Showing results 261 to 270 out of 321
Internet of Cows 4 | AgTech IoT Hackathon
07 Apr - 05:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
Are you planning to attend the 2017 AgTech Conference: The Seeds of Our Future: AgTech & the Connected World? While you're at the conference, learning what's going on in AgTech, you're also invited to participate in a hackathon: The Internet of Cows, which will take place following the conference. In the hackathon, you'll be tasked to hack into the Internet of Cows, an initiative led by BovControl to connect every cow on the planet to the cloud. At the hackathon, you'll be challenged to connect the dots between existing technologies and new innovations both within and outside of the cattle industry. The goal is to improve data collection throughout the cattle production value chain, and thereby improve production and efficiency of the whole cattle industry.
Latest Innovations in Big Data
06 Apr - 06:00 PM
Palo Alto, United States
The deadline to register and pay online is:
2 pm Th 4/6
There is a cover charge for this event.
A "YES" RSVP on our meetup site does not confirm your reservation.
Space is limited. Please only RSVP "Yes" if you will be attending.
Take advantage of early responder pricing!
Slots are limited. First come, first served!
First Responders $9 plus Eventbrite fees
Second Responders $13 plus Eventbrite fees
Third Responders $17 plus Eventbrite fees
Fourth Responders $20 plus Eventbrite fees
In order to attend, you must register and pay via Eventbrite.
Please bring your printed ticket to the event.
Or, pay $25 (cash) at the door.
"Big data is a term for data sets that are so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate to deal with them. Challenges include analysis, capture, data curation, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, querying, updating and information privacy. The term "big data" often refers simply to the use of predictive analytics, user behavior analytics, or certain other advanced data analytics methods that extract value from data, and seldom to a particular size of data set.[2] "There is little doubt that the quantities of data now available are indeed large, but that’s not the most relevant characteristic of this new data ecosystem."[3]
Analysis of data sets can find new correlations to "spot business trends, prevent diseases, combat crime and so on".[4] Scientists, business executives, practitioners of medicine, advertising and governments alike regularly meet difficulties with large data-sets in areas including Internet search, finance, urban informatics, and business informatics. Scientists encounter limitations in e-Science work, including meteorology, genomics,[5] connectomics, complex physics simulations, biology and environmental research.[6]"
Our distinguished panel will discuss the latest developments in Big Data.
Please come with questions and comments.
If you are big data startup and would like space on a demo table for the networking portion of the event, please send an email message to:
Put this in the subject header:
Th 4/6 Big Data Startup Demo Table
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Check In, Food, Networking Reception
7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Panel Discussion, Q & A
8:30 pm to 9:00 pm More Networking
About the Moderator:
Eric Hanson is an attorney in the Corporate Practice Group at the Palo Alto law firm of Wilmer Hale. Eric's practice covers a broad range of general corporate and securities law. He has represented small startups, public companies and venture capital funds in both ongoing counseling and transactional matters.
Prior to his legal career, Eric worked as a membership coordinator for the Electronic Frontier Foundation and as a database programmer at the Breast Care & Cancer Research Center at the University of Washington.
About the Panelists:
Evangelos Simoudis is a recognized expert on big data strategies and corporate innovation. He is the author of The Big Data Opportunity In Our Driverless Future. Evangelos has been working in Silicon Valley for 25 years as a venture investor, entrepreneur, and corporate executive. He is the co-founder and Managing Director of Synapse Partners, a venture firm that invests in early-stage startups developing big data applications, and an advisor to global corporations on big data strategies and Startup-Driven Innovation. He has also served as Managing Director at Trident Capital, and Partner at Apax Partners. In 2012 and 2014 he was named top investor in online advertising. Prior to his venture and advisory career, Evangelos served as President and CEO of Customer Analytics, and as Vice President of Business Intelligence at IBM.
Evangelos serves on advisory boards for the Center for Information Science and Technology at Caltech, the International School of Business at Brandeis University, the Center for Urban Science and Progress at New York University, and the Autonomous Vehicle Task Force of SAFE. He earned a PhD in computer science from Brandeis University and a BS in electrical engineering from Caltech.
Prateek Joshi is an Artificial Intelligence researcher, a published author of 6 books, and a TEDx speaker. He is the founder of Pluto AI, a venture-funded Silicon Valley startup building an analytics platform for water resource management powered by Deep Learning. His work in this field has led to patents, tech demos, and research papers at major IEEE conferences. He has been an invited speaker at technology and entrepreneurship conferences including TEDx, AT&T Foundry, Silicon Valley Deep Learning, and Open Silicon Valley.
His tech blog ( has received 1.2M+ page views from 200+ countries and has 6,600+ followers. He frequently writes on topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Python programming, and abstract mathematics. He is an avid coder and has won many hackathon prizes, including at Facebook. He graduated from University of Southern California with a Masters degree specializing in Artificial Intelligence. He has previously worked at Nvidia and Microsoft Research. You can learn more about him on his personal website at:
Chase McMichael is a physicist and two time startup entrepreneur in mobile messaging, collaboration, video and big data. He is now the CEO and Co-Founder of InfiniGraph a video deep learning company. Chase has held positions at Hearst Corp, Chase Manhattan, Oracle and Sprint. He was awarded the Fast Tech 50 for his first Startup UNBOUND and won the Marketing Sherpa Viral Hall Of Fame award for a video contesting platform. Chase's focus is on machine learning and real time video analysis using deep learning for large digital and TV broadcasters.
Mr. Zong Ling, Ph. D., is currently a Senior Software Engineer / Scientist in IBM Almaden Research Center, located in San Francisco Bay Area (the Silicon Valley) of Northern California, USA.
Dr. Ling has been working at IBM Almaden Research Center for about 20 years, with primary focus on performance evaluation of IBM data storage products. Dr. Ling engages in customer services globally through troubleshooting data storage issues, providing technical training classes, and publishing IBM whitepapers. Dr. Ling's current interests are in the areas of FinTech/Blockchain, Cognitive Business, Big Data Storage and Analytics, Cloud Computing Architecture, Service Science, Internet of Things, and Information Technology Service Management.
As an IBM University ambassador and evangelist of IBM corporate culture with many years of expertise on information technology engineering and services, Dr. Ling has not only provided academic lectures locally at Stanford University, University of California at Berkeley, and San Jose State University, but also have taught credited courses overseas and hosted numerous seminars at top universities in China. In recognition of his contributions to the community, Dr. Ling has been a recipient of the United States President's Volunteer Service Award for the past 10 years. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Hawaii at Manoa and a BS from the University of Science and Technology of China.
Refund requests must be made at least 24 hours in advance of the event.
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Conference: The Seeds of Our Future: AgTech & the Connected World
06 Apr - 08:30 AM
Sunnyvale, United States
Are you planning to attend the 2017 AgTech Conference: The Seeds of Our Future: AgTech & the Connected World? While you're at the conference, learning what's going on in AgTech, you're also invited to participate in a hackathon. The Hackathon: The Internet of Cows will take place following the conference. You'll be tasked to hack into the Internet of Cows, an initiative led by BovControl to connect every cow on the planet to the cloud. At the hackathon, you'll be challenged to connect the dots between existing technologies and new innovations both within and outside of the cattle industry. The goal is to improve data collection throughout the cattle production value chain, and thereby improve production and efficiency of the whole cattle industry.
Open Innovation Challenge Silicon Valley
06 Apr - 08:00 AM
Palo Alto, United States
Symphony Foundation members, Symphony developers, open source enthusiasts! You're invited to bring your best ideas to the Symphony Software Foundation Hackathon -- the open innovation challenge in Silicon Valley. You'll get to collaborate with other Symphony enthusiasts to build open source, innovative and high value financial services collaboration solutions using the Symphony platform.
The Seeds of Our Future: AgTech and the Connected World
03 Apr - 07:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Are you planning to attend the 2017 AgTech Immersion Program? If so, you're invited to participate in the Hackathon: The Internet of Cows, which will take place following the AgTech Conference. You'll be tasked to hack into the Internet of Cows, an initiative led by BovControl to connect every cow on the planet to the cloud. At the hackathon, you'll be challenged to connect the dots between existing technologies and new innovations both within and outside of the cattle industry. The goal is to improve data collection throughout the cattle production value chain, and thereby improve production and efficiency of the whole cattle industry.
Ctrl Alt Delete Hate Hackathon
01 Apr - 09:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Developers, designers, entrepreneurs, anyone who wants to fight hate! AngelHack invites you to sign up to participate in the Ctrl Alt Delete Hate Hackathon. You'll be challenged to collaborate to design and build technology-driven solutions that fight hate. You'll work with folks from industry, from nonprofits and from social impact partners to identify the challenges that can best leverage technology for an immediate impact on overturning hate and bigotry and to help those most affected by hateful speech, action and, legislation.
Hacktivists Unite
01 Apr - 09:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Attention Hacktivists,
We are excited to announce that we have joined forces with AngelHack and ThoughtWorks and will be combining events to bring you the Ctrl Alt Delete Hate Hackathon on Apr 1 - 2 at ThoughtWorks in San Francisco. We would love for you to join us!
Hacktivist Unite participants, enter coupon code Free4HU.
General Assembly students, enter coupon code Free4GA.
If you are unable to attend, please let us know to receive a full refund.
In Solidarity,
Tech Stands Up & We Persist
Are you interested in the intersection between human-centered design and activism? Hacktivists Unite is the perfect opportunity to connect and work with other activists, policy makers, journalists, designers and developers who want to stand up for our country.
Join us April 7-9 to tackle some of the most urgent and vexing problems we face right now:
Refugee and immigrant communities are under siege. How do we protect them?
Free speech and freedom of the press are being attacked. How do we fight back?
How might the activist, journalist and tech communities boldly and imaginatively combat these threats by working together?
Who are we? We Persist, Women’s March Sacramento, Women’s March Oakland, and Tech Stands Up are joining forces to tackle these pressing issues. Hacktivists Unite is generously hosted by General Assembly, San Francisco.
What is a hackathon? Hackathons are events that enable smart, dedicated, passionate people from a multitude of backgrounds to come together to focus on solving (or hacking) a specific problem. Facebook’s “Like” button, for instance, came out of a hackathon. To get a better sense of what a hackathon is like, check out MIT’s 2014 event, “Making a Breast Pump That Doesn’t Suck.”
Friday, April 7 – 6:00pm – 9:00pm (presenting challenges, pitching ideas)
Saturday, April 8 – 9:00am – 6:00pm (iterating, building, presenting initial demos, crowd judging)
Sunday, April 9 – 9:00am – 5:00pm (polishing, presenting final demos)
Hack4Health: Design, Code, Build
01 Apr - 08:30 AM
San Rafael, United States
Students, professionals in Marin County! If you're interested in the use of technology to help solve health care issues in the county, then the County of Marin invites you to sign up to participate in Hack4Health: Design, Code, Build. Even though Marin County ranks as one of the healthiest in the state, some of your fellow residents are not so lucky! You'll be tasked with helping identify health challenges in the community, coming up with creative technology solutions and then designing, coding and building them.
Civic Hackathon - Building the First Police Accountability Platform
31 Mar - 06:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
Designers, back-end and front-end developers in San Francisco and the Bay Area! You're invited to sign up to participate in a Civic Hackathon - Building the First Police Accountability Platform. You'll be challenged to help finalize and perfect the Raheem Ai chatbot and interactive dashboard that lets individuals anonymously track and rate their experience with police officers. The hackathon output will be presented to a panel of city officials, activists, and law enforcement, followed by discussions on strategies for implementing Raheem Ai and similar police accountability platforms within local government.
Artificial Intelligence - Global Hackathon
31 Mar - 06:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
Founders, engineers, scientists, business hackers, or students! OneTraction invites you to sign up to participate in the Artificial Intelligence - Global Hackathon. The focus of this innovation event is artificial intelligence. Sign up as a team, or join one at the event.