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Google DevFest Columbia
24 Oct - 10:00 AM
Columbia, United States
Google Developers Group DevFests are large, community-run events that can offer speaker sessions across multiple product areas, all-day hack-a-thons, code labs, and more. Columbia organizers have put together an amazing FREE event for you. The event will run between 10 - 4:30pm. Specific times will be listed below soon.  Code Lab: Android 101 - Drew Heavner Basic introduction to Android that will demonstrate how to create a new project, construct a basic UI, then how to interact with those elements in code. I will go over the bare essentials about creating Android apps.  Code Lab: Hacking Minecraft This lab will focus around the basics of modding Minecraft and hands-on creating and implementing mods.  Session: Android M - Drew Heavner This will be a presentation from me about what’s new in Marshmallow and what it means for Android users and developers alike. I will discuss the impact of these new features on development, etc. Code Lab: Android + Firebase This lab will cover the basics of implementing Firebase on Android and demonstrating it’s power and features. CodeLab: Advanced Android This lab will focus around more advanced Android development such as using SQLite for persistence, or implementing location services with Geofencing and IntentServices, etc. Code Lab: Web development  This is be basic introduction to web development using Angular.js + Material Design taught by our lead web developer, Billy.  *Schedule is subject to change. Particpants are encouraged to attend the entire program.* Event Collaborators