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MTSU Dept of Computer Science presents HackMT 2019
25 Jan - 05:00 PM
Murfreesboro, United States
We are excited about our fourth hackathon, Hack-MT 2019, hosted by the Middle Tennessee State computer science department. Hack-MT will be held at MTSU beginning, January 25, 2019, through Noon on Sunday, January 27, 2019. The purpose of the event is to gather software developers, and visual designers, together with computer science students from local universities and form teams to invent new web platforms, mobile apps, and electronic gadgets over 36, high intensity, uninterrupted hours. This promises to be an excellent opportunity to learn new things, hone skills, and interact with students from MTSU and other universities as well as industry professionals.  Check out the video from HackMT 2018!  TENTATIVE Schedule for the Event  Friday January 25, 2019 4:30pm-6:00pm - VIP Sponsors Reception & Cocktail Hour  5pm - Registration Check-in opens (First 200 to register get swag) 6pm - Dinner 7pm - Opening Ceremonies and Choose Teams 10pm - Pizza Saturday January 26, 2019 8am - Breakfast 12pm - Lunch 6pm - Dinner 10pm - Pizza Sunday January 27, 2019 8am - Breakfast 10:30am - Presentation of Projects and Voting 11:30am - Closing Ceremonies and Final Picture