Showing results 11 to 16 out of 16
Lincoln Initiative Refugee Hackathon
01 Apr - 02:00 PM
Atlanta, United States
Lincoln Initiative Refugee Hackathon wants to leverage the power of technology to refocus the national debate on exponentially improving our refugee system and ensuring this great American tradition continues. Hacking for the unique needs of refugees after they arrive. Georgia has the right mix of incredibly talented people, refugee success models and southern hospitality - with a small dash of controversy - that could create a great recipe for empowering local change agents to amplify their impact within the communities they operate.
25 Mar - 06:00 PM
Atlanta, United States
hackGSU is the inaugural Hackathon hosted by the GSU Computer Science Department's ACM & IEEE student organizations for all university students! You do not have to be a computer expert to take part in the competition! If you're someone who is willing to learn and wants to help change the world, then no matter what your field is, you definitely belong here. The event is absolutely free and food, Wi-Fi, etc. will all be provided to you. All you need to bring is your laptop laptop, phone, their chargers, as well as a valid student or government ID. Feel free to also bring along a sleeping bag and comfortable clothes.
23 Mar - 11:30 AM
Atlanta, United States
TechLatino is organizing The Ninja Hack-athon is an all day long event where developers, entrepreneurs, innovators, and designers can come together to form teams and program together. The goal of this “Hack” introduce new concepts that address an issue in the Latino community or tap into the Latino market. You don’t have to be an expert developer to participate, you just need to have the drive to learn and play with code! El Hackeo is part of the #Emerging Tech Leadership Summit 2016. You do not need an extra ticket to take part in the hackathon, all you need is a laptop, a great idea, and the power to work on your project for 14 hours!
BetterCloud BetterHack
11 Mar - 06:00 PM
Atlanta, United States
The BetterHack organized by BetterCloud is a fun and publicly hackathon for participants to team up and race to detect suspicious activity within a billion Kafka messages. Prizes totalling $5000 will be given out to the top teams in each category and each team will be receiving their own Cloud-based VM. So bring your own team or join one at this special event!
11 Mar - 05:30 PM
Atlanta, United States
Have you had an idea brewing, started tinkering away on your next great startup, or looking to collaborate with other GA students/alums. Come one, come all, to GA’s first hackathon and BUILD the product you love!
Bring great ideas, meet new people and build cool, life-changing solutions. You will need to form multi-disciplinary teams to develop a minimum viable product. Expect a good bit of problem-solving, prototyping, market validation and business model creation. Best of all, you will have a ton of fun and learn all about lean product development along the way.
What can I expect during Hack the Planet?
During Hack the Planet you will build a startup with a MVP in 3 days and deliver a pitch to our distunguished judges to win prizes!
Who are the Judges?
Brock Kolls Chief Open Innovator, Tech Square Labs
Tom North
Global Commercialization Manager, The Coca-Cola Company
Phil West, CISSP Sr. Enterprise Technology Strategist, Dell SecureWorks
Who should attend?
You! Come along if you’re excited about problem-solving, you’re a motivated, sharp, entrepreneurial, creative technologist who wants to bring digital products to life. No experience necessary. Come with or without a team.
Product Managers or Idea Pitchers - If you are the product manager for your idea, strap in and get ready. You will have 2 minutes to convince the attendees why your idea rocks and that they should help you make it a reality. The quality of your idea and delivery of your pitch could help you secure the top talent, so get ready!
Digital Marketers - Duty calls! If a product is built in the forest and no one is around to market it, does that product get used or bought. Nope... Marketers we need you to develop awesome go-to-market strategies! User Experience & Visual Designers - We need you now more than ever. Your job is to wield your insight and empathy to make this world a better place, one pixel at a time. You will get to take a look at the projects and see if there’s anything you want to work on, link up with a product manager to let them know if their project tickles your fancy, or get ready to test your luck with the Fish Bowl of Random Ideas. Developers - Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted - one moment, would you capture it, or let it slip? This is what you’ve been training for! Without you, we have nothing. Before you are eager idea pitchers looking to see what you can do and designers itching to work with you. Show us what you got!
Friday March 11, 2016
5:30pm - Registration
6:30pm - Idea Pitches + Form Teams
8pm - Start Building
9:30pm - Wrap up
Saturday March 12, 2016
9am - Check-in
10pm - Wrap up
Sunday March 13, 2016
9am - Check-in
10pm - Wrap up
Tuesday March 15, 2016
5:30pm - Check-in for Team Pitches
6:00pm - Pitch Event Begins
8:30pm - Awards
**Hard works pays off, this event is FREE for all GA Alumni! (Ask your Course Producer for the code)**
*Only seed-stage ideas (no concrete work done) are allowed to be pitched and worked on at Hack the Planet. No legal documentation or contracts of any kind are allowed during the weekend. The issue of IP/ownership should be addressed within the team, as with any startup.
Refund Policy
Plans change. We get it. But if you can't make it, please email us at least 7 days before the scheduled event date. No refunds will be given after this timeframe.
[Atlanta x March 2016] Goodie Hack [EDU]: 2 Year Anniversary of the Hackathon Series For Under-Served Communities
09 Mar - 07:30 PM
Atlanta, United States
If you've found this page through Eventbrite search, the main Goodie Hack page (with all details) is at
:: Goodie Hack [EDU]: Atlanta x March 2016 Pitch Competition ::
+ Wednesday, March 9th
+ TechSquare Labs (859 Spring St. SW | Doors Open @ 7:30pm | Program @ 8pm
+ Hosted by M. Cole Jones (covello)
+ Complimentary Beer/Wine/Food
+ Great Music
+Challenge: How Can We Create Tech Tools Which Increase the Math and/or Reading Skills, by 30%, of 100,000+ Students in Low Performing Schools By the End of 2016?
+Grand Prize: $1,000 (1st Place) | $500 (2nd Place)
+Perfect For: Developers, Designers, Product Managers, Digital Marketers, Educators, Young Professionals, and Committed People With A Distaste For The Issue
+Age Range: 18+
+Help Us Do More Goodie Hacks: Click Here
+Questions: Please email