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TransUnion Consumer Interactive Hackathon 2017
13 Oct - 05:00 PM
San Luis Obispo, United States
TransUnion has been the major sponsor for the CalPoly Hackathon (2015 - 2017). We were so pleased with those events we started hosting our own. We are doing it again this year! If you had a good time at either event or you missed them, come join us!
There will be 2 Challenges (we will include our datasets) for you and your team to solve. We'll have Food, Workshops and Cash Prizes (up to $10,000 total purse) for the winners. Did we mention FOOD? Meals will be catered.
First Place: $6000
Second Place: $3000
Third Place: $1000
Judging criteria will be announced no later than at Friday night's session. Teams will be judged during the Pitch session on Saturday night and prizes for First, Second and Third place teams will be awarded right afterwards. We reserve the right to not award a prize in the event of an insufficient number of eligible entries meeting the minimum judging criteria as determined in our sole discretion.
Prizes will be given to the winning teams and each team can decide how to split it up between team members. We are not responsible for any dispute among team members related to the distribution of prizes. Each team member is responsible for any applicable taxes for any prize money he or she receives.
You can pre-form teams. There are limited conference rooms available. Teams will have a chance to claim rooms when everyone on the team is checked in.
If you signup as an individual we will do everything we can to place you on a team. This may not be possible so your best bet is to pre-form a team.
Friday 10/13
4pm – Sign In
5:00pm – Intro to TransUnion, Challenge Intro and Judging Criteria
6:00pm – Dinner
6:30pm – Challenge Dataset Explanation
7:30pm – Workshop: Judging Criteria Q&A with the Judges
9pm – Start Challenge! Mentors Available to Discuss Solution Ideas
Saturday 10/14
7:30am - Breakfast
10:30am - Workshop: Effective Pitch Presentation
11:30pm - 1:30pm Lunch
5:30pm - Dinner
6:00pm - Team Pitches
9:30 pm - Winners Announced!
10pm - Done
Is this event only open to CalPoly students like the CalPoly Hackathons are?
No. We used the contact list from CalPoly's event as a starting point for our invitations but we would love for you to invite your friends if they are available that weekend. Participants must be at least 18 years old.
This Hackathon is TransUnion specific. What's in it for me?
Other than the possibility of the cash reward and cool raffle prizes this is a great resume builder. We interview students all the time and the ones that shine are the ones that are able to articulate projects they were involved in that had deliverables like this Hackathon.
Also, one workshop session will feature Design and Development Seminars where our employees will share some great real world knowledge with attendees.
Can we pre-form teams?
Yes! In fact, we encourage it. Teams must have a minimum of 3 (1 Marketer, 1 Designer, 1 Developer) and a maximum of 6 but otherwise it's up to you. You may want to reunite your team from the CalPoly Hackathon or form a new group. Feel free to get a team together, sign up and show up knowing you will work together.
Does TransUnion hire interns?
Yes. We have internship opportunities. Please mark your interest on the signup sheet.
By reserving a ticket and attending the TUCI Hackathon, I agree to be bound to the following terms:
• I agree to abide by any rules and codes of conduct provided to me by TUCI and TUCI has the right to remove me from participation in the Hackathon if I fail to do so.
• I agree that TUCI will own all title rights and interest in any and all intellectual property (“IP”) that I create during or as a result of the event. I automatically assign, at the time of creation of the IP and without the requirement of further consideration, to TUCI all such, title, rights and interest and will execute and give TUCI any assignment documents as TUCI may reasonably request,
• I understand that I may be photographed, videotaped, or otherwise recorded while participating in the Hackathon and I agree to allow TUCI to use any such photographs/footage in any manner or media that TUCI sees fit without my review or approval and without compensation.
Camp Polyhacks
13 Jan - 05:00 PM
San Luis Obispo, United States
Cal Poly students! Interested in social entrepreneurship? Come and participate in the university's Camp Polyhacks hackathon. It's guaranteed to change your life! You'll get to network with like-minded individuals and collaborate in a team to create a fully-functioning app, website, or some other digital media device to solve a real-life problem. You'll then get to pitch your project to a panel of judges for the chance to win awesome prizes.