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JOLT! Hackathon Fall 2017
  06 Oct - 06:30 PM
  Little Rock, United States
Put on your white hat and send your team to join us for a weekend of unique and entertaining competition. JOLT is a weekend-long cyber security-themed "game of codes." On-site, expert Game Masters monitor and adjust the challenges in a responsive, real-time environment to ensure that everyone has tons of fun while leveraging advanced open source technology and using the tools that power some of the most complex real time solutions in the world. Connect with some of Arkansas’ best tech wizards and explore new tools. Really, it’s the most fun you can have in one weekend without landing in jail. Learn more at MAX of 4 people per team. Check out what happened at the October 2015 JOLT!
    JOLT! Hackathon Spring 2017
      24 Feb - 06:00 PM
      Little Rock, United States
    Technical pros! Students! Wannabe techies! Do you want to be exposed to best-practices, emerging trends, and the top dev tools? Sign up to participate in the JOLT Hackathon: Fostering the Next Generation of Innovation. You'll network with like-minded programmers and developers to solve a problem. Bring your own early-stage project or work in an assigned problem.