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Nash Hack Weekathon - 2018 Hackathon
19 Oct - 06:00 PM
Nashville, United States
Join a team, form a team, or start working on a solo project during the 48-hour open hackathon. Can’t come to the pitch competition or evening sessions? That’s OK! We still want you to sign up to join the 48-hour hackathon, which will begin on October 19 and continue through project demos on October 21. What's Nash Hack Weekathon? It’s a hackathon, preceded by a pitch competition and a week of open consulting sessions. And it’s FREE. It will offer developers, designers, product managers, and marketers an opportunity to stretch your current skills or try out something new. The event focuses on a few phases: Pitch competition: Anyone can pitch a project idea. A panel of judges will select featured teams that will advance to a week of consulting sessions. The public is welcome to attend the competition to see who is selected as a featured team. Weekday evening events: Featured teams will receive consultation from experts in the local tech community and meetup groups – with topics ranging from user feedback, UX design, tech stack planning, and more – to improve their project ideas. Hackathon: Join a team, start a team, or work on an individual project during the 48-hour community hackathon. Presentations/Demos: Featured teams will present their projects for prizes. Everyone else is invited to demo their work science-fair style for other awards. We’re excited to bring this event to the community and can’t wait to see the projects come alive during the hackathon!
    Nash Hack Weekathon
    19 Oct - 06:00 PM
    Nashville, United States
    A free, weeklong event where product managers, designers, developers and marketers come together to build projects in an open, community hackathon, featuring: a pitch competition to select featured teams, a week of expert consultations, a 48-hour hackathon, and demos of completed projects open to the public. Whether you’re joining a featured team or working on your own your project, Nash Hack Weekathon is a great way to learn new skills and connect with the community.
    Test Fake Events Hackathon
    10 Oct - 07:00 PM
    Nashville, United States
    To win the fake events
      How To Develop a Successful Robotic Tech Startup Business! Nashville - Entrepreneur - Workshop - Hackathon - Bootcamp - Virtual Class - Seminar - Training - Lecture - Webinar - Conference - Course
      16 Sep - 01:00 PM
      Nashville, United States
      Learn to Develop a Successful Robotic Tech Startup Company Today! Always wanted to start an tech startup? Now we have a complete blueprint for you start your own Robotic Tech Startup. During our tech startup program you will learn and navigate through tools, software, hardware, platforms, resources, projects, processes, methods and strategies to penetrate your own Robotic Tech Startup into the market. During this Robotic Tech Startup workshop we will cover: Session 1: Robotic Basics During this session we will explore the very foundation and the basic systems and platforms for you to integrate into your own tech startup process.  Robotic Hardware Robotic Software Robotic Platforms Robotic Projects Robotic Systems Robotic Blueprint Robotic Tools Robotic Resources Session 2: Tech Startup IdeasDuring this session we will explore tech startup ideas for you to implement and integrate into your own tech startup or use them as an inspirational source for developing your own products, projects, prototypes or services in your tech startup Agriculture Robotics GeoRobotics Robotic Assistant Healthcare Robotics Fast Food Robotics Robotics on Demand Hybrid Drone Robotics Emergency Robotics Robotic Mapping Lab Robotics Home Automation Telepresence Shelf & Logistic Robotics Robotic Bartender Automated Woodworking and much more   Session 3: R&DDuring this session we will explore the research process, how you can research a specific niche industry, the market and tech trends. R&D/Research R&D Tools Startup Tools Market Research Surveys Consumer Analytics Market Analytics Industry Analytics Trends Researching   Session 4: Creativity During this session we will explore the creativity process, how to increase your own creativity intelligence and implement quality tech ideas into your own tech startup process. Creativity Tools Creativity Techniques Creativity Strategy Mind mapping Brainstorming Meditation Idea Exploring Idea Blender Key-Point System Problem Solving Strategy Incubation Creative intelligence Outside the Box Thinking Lateral Thinking Productivity Tools Mind Relaxation Meditation Higher Consciousnesses Inspiration Tools Idea Storage   Session 5: Capital/FundingDuring this session we will explore the capital and funding process of your tech startup. How to raise capital and make systematic attempts to penetrate into the market. Capital/Funding Capital/Funding Tools Capital/Funding Strategy Venture Capitalists Angel Investors Seed Funding Incubators Accelerator Programs Co-Founder Capitalization Table Crowdfunding Business Trade Fairs   Session 6: Clients/CustomersDuring this session we will explore the client acquisition process. Find your first clients and customers for your tech startup and implement the right tools, methods and strategies for creating an successful sale system for your specific niche industry/technology. Clients Client Acquisition Strategy Client Acquisition Process PR Strategies Social Media Marketing Competitive Analysis E-Mail Marketing Newsletters Analytics SEO Digital Marketing Ad Systems Competitor Research Sale System Sale Strategy Growth Hacking Sales Funnel Email Hunting   Session 7: Business PlatformDuring this session we will explore the business organizing process. How to implement an organized and professional platform for your tech startup for creating efficient workflow. Business Automation Business Process Business Strategy Business Model Business Management ERP CRM Human Resources (HR) Recruitment Intranet Collaboration Project Management Document Management Customer Support Business Automation Tools   Session 8: Business FormationDuring this session we will explore the business formation process. Which platforms, models and tools to integrate into your tech startup formation for creating an successful launch process.Business Formation Legal Contracts Business Model Corporate Structure Payment Platforms Payment Gateway Invoicing System Credit Cards/Payments Pricing Strategies Accounting Subscriptions Office Space Virtual Address Virtual Phone Virtual Office Remote Office Virtual Assistant Virtual Receptionist Virtual Support Outsourcing Product Demo Product Launch   Session 9: Startup CodingDuring this session we will explore the coding process of your tech startup.Coding/Programming IDE API SDK GUI Code Analysis Data Visualization Python C# Forms Wireframing Front-End Back-End Library Frameworks Testing Programming Platforms Programming Tools Agile Development Software Code Management   Session 10: Startup Hardware/PrototypingDuring this session we will explore the hardware and prototyping process of your tech startup. Using different tools and platform to innovate and integrate your own tech startup projects. Electronics IoT Raspberry Pi Arduino Microcontrollers Sensors Projects Microchips Hardware Boards Hardware Tools Hardware Platform PCB 3D Design 3D Models 3D Printing DIY Tech Tech Lab Embedded Systems   Session 11 : Startup IT OperationsDuring this session we will explore the IT infrastructure process of your tech startup. Which platforms to use for setup an organized database system, cloud system and other technical solutions for your tech startup to work efficiently IT Infrastructure Cloud Servers Database DevOps Monitoring Remote Access Backup Technical Documentation Data Recovery Encryption Security FTP NAS Deployment VPN VPS Automation Log Management Networking Virtualization   Session 12 : Startup ConsultingDuring this session we will explore the consulting process for your tech startup. An strategic approach, where you can receive more experience before you launch your own specific products/projects. Tech Startup Consulting Tech Consulting Services Tech Consulting Structure Tech Consulting Approach Tech Consulting Strategy Tech Consulting Contracts Tech Consulting Referrals Tech Consulting Portfolio Tech Consulting ISO Tech Consulting Integration Tech Consulting Projects   Session 13 : Startup ManagementDuring this session we will explore management process of your tech startup. How to manage your internal and external environments for increasing the probability of your tech startup to succeed. Tech Startup Management Motivational Skills Time Management Team Management Leadership Skills Learning Skills Goal Setting Skills Decision Making Skills Stress Management Communication Skills Procrastination Hacks Productivity Hacks Confidence Hacks Growth Mindset Skills Problem Solving Skills Analytical Skills Strategic Thinking Skills Learning Management Session 14: Tech WorkshopsDuring this session we will explore tech trends, emerging markets and disruptive technologies and future workshops Future Workshops Disruptive Technologies Emerging Markets Emerging Industries Tech Trends Workshop Curriculum Basic Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing Unlimited Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT Operations VIP Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Coding/Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT Operations, Startup Management, Startup Consulting, Startup Workshops Gold Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Coding/Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT Operations, Startup Management, Startup Consulting, Startup Workshops + 24/7/365 Access + Unlimited Attendees Registration Testimonials: "Atechup Startup Workshops is the most valuable business workshop we have EVER purchased." - Johnny M."Not able to tell you how happy I am with Atechup Startup Workshops." - Elisabeth F. T. "Atechup Startup Workshops, is a visionary product, shaping future tomorrow" - Cohen. A ""I am completely blown away by the quality and generous material. Thank you very much" - Steven  D. For detailed information go to: [This is an online Event/Workshop]
        Nashville Music Hackathon presented by First Tennessee Bank
        15 Sep - 09:30 AM
        Nashville, United States
        Second Annual Nashville Music Hackathon Presented by First Tennessee BankThe day will start with a few presentations about various music tech topics. Then we'll break out into groups and hack. At the end of the day we'll all come back together to celebrate and show off what has been created!  The event is free and everyone is welcome to participate in the hackathon. Designers, coders, musicians, tinkerers, and others can all provide unique contributions to projects. 09:30 Registration 10:00 - 11:00 Presentations/ Workshops Listen to presentations/ workshops on music tech topics. 11:00 - 11:30 Breakout Session Offer up your project for others to join. Meet new people to hack with. 11:30 - 8:00 Hack Work on projects with a breaks for lunch and dinner. 8:00 - 09:00 Demos / Performances Present your project and see what others have been working on all day. Speakers: SCALING SAAS IMPLEMENTATION ACROSS 3+ CUSTOMER/FUNCTIONAL DOMAINS OF MUSIC CONTENT OWNERS ECOSYSTEM IN UNDER 4 YEARS Christopher Igoe - Co-Founder, Director of Engineering and Product | Songspace WAVEFORM GENERATION Trevor Hinesley - Founder/CTO | Soundstripe MATCHING DYNAMIC DISPARATE SETS OF DATA USING ENTITY RESOLUTION AND MACHINE LEARNING Chris McMurtry - Head of Music Product | Exactuals Presenting Sponsor: Additional Sponsors:
          Music City Legal Hackathon 2.0
          14 Apr - 08:00 AM
          Nashville, United States
          The Music City Legal Hackathon is returning! Music City Legal Hackathon 2.0 brings together lawyers, legal services providers, coders, designers, educators, government officials, and sponsors for a day-long hackathon to create real solutions to real access-to-justice problems in Tennessee. The 2018 hackathon's theme — REIMAGINING THE LAW: legal + design + tech — says it all: hackathon teams will work to meet challenges and solve problems submitted by pro bono, "low bono" and other legal services providers from across the state of Tennessee, to reimagine the delivery of legal services and access to civil justice. Our goal is to connect technological solutions to real access to civil legal services needs and create practical solutions. Below is the hackathon schedule. We hope you'll join us! The Hackathon and Unconference is a joint venture of Music City Legal Hackers (an initiative of Vanderbilt Law's Program on Law and Innovation) and Code for Nashville. SCHEDULE Saturday, April 14, 2018 | Vanderbilt Law School North Lobby 7:30 a.m. Breakfast (provided) and Sign-In/Registration 8:00 a.m. Welcome by Tennessee Supreme Court Chief Justice Jeff Bivins, followed by Challenge pitches, team formation, and a design sprint 9:30 a.m. Team Hacking commences 12:00 noon Lunch (provided) 4:00 p.m. Team Presentations 5:00 p.m. Closing of Active Hacking Period: all teams must submit their challenge projects at this time.   Teams will submit their final project solutions on or before 5:00 p.m. CT. Judges will evaluate submissions and determine the winning project within seven (7) days of the Hackathon. The winning project will be presented at Vanderbilt Law's Summit on Law and Innovation (SoLI), and members of the winning team will be invited as guests to SoLI. All projects will be shared in a global legal hacking database. Questions about the schedule? Please email us at ------ There is no cost for any of the Hackathon events — we simply ask all who attend to come ready to participate! All events will be held at Vanderbilt Law School in the North Lobby. More information, including directions, may be found on the event website: Questions about registration or the Hackathon generally? Contact us at, or you can reach Hackathon coordinator Larry Bridgesmith directly at 615-322-2615.
            Code for the Kingdom Nashville 2018
            09 Feb - 05:30 PM
            Nashville, United States
            Join us February 9-11, 2018 at LifeWay's new downtown Nashville headquarters as we gather together and work to come up with creative ways to use technology for God's glory. It's a weekend unlike any other in Nashville. Bring your own idea, and let's create something good together! Challenges and Projects A wide variety of projects and ideas are always welcomed. Project submissions will be taken beforehand, and project owners will have the chance to pitch on Friday night. Past projects have included:  - an Amazon Alexa scripture memorization tool - an Amazon Alexa tool that helps people identify ministries working with the homeless and less fortunate in their area - an app that helps you remember to pray for others- a youth group collaborative journaling and study app- a marketing campaign and website aimed at helping people know and serve refugees in our community- a JavaScript SDK for a digital Bible API- an online, real-time translation tool for a popular version of the BibleThese are just a few of the more than 40 apps we've seen worked on at our last two hackathons. Your Ticket Ticket price includes the following : 6 meals (dinner Friday through lunch Sunday), event t-shirt, snacks and coffee throughout the event, and a custom item for returning participants. A Young Coder's Workshop ticket covers : admission for 1 parent/guardian and child and lunch on Saturday Still Need More Info? For more information (including FAQs, schedule, and menu), please visit Sponsorships Sponsors will be liste here soon. If you're interested in sponsoring the weekend, please reach out to us via the contact link on this page or our website.   FAQs   Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? Minors are allowed with a parent or guardian present. Can I stay overnight at the venue? Yes, you can.  However, showers are not a guarantee at this point. Nashville has plenty of AirBnB rentals and hotels very close that are also reasonably priced. What's the refund policy? Refunds will be given up to 7 days before the event.  
              Code for the Kingdom Nashville 2018
              09 Feb - 05:00 PM
              Nashville, United States
              Join us February 9-11, 2018 at LifeWay's new downtown Nashville headquarters as we gather together and work to come up with creative ways to use technology for God's glory. It's a weekend unlike any other in Nashville. Bring your own idea, and let's create something good together!