Showing results 1 to 10 out of 24
Grace Hopper Day Hackathon
  09 Dec - 08:00 AM
  Washington, United States
All open source contributors! The GSA is looking to redesign, the GSA Open website, the developer portal for all GSA data, APIs, and source code open to the public. They're looking for people to help in the project. Do you think you've got the creativity and skills it takes? OK! Sign up and participate in the Grace Hopper Day Hackathon, a competition to redesign the website. You can come in a team or form one at the event.
vRate API Hackathon
  30 Oct - 07:00 PM
  Chantilly, United States
Interested in technology to counter pornography? Participate in the vRate API Hackathon to showcase your coding skills and compete to win the first prize of 10,000 Indian Rupees! This is an on-line challenge, so from the comfort of your own home or office, you can use the vRate API to build a web, desktop or mobile app that will block offensive content! Your app should be creative, effective and practical. You'll build and test your solution and then submit it for judging. The winning individual or team will also be provided with an incubator slot for 3 months to help them finalize and bring their solution to market.
Tech Lady Hackathon #4
  22 Oct - 09:30 AM
  Washington, United States
Join hundreds of other female hacking enthusiasts in the DC area to learn, hack, and better the world in this civic hackathon! Non-profits will present challenges for the participants to work on as they network with other independent ladies and solve problems for charitable organizations that need it. Already many non-profits have come forward with projects such as Mission: Launch, Think of Us, and Hear Me Code!
Aging 2.0 Washington, DC | Hacking Accessibility
  20 Oct - 06:00 PM
  Washington, United States
Designing products to be accessible to a larger range of people allows communities flourish, since everyone benefits from the growth sparked by such inclusivity. Join the A2DC chapter as they work to make this idea a reality in the Aging 2.0 Hackathon, a short hackathon focused on creating solutions to important issues with current structures in place, with the best solution of the evening receiving a cash prize for their ingenuity!
PakathonDC Hackathon 2016
  14 Oct - 05:30 PM
  Washington, United States
Do you ever feel like your skillset would be well used in a way that gives back to the community? Do you have great ideas relating to innovating the current systems for education, energy, healthcare, or women empowerment in pakistan? Then form a team, consolidate your idea, and then pitch to investors all over the course of just 48 hours! The best team from your cities hackathon will then present at the next round at Global Finals in DC on November 19th.
Hack for Hope Hackathon
  08 Oct - 10:30 AM
  Washington, United States
Help out the folks doing good in the world over at Hope One Source D.C. as they attempt to implement a short code with the recent grant they've been awarded. If you have experience in Short Code Integration, Improving User Experience, or Creating API, then do some good and volunteer your time to help those in need at the Hack for Hope Hackathon.
    Kaiser Permanente Social Innovation Challenge
      24 Sep - 08:00 AM
      Baltimore, United States
    The Social Innovation Challenge, which is being held by Kaiser Permanente, will consist of both individuals and teams competing to create an app to improve health and well being in Baltimore City. Cash and tech prizes will be offered, as well as access to a specially tailored incubation program for the winners to bring their ideas into existence.
    New Date - Geocent Hackathon 2016: Defending the Homeland
      23 Sep - 06:00 PM
      McLean, United States
    Defend the Homeland! Your task for this challenge will be to develop an app that helps to safeguard the American people, homeland, and values from all threats. The following are some of the specific interests of the Department of Homeland Security: * Ensure Resilience to Disasters * Prevent Terrorism and Enhance Security * Safeguard and Secure Cyberspace * Secure and Manage Our Borders
    Thriving Cities Innovation Showcase + Hackathon for Social Good
      17 Sep - 09:30 AM
      Washington, United States
    Interested in helping solve challenging social issues that disproportionately impact Black and Brown communities? Come participate in the Hackathon for Social Good! This hackathon brings together local stakeholders from the business, advocacy, and tech communities to solve transportation, education, and criminal justice issues that plague historically underserved and minority communities. Bring your laptops, phones and your ideas and skills to this event and help social good app developers take their innovations to the next level.
    AT&T Government Solutions Hackathon - Washington, DC
      16 Sep - 06:00 PM
      Washington, United States
      $20,000 Cash Prize Pool
    Do you have an app idea to improve government services? Are you interested in creating innovative applications that will harness the “Internet of Things” in order to enable the Federal Government to better serve its employees and citizens? AT&T invites you to sign up to participate in the AT&T Mobile Application Hackathon — Government Solutions. With the adoption of mobile broadband, the Federal Government and their industry partners are searching for new creative applications in the areas of: Smart City, Public Safety, Sustainability, and more! Come and apply your creativity and skills to connect people to information enabling the Government to better serve the citizen. Collaborate and compete for your share of a prize pool of nearly $20,000! Maximize your hackathon experience with advice from our tips page!