Showing results 51 to 60 out of 85
100 days to cloud
25 May - 07:00 PM
Santa Monica, United States
100 days to cloud Conference Cloud spending exceeds by $500 billion by 2020 -  IDC. As a business how can you take advanvtage of could to increase profit margins and also to scale and grow revenues?  Join our 100 days to cloud conference series to learn how other businesses similar to are leverging the power of cloud to accelerate their businesses. As a could service provide how can you capture a part of the $500 million spending? Attend the 100 days to cloud series to hear from other cloud businesses how they are tranforming their business models to offer cloud solutions to their customers. Agenda: Friday : Registration & Hackathon Saturday :  Sunday :  KD Kranti Deshmukh Kranti Deshmukh Annex Cloud CTO BW Brent Whitfield Brent Whitfield DCG Technical Solutions, Inc. CEO
    cTree Hack Night (Hosted by Hack for LA)
    08 May - 06:00 PM
    Los Angeles, United States
    Join the lead developer of the Collaboration Tree, an open source collaborative design and innovation web technology (like an online think tank), at this Hack for LA hosted event.  He'll be there to give more information about the project, answer questions, and help people get started with it, especially in preparation for the hackathon event the following weekend. We'll meet in room 401 on the West side of the building. Follow the signs through the hallway to get to room 401. Links Project: Slack: Polymer:
      Census 2020 Hackathon
      06 May - 09:00 AM
      Los Angeles, United States
      The Los Angeles Public Library,  in partnership with the Mayor’s Office of the Census, LA City’s Information Technology Agency, and the County of Los Angeles are hosting the first-ever hackathon focused on the 2020 Census to ensure that everyone gets counted in Los Angeles. This event is presented as part of Digital Inclusion Week.   About: Per the U.S. Constitution every person living in the U.S. must get counted every ten years. An accurate census count translates into equitable political representation in Congress and billions of dollars in federal funds for vital social programs and services in the City and the County of Los Angeles (i.e., health, social services, transportation, medicare, medicaid, foster care, senior services, education, etc.). For the first time in history the U.S. Census Bureau will make the survey available online.  This will have a drastic impact in how Los Angeles County residents complete the survey. The online Census will pose unprecedented opportunities and challenges, including a strong need to bridge the digital divide.  In addition to the digital divide, concerns over the addition of a citizenship question have cast a shadow over an already plagued census.  Given that Los Angeles has the second highest immigrant population in the country and immigrants’ heightened sense of fear and anxiety, civil rights organizations, immigration advocacy groups, and several state and local government agencies worry that immigrants and other hard-to-survey populations will not exercise their Constitutional right to get counted. Given the critical importance of the census and its fiscal and political impact, it is important that we do everything we can to ensure a full, fair, and accurate count in Los Angeles. Call to action: Do you want to ensure that everyone in the City and County of Los Angeles is counted accurately and that our region gets its fair share of funds for social programs, transportation, medicare, education, and other services? Do you want to make sure that all Angelenos are counted regardless of their citizenship status?   Help everyone exercise their Constitutional right to get counted by developing strategies and/or products to effectively outreach to and engage residents for the 2020 Census.   Challenge: What creative solutions, technological or otherwise, can you design to make the 2020 Census survey more accessible and engaging, especially for those that will be hard-to-survey, including immigrants, racial and ethnic communities, children 0-5 years, renters, college students, individuals with limited-English proficiency, and people living in poverty?   Note: In this context “accessibility” means mobile apps, outreach tool kits, easy to understand informational material, multi-lingual translated material, easy to navigate website or digital tools.   Hybrid Event: This event will be hosted at the Central Library in Downtown Los Angeles, with the opportunity for teams to participate virtually. Attendees are encouraged to meet virtually prior to event in Slack channel to begin the conversation.   A team size of 4-5 people is recommended. The ideal team make-up should include at least one subject matter expert, a tech person, and a digital storyteller or data person. A team leader will need to be selected.   Presentations and/or content can be saved in a shared Google Folder. Each team will give a five minute presentation before the judging panel at the end of the day. Those participating virtually will present to the judges via Zoom.   Date: May 6, 2018 Time: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Location: Central Library, 630 West 5th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071 Parking: Located directly underneath the library at 544 S Flower St, Los Angeles, CA 90071 Cost for the day is $8. Public transportation is highly encouraged. Food: Participants will be provided with lunch   Prizes: 1 iPad Pro Gift Basket from Los Angeles Public Library City of LA Recognition Certificate Opportunity to present idea at the quarterly Census 2020 Countywide Outreach Complete Count Committee meeting on Thursday, May 24, 2018 Timeline: 9:00 am - Participants check-in 9:30 am - Welcome / Intros (Mark Taper Auditorium) 10:00 am - Teams assemble 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm - Lunch provided in the Courtyards 4:15 pm - Finalized projects are submitted to Google Folder 4:30 pm - Team presentations 5:30 pm - Winners announced Questions and comments can be directed to Please include any dietary restrictions to ensure sufficient options are available.
        Collaboration Tree Hackathon - Los Angeles
        05 May - 10:00 AM
        Los Angeles, United States
        Programmers, designers, and other techies in Southern California! If you are an open-source enthusiast and would like to help advance the Collaboration Tree (cTree) web platform for community think tanks, then signup for the Collaboration Tree Hackathon - Los Angeles. You'll get to network and build your resume while working with like-minded techies to help advance the cTree project by helping create an open-source tool for online collaboration around specific topics or goals. If you're a programmer, then it will help to have experience with Google's Polymer platform. The expert tips page contains valuable info on hackathon participation!
        Polymer Web Components Hackathon - Los Angeles
        05 May - 10:00 AM
        Los Angeles, United States
        Get started with the new web components standard and Google's Polymer web components framework as part of an open source project: the Collaboration Tree.  Web components allow you to create new HTML tags which can be used with any other HTML based web technology.  Polymer adds data binding for cascading changes, as well as a broad library of polished components.  The Collaboration Tree is an open source project in progress, built on Polymer, who's goal is to create a new large scale collaborative discussion platform (read: open think tank). This event will introduce you to the project and help you get hands on with Polymer web components.  If you want to continue learning and working with Polymer on a real project you can tasks from the open source project, each ranked for different levels of experience and effort.  This is part of the larger Collaboration Tree hackathon weekend, which you can join online via Slack.
          Hack Till Dawn
          05 May - 09:00 AM
          Los Angeles, United States
          Grand prize valued at $US45,000
          Hackers and electronic music enthusiasts! You're invited to participate in Hack Till Dawn — a hackathon that combines the best of tech and music festivals. You'll get to collaborate with your techie and music friends to design and build revolutionary new tech that will help musical festivals to up their game! Participate in the first stage in Los Angeles and compete to be one of three teams chosen to win progress to the second stage at EDC (Electric Daisy Carnival) Las Vegas. The Top 3 Teams’ demo videos will be featured at EDC Las Vegas where festival fans will vote for the grand prize-winning team that will win VIP passes to the EDC Orlando electronic dance music festival. The grand prize-winning team will win prizes valued at $US45,000. Visit our tips page to make sure you're best prepared for your Hack Till Dawn hackathon experience!
          cTree Hack Night (Hosted by Hack for LA)
          01 May - 06:00 PM
          Los Angeles, United States
          Join the lead developer of the Collaboration Tree, an open source collaborative design and innovation web technology (like an online think tank), at this Hack for LA hosted event.  He'll be there to give more information about the project, answer questions, and help people get started with it, especially in preparation for the hackathon event the following weekend. We'll meet in room 401 on the West side of the building. Volunteers for Hack for LA will be available to check you in and direct you. Links Project: Slack: Polymer:
            水木少年科技艺术骇客松 ShuiMuYouth STEAM Innovation Hackathon 2018
            29 Apr - 01:30 PM
            Arcadia, United States
            2018 ShuiMu Youth STEAM Innovation Hackathon 49 years has passed since Neil Armstrong achieved humanity’s first landing on the Moon andmade “one giant leap for mankind”. Now it’s the time for us come back to the Moon again. It’s soexciting that we have so many young scientists design and build their own robots so we maysurvive at the Moon surface. Come to see their projects and robots and share their joyful Moonexploration! 2018 Official Contest Rules 1.Eligibility Requirements 1.1 Each competing team consists of 2 to 3 student members. To be eligible to compete, the student must be enrolled for the current school year in grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 at a middle school or high school, or a equivalent school (for home schooling or other special education program) in southern California area, and be born on or after October 1, 1999 and on or before October 1, 2006. 1.2 No student may compete on more than one team. 2. Competition Topics Scenes: “the Moon surface” – a 48”x72” cartoon board with two craters: one with 12” diameter, one with 18” diameter, both ~ 2” high. A 2” cube food package dropped in 18” crater. A 1”diameter and 2” long water tank is inside 12” crater. Both of them should be moved out thecraters.Each team IN/OUT time: 20 min.Team reset / preparation (program adjustment): 3 min.S1 ~ S3: Show the functions and design ideas – 10 Min;S4 ~ S5: 3 min.S6 ~ S8: 4 min. For more information, please email to
              Okta-Amazon Alexa-UCLA Hackathon: Identity is Creativity!
              28 Apr - 10:00 AM
              Los Angeles, United States
              Okta-Amazon Alexa-UCLA Hackathon: Identity is Creativity!  Note: The event has been rescheduled from its original January dates to April 28th and 29th   Come hack with us!   Okta, Amazon Alexa and UCLA feel that innovation is best demonstrated by bringing ideas to life, even if the first version may not be perfect. At this hackathon, you can build any type of project you'd like. And then use Okta to secure it with authentication, authorization, and user management in a matter of minutes. You can also create a more personalized user experience with Alexa.    To join us register below, and on the weekend of Hackathon come create something cool! A new website, an awesome mobile app, a clever bot, a cool data visualization, an Alexa app, anything cool and useful. Requirements: Development experience  Team Size: Maximum 4 members. If you don’t have a full 4-person team, just show up and we'll find a team for you (Okta employees/partners will not qualify for prizes, although all are welcome to join the hackathon!) Registration: Register, and if possible, donate to the Association for Computing Machinery-Women (ACM-W) - Supporting Women Engineers. Once registered, submit your team info to *UCLA Students – Please use your @ucla address Registration Deadline: April 26th, 2018 Judging Criteria:  Quality of the idea  Implementation of the Idea  Potential impact – Individual, school, community, or business Usage of Okta Platform Usage of Amazon Alexa Prizes: First place: $2000  Second place: $1000 Third place: $500  Amazon Alexa devices Dates and Times: Hackathon Hours: April 28th, 10:00 AM to April 29th 2:00 pm (We'll have coffee and energy drinks to keep you going!) Parking: UCLA Parking Structure 8 – Overnight parking available Prepay for parking using the Parkmobile App - Parking Zone# 2508 (Pick UCLA) - you need to add your vehicle to the app.  Okta and Amazon Alexa team members to help you at the Hackathon:  Okta Developer Relations/Evangelist: Randall Degges Okta Solutions Architects: Joel Hanson, Payal Ajwani, Brent Garlow, Joe Correa, Shawn Recinto, Andrew van Beek, Ryan Shaller, Jim Faut Amazon Alexa Solutions Architect: Justin Jeffress UCLA Industry Relations/Career Center: David Mora Agenda: 10:00 – 11:00 am: Kickoff + Team Intros 11:00 am – 01:00 pm: How to sessions + Lunch: (Okta and Amazon Speakers) 01:00 – 09:00 am: Hack away: (*How to* help is always available) Communication/Announcements during this time will be through Slack Channel or in person 7:00 pm: Dinner (Snacks and drinks always available) 12:00 am: Midnight Pizza 07:30 am: Breakfast 09:00 – 9:45 am: Wrap up coding and prepare for presentations 09:45 – 10:00 am: Upload your Presentation (Link) – (this is what you will be presenting. No changes will be accepted after). 10:00 am – 12:30 pm: Presentation (No Laptops up for audience) 12:30 –1:30 pm: Lunch + Networking 01:30 – 2:00 pm: Winners announced  Rules: Have fun and work in harmony. Be respectful! Any misbehavior will lead to disqualification. Build something meaningful, new, and awesome! You must use Okta as the Identity provider in your project. Feel free to use any other tools or technologies you wish. You cannot bring previously written code. We will audit each team's code. Your code belongs to you and no one else. Track your code on Git. Your presentation + project must be submitted between 9:45 – 10:00 am on Sunday. No changes will be permitted after submission. Organizers are here to help! We'll keep your project confidential. Submissions: Submit your code in your Git repo and your presentation here at 9:45 am. No late changes will be accepted. TODOs before the event:  Sign up for a free Okta developer Account: (Required - One per team for the hackathon, you can sign up as individuals for learning purposes) Sign up for Amazon Developer Account: Useful Links:  Okta APIs and Examples:  Here are the Okta SDKs for Authentication/Authorization/User management/Multifactor Auth/Social Okta APIs: Okta OAuth: API Access management - Authentication options based on the project needs/login experience – for this Hackathon, we encourage the Sign-In widget since that is the easiest to get started with - Alexa integration: (with server side appl - Okta's Developer Blog: Use OpenID Connect to Build a Simple Node.js Website Build an Ionic App with User Authentication Okta Examples on GitHub: Alexa Docs:   Amazon Alexa announced a new version of the Nodejs sdk. You are welcome to use either version. A few things to get you started developing with Alexa.   Tutorials & Getting Started: A 5 minute quick start tutorial: Additional Tutorials here at both a beginner and advanced level: Recommended Learning Path: Start with the Fact Skill Tutorial, and then follow the City Guide Skill Tutorial.   Design & Development: Voice Design Guides, contain design thinking and thought leadership around creating the best voice experiences for your customers:   For useful code snippets and examples, take a look at the cookbook:  Testing: An in-browser Alexa device, useful for testing your skill when you don't have a device handy:   We will also have test devices to loan out   Miscellaneous: For inspiration, here are some things Alexa developers around the world have built: Complete Technical Documentation: Official Developer Forum: Official Nodejs SDK: Alexa Voice Service (Adding Voice Control to any device with a microphone and a speaker): If you have any questions, if you need help, a sounding board for your ideas, or if you want to swing by and chat -- feel free find us on our table during the hackathon. 
                Los Angeles Tableau User Group - Hackathon! - Shelter Animals Count
                21 Apr - 10:00 AM
                Los Angeles, United States
                The Los Angeles Tableau User Group is excited to announce our first Hackathon with Shelter Animals Count!! Do you enjoy building dashboards for fun?  Putting your powerful analytics skills to go use?  Have a passion for data and animals?  If so, we are welcoming you and other experienced Tableau users in the LA area, or beyond, to join us in helping this non-profit analyze thier data! Please only register if you know you can attend, as we are limited to a group of 25 individuals.   Unlike are other events, we will have a waitlist.  If we have enough interest we will look into breaking into two groups; morning and afternoon.   We will send out an email to those who have registered if anything changes.A signed NDA will be required before you will get access to the data.  Please provide the best email address, and we will send you the forms before the event.  We will have some available at the event, but would like to save paper where possible.  Note: There will be animals at the facility, so please plan accordingly if you have allergies. #LATUGHACK AGENDA Welcome by Jennifer Capps and Representatives from Shelter Animals Count Hackathon Lunch (Provided) More Hacking Dashboard Review   Location 1845 Pontius Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Parking Fee and on street parking is available surrounding the center.  Lots of options for public transportation.  Carpooling is encouraged.