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Code For Hood Youth Hackathon Ages 12-17 Learn.Make.Create!
  03 Nov - 04:00 PM
  West Sacramento, United States
Code For Hood is back! We are hacking education and entrepreneurship with workshop driven hackathons. Join us in West Sacramento for 2.5 days of action packed educational fun. Learn coding, video game design, 3D design, engineering, art, website design, entrepreneurship and more! We are proud to say that Washington Unified School District and West Sacramento are MEGA SPONSORS of this awesome educational event! Learn. Make. Create. THE SCHEDULE!! Friday and Saturday are classes. See the schedule.Sunday is team building and competition.Doors open at 4pm Friday. Pick up is 7:45 and no LATER then 8pm.Doors open on Saturday am at 8:45 and pick up is 4:45 . No LATER than 5pm.Doors open Sunday at 8:45. Competition starts at 4pm, Judging and prizes 5:30 Event ends Sunday at 6pm. Hackathon Weekend Schedule   Day 1- Friday 3:30 pm doors open / 3:30 pm – 8:00 pm (Two tracks will be available) Track 1- 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm o   Coding with Python Part 1 (participants must take part 1 and part 2) o   Visual Web Programming with Bubble o   Into to UNIX o   Graphic Design using Inkscape o   Introduction to Electronics and Electricity   Track 2 – 6:15 pm – 7:45 pm o   Coding with Python Part 2 (participants must take part 1 and part 2) o   Visual Web Programming with Bubble o   Into to UNIX o   Graphic Design using GIMP o   Introduction to Electronics and Electricity o   Building a Birdhouse   Program ends at 7:45 pm. All Youth need to be picked up no later than 8 pm.  Day 2 – Saturday  8:00 am – 5:00 pm Breakfast 8:00 am – 8:45 am Track 3 –  9:00 am – 10:30 am o   Coding with Python Part 1 (participants must take part 1 and part 2) o   3D Modeling Part 1 o   Arduino Part 1 o   Python Class part 1 (participants must take part 1 and part 2) o   How to Make a Website o   Hardware Animations using JavaScript o   Introduction to Electronics and Electricity o   Effective Presentations ( 2 workshops during this time frame)    Track 4 – 10:45 am – 12:15 pm o   Coding with Python Part 2 (participants must take part 1 and part 2) o   3D Modeling Part 2 o   Arduino Part 2 o   Python Class part 2 (participants must take part 1 and part 2) o   Build a Website o   Hardware Animations using JavaScript o   Introduction to Electronics and Electricity o   Effective Presentations o   Arduino 101   Lunch 12: 30 – 1:00 pm Track 5 – 1:15 pm – 2:45 pm o   Introduction to Electronics o   Graphic Design using Inkscape o   Effective Presentations o   Product Design Applied   Track 6 – 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm o   3D Modeling Part 3 o   Arduino Part 3 o   Robot Programming o   Visual Web Programming using Bubble o   Build a Website o   Graphic Design using GIMP o   Introduction to Electronics and Electricity Closing Program Activities/ Light Snack   4:30 pm – 5:00 pm Program starts at 8:00 am please don’t drop your child off prior to 8am. Program ends at 4:45 pm.  All Youth need to be picked up no later than 5pm.  Day 3 – Sunday 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Breakfast 8:30 am – 9:00 am Lunch 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm 8:30 am – 1:30 pm Project Time 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm  Presentations 5:00 pm  – 6:00 pm Awards Ceremony   Program ends at 6:00 pm. Community Center closes at 6pm.  Open Demos: It should go without mention that every student will arrive at the Community Center on time and ready to go at the start of every day. Regardless, at the beginning of each day, some sort of technical demonstration is planned. This will give an opportunity to showcase some of the applications of the skills students will be developing. Also, the demonstrations will give a chance for those individuals who have run into some unforeseen circumstance more time to arrive. Workshops: Friday and Saturday are Workshop/Class Days. There are 6 Workshop Slots, each 90 minutes long, that will focus on some technical or computer related subject. Sample Classes: Presentations with Google Docs, 3D modeling with Sketch Up, Scratch Programming, and more! Team Forming/Mentors: Sunday is project day. Students will pick (or be assigned) projects based off the classes on Friday and Saturday. Ideally, Mentors would be assigned to each student team to provide guidance and direction toward the project goal. FAQ Does $45 cover the whole weekend?Yes Do I have to bring a laptop?No, but we highly encourage it. What are the ages of the participants?12-17, but we're not checking IDs Do I have to bring my kid all weekend?If you are not attending, then try bringing them at the beginning of the day. Do I have to be present if my kid is there?You’re welcome to stay but are allowed to drop your child off. Will food be served?Yes, continental breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be served throughout the day. If your child has dietary restrictions, please plan accordingly. Where is the event located?West Sacramento Community Center 1075 W. Capitol Ave. W. Sacramento, Ca. (See ticket for event details) Are your teachers and volunteers Live Scanned?No, but we have really good people in our community. What will the youth be learning?See the schedule page. Can I volunteer?Yes, of course. Email for more info Can I donate food or drinks!Yes, please bring them in.    
    Microsoft Azure Government HackFest + Training (Sacramento, CA)
      22 Aug - 08:00 AM
      Sacramento, United States
    Join us! Microsoft Azure Government HackFest + Training, August 22-23 in Sacramento, CA. Calling all developers and IT pros in the California area in the Government/SLG space! The Microsoft Azure Government team invites you to register and participate in our HackFest + Training event, August 22-23, at the California Chamber of Commerce in Sacramento, California.  Register now for this can't-miss opportunity that features one day of training presentations by members of the Microsoft Azure Government Engineering team followed by an all-day HackFest for all experience levels (yes, ALL are welcome – newcomers to experienced developers – in this friendly and supportive HackFest environment!). Each team will be given a series of challenges as a basis for building their solutions. The event will culminate in final presentations and a social hour. During the Azure Government HackFest +Training, you will have the opportunity to: Educate yourself and your team on the latest features and technology available on Azure Government Engage directly with members of the Microsoft Azure Government Engineering team while getting hands-on experience building compelling solution on Azure Government Meet and work with passionate technologists as you collaborate on innovative solutions in a welcoming environment Space is limited to this free event and on a first-come, first-served basis. Be sure to register and secure your spot today!  If you have any questions or for more information, pleaase contact Steve Michelotti. Agenda Tuesday, August 22, 2017 8:30am - Welcome and Introduction 9:00am - Microsoft Azure Government Overview 10:00am - Getting Past Lift and Shift - PaaS on Azure Government 11:00am - Bot Framework and Cognitive Services on Azure Government 12:00pm - Lunch 1:00pm - Operationalizing your Cloud Solution on Azure Government 2:00pm - Data Analytics on Azure Government 3:30pm - Hands-on: Deploying IaaS/PaaS on Azure Government 5:00pm - Hackathon Begins 8:00pm - You don't have to go home but you can't stay here Wednesday, August 23, 2017 8:00am - Hackathon 12:00pm - Lunch 12:00pm - Hackathon continues 3:00pm - Hackathon Final Presentations 5:30pm - Hackathon Awards 5:45pm - Hackathon Ends - Happy Hour Featured Speakers Scott Gruenemeier Microsoft Cloud Solution Architect Rick Joyer Microsoft Principal Solution Specialist Zach Kramer Microsoft Azure Government Engineering Lead Steve Michelotti Microsoft Azure Government Chief Evangelist Binh Cao Microsoft Cloud Solution Architect
      AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Sacramento
        24 Jun - 09:00 AM
        Sacramento, United States
      Coders, designers, and entrepreneurs in the Sacramento area! AngelHack invites you to sign up to participate in the AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Sacramento. Compete on your own, or collaborate as a member of a team to come up with an idea and turn it into a functioning prototype. You're not limited! You could build an app that delivers positive value to your community, a website satisfying an unmet financial need, a virtual reality game, or whatever your imagination can conceive.
      Seed Screening
        15 Jun - 05:00 PM
        Sacramento, United States
      We're bringing AngelHack's 10th Global Hackathon Series back to Sacramento in June, but before we do we’re hosting a meetup and screening of Seed! Join us for a night of pre-hackathon fun, networking, and happy hour sponsored by Savant Solutions! Kick back with a beer and watch the documentary Seed that follows three startups’ from Nairobi, Palestine, and Palo Alto as they descend on San Francisco for our Silicon Valley Week, and Global Demo Day. Dreams will become uncertain and partnerships will be tested! ** Remember to sign up for the AH10 Sacramento hackathon on June 24-25 you must sign up for a ticket here: If you have an idea but need a team for the weekends hackathon this is a perfect opportunity to meet some other attendees and hash out a game plan before we begin Saturday morning. Follow the journey this summer at #AH10 June 155:00 pm - Happy hour and networking with whiskey tasting! 6:00 pm - Opening talk from AngelHack 6:15 pm - Savant Solutions Sponsor talk6:30 pm - Seed Screening9:00 pm - Doors Close Screening 
        Kids Hackathon for ages 8 - 15
          30 Apr - 05:30 PM
          Roseville, United States
        Is your child interested in coding websites?  Or perhaps earning a trophy for their coding skills? This is a free intro-hackathon for beginner coders.  No experienced required. Please bring a laptop computer + headphones Parents are required to be present at all times. Current Hackingtons students are welcome to join. 5:30pm - 6:00pm .  Welcome Instructions & Setup 6:15pm - 7:15pm.   Website Competition & Pizza 7:30pm.  Awards Ceremony.
          NASA Space Apps Challenge Hackathon
            29 Apr - 09:00 AM
            Sacramento, United States
          Interested in space travel? NASA has commissioned the NASA International Space Apps Challenge (ISAC) to get people around the world to collaborate on its mission directives. If you're in California, you're invited to sign up for the Sacramento edition. You'll be part of a 48-hour global collaborative hackathon focused on space exploration. The theme for Space Apps 2017 is Earth. You can select one of the following challenges: 1.The Earth and Us, 2.Planetary Blues, 3.Warning! Danger Ahead, 4.Our Ecological Neighborhood, and 5.Ideate and Create.
          ORHX (Oak Ridge Hacks)
            22 Apr - 10:00 AM
            Folsom, United States
          Students in the El Dorado County/Folsom area! You're invited to participate in the ORHX (Oak Ridge Hacks) hackathon at Intel's Folsom Campus. Just bring your project or idea and you'll have 24-hours to solve a problem or build a prototype.
          2017 Global Game Jam
            20 Jan - 05:00 PM
            Elk Grove, United States
          Game developers and enthusiasts in and around Sacramento, California! The Sacramento Chapter of the International Games Developers Association (IGDA) invites you to participate in Global Game Jam 2017, a 48-hour hackathon focused on building game prototypes. The event is held in cities around the world — so sign up for your local Sacramento edition! You'll meet and collaborate with your California game developer peers as you build your own game prototype. Click here for adviceon hackathon participation!