Showing results 181 to 190 out of 321
Financially support or sponsor Teen Hackathon,
28 Jun - 12:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Would you like to assist with this activity? Donate online:, Inc. welcomes in-kind support or other types of sponsorships such as venue hosting, catering, or technology.
Email or phone/SMS text 415-373-6767
HackathonBNB™: Train and Prep for Upcoming Hackathons with Entreprenuers
28 Jun - 12:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Advance your own funds to train and prep for upcoming hackathons with fellow entrepreneurs. Participants may be eligible for reimbursement for reasonable meals, lodging, transportation, and incidental expenses. Serious inquriies only. $500 deposit is applied to entire program fee.
Email with any questions.
SMS text 415-373-6767 to confirm RSVP, date, time, and location.
*requires 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsorship agreement.
Financially support or sponsor Teen Hackathon,
27 Jun - 12:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Would you like to assist with this activity? Donate online:, Inc. welcomes in-kind support or other types of sponsorships such as venue hosting, catering, or technology.
Email or phone/SMS text 415-373-6767
HackathonBNB™: Train and Prep for Upcoming Hackathons with Entreprenuers
27 Jun - 12:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Advance your own funds to train and prep for upcoming hackathons with fellow entrepreneurs. Participants may be eligible for reimbursement for reasonable meals, lodging, transportation, and incidental expenses. Serious inquriies only. $500 deposit is applied to entire program fee.
Email with any questions.
SMS text 415-373-6767 to confirm RSVP, date, time, and location.
*requires 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsorship agreement.
React Riot Hackathon at Algolia HQ
24 Jun - 10:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Participating in the React Riot online hackathon? Awesome! We'll be opening up Algolia HQ for participating teams to compete over a 48 hour period to build the best app they can, using React JS. We'll be providing food and drinks for participants to keep everyone fueled.
How does it work?
Gather Up Your Team
Teams are comprised of 1-4 members. Make sure to register before the competition begins.
Build Your App in 48 hours
You have 48 hours to build the best React App during the competition.
Voting / Judging Period
Expert judges and participants will review the entries, adding scores and feedback for teams.
Winners Announced
Winners will be announced on July 3rd. Stay tuned for the amazing prizes!
Applications will be reviewed by expert judges, who are leaders in the React community. Contestants will also have a chance to vote on each others entries. All entries will be evaluated and teams will receive feedback. Find out more about the Reat Riot online hackathon here:
Global AI Hackathon - San Francisco
23 Jun - 07:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
Designers, data scientists, neuroscientists, idea generators, and coders in San Francisco and the Bay Area! Are you passionate about artificial intelligence? invites you to participate in the Global AI Hackathon - San Francisco. As part of a global hackathon event, you'll work on your own, or collaborate with a team of like-minded individuals from your community. So sign up now and you'll get to work on an AI challenge to be announced...and compete for terrific prizes.
Genomics Hackathon
23 Jun - 06:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
AI researchers and biologists, genomics researchers! You're invited to participate in the NF2 Tumor Genomics Hackathon. You'll be challenged to come up with novel ways to analyze genomic data using AI and other computational methods. You'll get the opportunity to contribute to a real, ongoing patient case while helping advance understanding of NF2 mutations, and in the process, help establish an open source community for future medical AI collaborative hacking. You'll get to chose from a number of problem tracks and treatment pathways.
self.TaughtCoder: Tech Training for Women (complies with 29 USC Chapter 27)
23 Jun - 10:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Bring your laptop enabled with wi-fi to train and prep for an upcoming hackathon at TECHCRUNCH DISRUPT SAN FRANCISCO
You are required to have an AWS account in order to access the co-working space for free:
This is for novices only: never attended a coding school or bootcamp or participated in any online program.
HackathonBNB™: Train and Prep for Upcoming Hackathons with Entreprenuers
23 Jun - 12:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Advance your own funds to train and prep for upcoming hackathons with fellow entrepreneurs. Participants may be eligible for reimbursement for reasonable meals, lodging, transportation, and incidental expenses. Serious inquriies only. $500 deposit is applied to entire program fee.
Email with any questions.
SMS text 415-373-6767 to confirm RSVP, date, time, and location.
*requires 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsorship agreement.
Financially support or sponsor Teen Hackathon,
23 Jun - 12:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Would you like to assist with this activity? Donate online:, Inc. welcomes in-kind support or other types of sponsorships such as venue hosting, catering, or technology.
Email or phone/SMS text 415-373-6767