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Lesbians Who Tech (and allies) New York Summit
  01 Oct - 05:00 PM
  New York , United States
      Lesbians Who Tech is hosting our second annual Summit in New York from October 1st -4th in New York. Our Summit is an effort to bring together over 1,000 queer women in tech (and allies), a group that is rarely represented in either of the communities of which they are a part – the tech community or the LGBT community – for the most unique technology conference ever. The Summit stretches over four days featuring a diverse number of activities and experience. During the conference we will be hosting a variety of weekend events including our second annual hackathon, a new leadership development workshop for executive level attendees and fun gatherings such as Lesbians Who Golf & Bike.   We will highlight incredible queer women who have paved the way for a more equal workplace and society, as well as the next generation of technical leaders. This year in New York there will be a special focus on the intersection of technology and digital in both media and finance.   The Summit will be hosted at NYU Law School in Washington Square Park along with satellite events at various locations in Manhattan and Brooklyn.  Sample Agenda Thursday, October 1st Tech Crawl // Visiting different tech offices around the city and Brooklyn Tech Dinners // Dinners at different offices, in partnership with tech groups around NY  Night // Welcome Party Friday, October 2nd Morning // Brunch on topics around specific topics like entrepreneurship, media, engineering, design and more.Tech Crawl // Visiting different tech offices around the city and Brooklyn Ted Style Talks  Badass Speakers  Networking that doesn't suck  Lesbians Who Code Track  Lesbians Who Tech // Media & Digital Track  Lesbians Who Tech // Finance Track  Friday Night PARTY  Saturday & Sunday, October 3rd & 4th Workshop // Professional Growth & Entrepreneurship  Hackathon  Picnic in the park  Brunch  Saturday Party Other satellite events     To learn more go to   Lesbians Who Tech is a community of queer women in tech (and allies) that started in San Francisco in December 2012. Since then, we’ve built a community of over 9,000 queer women in 22 cities, including 4 international cities.     Lesbians Who Tech Press //  If Every Tech Conference Were Like Lesbians Who Tech, Tech Would Be A Much Better Place // BuzzFeed  What it’s like to be a Lesbian in Tech // Fortune  Second Annual “Lesbians Who Tech” Summit Ups the Ante // Autostraddle  At Lesbians Who Tech, Silicon Valley is here and it's queer // DailyDot    
    Music Education Hackathon
      25 Sep - 08:00 PM
      New York, United States
    Music Education Hackathon Talks -- Friday, September 25th, 2015 - 8 PM Hackthon -- Saturday, September 26th, 2015 - Noon to 10 PM, Hack Demos at 8 PM Spotify NYC, 45 W 18th St, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10011 RSVP at Stay tuned to our blog, twitter, or facebook for more announcements! Join the announcements mailing list @musichackathon Get a head start by discussing your project or ideas on our discussion mailing list
      MediaThon Mixer/Happy Hour at Civic Hall
        25 Sep - 06:30 PM
        New York, United States
      MediaThon Mixer, Sept 25, 6:30-8PM, Civic Hall! Come talk, drink, have some snacks and share your passions around media of all types. Meet and join our community of media makers. The MediaThon is a hack-a-thon for media makers of all types. Whether you write words or code, shoot video, design pages, act, make Tumblogs, or just want to figure out how to execute your idea. For a day or a weekend, we get together to create, collaborate, and compete, making media around a specific theme. Our mission is to bring people together to break down barriers, invent new forms of media, and to have fun doing it. We'll be highlighting The MediaThon: Future Fashion, which will take place Oct. 3, 2015 at FIT. We'll compete to create media about fashion - what it is, where it's going, and how our lives will evolve as we express ourselves through what we wear (or maybe implant?).  See to learn more, see past projects (Politics, Food, Travel, News) and to register or join our list for updates on upcoming events and resources.