Showing results 121 to 122 out of 122
Developer Camp Manhattan
07 Jan - 09:00 AM
New York, United States
Developers, designers, entrepreneurs, testers, and storytellers! Come and participate in Developer Camp — arguably The World's Best Hackathon! It's a Two-day hackathon for iOS, bots, and the Web. Come and showcase your skills — network with superstar hackers and designers as you code, build custom hardware, and innovate!
31 Dec - 02:00 PM
New York, United States
Coders, wannabe coders, techies and all in and around New York. Come and network with all levels of techies on New Year's Eve in the Big Apple. Bring your own team or join one at the event. Collaborate to build something awesome that will blow the minds of all attendees. Your project will be judged along with all others by the entire group of attendees — think crowd-judging! Compete for prizes for the winning teams!