Showing results 1 to 10 out of 14
WebVR Hackathon & Workshop
01 Dec - 07:00 PM
Stamford, United States
WebVR hackers! Come and showcase your VR skills and creativity — compete with the best at the WebVR Hackathon & Workshop! You'll be able to choose from three tracks to build an awesome app and create useful templates. You can choose from the following challenges: »WebVR Application »WebVR Tool and/or Template »Global Challenge - WebVR Tool/Template
Thames River Hackathon
11 Nov - 06:00 PM
New London, United States
Programmers, engineers, business people, artists, and enthusiasts interested in transit issues! Come and participate in The Thames River Hackathon. Collaborate with like-minded individuals and hack together software and hardware to make cool stuff. You can chose to participate in one of the following tracks or challenges: »Apps and APIs »Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality »Make Stuff Using Arduino, or 3D printing, etc. »Create Your Own Track!
3rd Annual Lehman College (CUNY) NSBE Hackathon
04 Nov - 05:30 PM
Bronx, United States
The Lehman College Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers invites you to sign up and participate in the 3rd Annual Lehman College (CUNY) NSBE Hackathon. This is your opportunity to showcase your coding and teambuilding skills! You'll be challenged to hack on web, mobile, and other tech platforms, in order to create prototypes from the ground up in 18 hours of coding.
Invent:YU Israel Hackathon
29 Oct - 08:30 PM
New York, United States
Yeshiva University students! Sign up for Invent:YU Israel, a 24-hour hackathon where you'll team up to turn your ideas into tangible products. Build anything from apps and websites to robots and drones to win prizes. This year's hackathon is in collaboration with the YU Tamid Group and YU Israel Club. The hackathon will include a tech fair of Israeli startup companies, where you will learn more about Israel's tech community.
Healthy Wearables Hackathon / 2016 Yale Technology Summit
21 Oct - 02:00 PM
New Haven, United States
Yale students, faulty and staff! Do you have creative ideas on how wearable technology can enable healthier lifestyles? Come participate in the Healthy Wearables Hackathon. Work individually or collaborate in a team to create innovative solutions in one of the following categories: »Physical Activity »Nutrition »Weight Management »Tobacco Cessation »Stress Management »Sexual Wellness »Sleep
Bridgeport Hackathon
30 Sep - 05:00 PM
Bridgeport, United States
Developers, designers, creatives and techies from Bridgeport's downtown tech scene! Come and participate in Bridgeport's first community hackathon. Take on Smart Cities Challenges featuring a fantastic array of API's & Data, VR and AR challenges and some great gear to work with.
Design Sprints made easy
07 Sep - 06:00 PM
Huntington, United States
Have a great idea for a startup!? Or need another round of feedback on your existing product? This is a great way to do it. Participants are encouraged to present, receive/give feedback and meet new people. Hone those skills the pros are using in Silicon Valley by joining this workshop/sprint/hackathon to work on your projects, ideas and dreams. Bradley Rubin Chief Product Officer of CompuSmart Solutions and user experience design champion will be leading this session.
Yale Entrepreneurship Bazaar
30 Aug - 10:00 AM
New Haven, United States
A collaboration between Yale's numerous entrepreneurial organizations, the Yale Entrepreneurship Bazaar is sure to provide great networking opportunities, sponsors, and mailing lists for interested parties. In addition, stands will be advertising upcoming hackathons and classes within the community, and culinary startups will be handing out free samples of their products.
Design Sprint and Hackathon
24 Aug - 06:00 PM
Plainview, United States
Have a great idea for a startup!?  Or need an iterative round of feedback on an existing product?  This is a great way to do it. Participants are encouraged to present, receive and give feedback and meet new people.  And most importantly have fun!  Hone those skills the pros are using in Silicon Valley by joining this Design Sprint and Hackathon to work on your projects, ideas, and dreams.
PreHackathon Meetup and Talk On Sensor Use for Environmental Monitoring
15 Aug - 06:00 PM
New Haven, United States
Experienced and inexperienced makers and hackers welcome. This meetup is focused on Internet of Things, in preparation for the New Haven Hackathon. The purpose is to socialize with others and get exposure to the technologies and sensors that will drive the New Haven Hackathon. This is an excellent time to make connections with future team members. Have a project with sensors, Arduino, beacon, 360 camera, or drone? Bring it!