM
Mount Olive Township, United States
**High School/Middle School Students Only**
Students will have 12 hours to start a project with a given theme to be presented at the hackathon. Many events and side opportunities will be offered:
Lunch and Dinner Provided
Fundraiser Super Smash Brothers Tournament
$10 entry
*Game subject to change
Q&A Sessions
Lead Graphics Designer of SIM 2, 3, 4
Johnson & Johnson Executive – Females in Technology Talk
Small Business Owner/App developer
QA Tester for
Working on more!
Robotics Competition
Workshops starting at the top of every hour starting at 10 am
Topics are coming soon
Drone Exhibition
College Fair
County College of Morris
Stevens Institute of Technology
#GirlsInAI2020 New York Hackathon - New York
07 Mar - 09:00 AM
New York, United States
Girls and young people from underrepresented communities (LGBTQIA)—ages 12-18—in the Greater New York Area! Are you excited by the promise of artificial intelligence (AI)? Then you're invited to celebrate International Women's Day by participating in the #GirlsInAI2020 New York City Hackathon.
At this event, you'll learn all about AI and develop a diverse set of skills including project management, design & coding. You'll also be challenged to design, prototype, and pitch an AI-based product that addresses a real-world problem.
Check out practical advicefor #GirlsInAI2020 New York City hackathon participants!
Finastra fintech meetup: New routes to market
04 Mar - 03:30 PM
New York, United States
Join the NYC fintech meetup & afterwards join 300 bank decision makers who are attending Finastra's annual conference cocktail reception.
LYLAS Labs: Open Data Hack on Pay Parity
01 Mar - 09:00 AM
New York, United States
LYLAS Labs is uniting with 50+ New Yorkers across industries on Sunday, March 1st to develop open data solutions to advance pay parity.
The day-long hackathon will engage interdisciplinary teams to propose creative technical solutions to the gender pay gap as part onNYC's annual Open Data Week.
LYLAS Labs hackathons are open to all participants, regardless of technical experience or subject matter expertise.
LYLAS Labs: Open Data Hack on Pay Parity
01 Mar - 09:00 AM
New York, United States
Join forces with LYLAS Labs to hack pay parity at the Flatiron School for NYC Open Data Week!
Hack It Together 2020
01 Mar - 08:30 AM
New York, United States
A Day of Coding and Creativity for Women Studying STEM
Can Data Start a Movement?
01 Mar - 08:30 AM
Queens, United States
Diverse teams will examine NYC Open Data and come up with new ways of visualizing the data and envisioning the future of NYC
TechSHRM Spring 2020 General Body Meeting
25 Feb - 04:00 PM
Brooklyn, United States
Come grab free pizza and hang out with fellow students!!!
Experiential Music Hackathon
22 Feb - 11:30 AM
Brooklyn, United States
Explore new ways of interacting with music, beyond the auditory. Music we can taste, smell, touch and see. From virtual reality to reality.