Showing results 11 to 19 out of 19
#GeoViz Hackathon
16 Oct - 05:00 PM
Arlington, United States
#GeoViz Hackathon
To celebrate the 2015 Earth Science Week on Visualizing Earth Systems, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is organizing a weekend #GeoViz Hackathon on October 16-18, 2015.
How can USGS communicate science and visualize data in a more engaging and interactive way?
USGS needs your help to develop interactive visualizations and stories on three projects related to (1) ENERGY - The water and chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing, (2) MINERALS - The lifecycle of critical minerals and rare earth elements, and (2) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - The toxic contamination sources after Hurricane Sandy. Produce proof-of-concept visualizations or interactive stories with USGS data as well as provide recommendations on how USGS datasets could be better organized, architected, and presented. You can find more information about these projects on Hackpad and Slack.
We are looking for developers, designers, data scientists, mappers, journalists, subject matter experts, as well as curious and concerned citizens. If you are in the Washington, DC area, come out to the #GeoViz Hackathon hosted at SynGlyphX near the Crystal City Metro in Arlington, VA and enjoy the FREE food and schwag from our sponsors. There is also FREE Public Parking in the underground garage near Row C (220 20th St S, Arlington, VA). But we also welcome any virtual volunteers around the world and will be sure to make your presence visible through video conferencing during the hackathon.
This hackathon is a great opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds and perspectives as well as a place to share and learn more about geo visualizations. We understand if you cannot attend the whole weekend, so feel free to drop by on-site or on-line when you can. If you are in the DC area, feel free to join us for drinks in the evening at Highline RxR (2010 Crystal Dr, Arlington, VA 22202).
Please call or text message 630 729 4216 and we will get you by the front door at the street level or at the elevators at the main underground walkway on the G1 Level.
Please register ASAP so that we can plan for food and space.
Spread the Word! Hashtag #GeoViz
Friday, October 16
5:00 - 7:00 pm Kick-off Reception Party - Food and Drinks
7:00 - 8:00 pm Talks to Set the Stage for the Hackathon
8:00 - 9:00 pm Group Networking and Brainstorming
Saturday, October 17
9:00 - 10:00 am Breakfast
10:00 - 11:00 am Start Hacking
11:00 - 12:00 Project Pitches
12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 - 3:00 pm Hacking
3:00 - 4:00 pm Networking Break @ Highline RxR
4:00 - 5:00 pm Hacking
6:00 - 8:00 pm Dinner
8:00 - 10:00 pm Drinks at Highline RxR (2010 Crystal Dr, Arlington, VA 22202)
Sunday, October 18
9:00 - 10:00 am Breakfast
10:00 - 12:00 Hacking
12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 - 3:00 pm Hacking
3:00 - 4:00 pm Final Hacking Sprint
4:00 - 5:00 pm Final Presentations
5:00 - 7:00 pm Drinks at Highline RxR (2010 Crystal Dr, Arlington, VA 22202)
Sponsored By
IBM Bluemix DoDIIS App Challenge*
16 Oct - 01:00 PM
McLean , United States
Calling all Developers! All Federal agencies are faced with expanding data sets and new mission goals for their use. Participants can compose apps with IBM Bluemix's SaaS offerings (Like Watson Natural Language Processing, Text Analytics services and IoT foundations) to rapidly glean new value out of Big Data.
For this hackathon, bring your laptop, learnings and ideas from the IBM Bluemix Workshop. After the hackathon, keep the app and the experience!
*This event is not sponsored in any way by any US Federal government entity
GSA Digital Innovation Hackathon Fall 2015
16 Oct - 08:30 AM
Washington, United States
We want YOU to participate in GSA IT's Digital Innovation Hackathon Fall 2015 event.
GSA IT's Digital Services Division is hosting their second Software Programming and Data Innovation competition on Friday, October 16, 2015, on-site registration shall begin at 8:30 a.m. with the competition starting at 9:00 a.m.
The Hackathon shall be held at the GSA Central Office Building, 1800 F Street NW, Washington, DC, 20405, in Conference Center Rooms 1459, 1460, and 1461. A Government issued ID is required to gain access into the Building. It is preferred that all participants enter through the Main Entrance located on 18th Street.
NOTE TO ALL PARTICIPANTS: By completing and submitting the Registration form, all participants agree to adhere to all Hackathon Rules and Guidance, and give their permission for any Photos or Video that might be taken during the competition.
REGISTRATION NOTE: Only 1 Ticket per participant is allowed for the October Hackathon. Any completed registrations with more than 1 Ticket selected shall be canceled, and the participant shall receive an email asking them to complete the registration process again for 1 Ticket only. We apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to seeing you at the Hackathon.
Registration for this event will be accomplished online at the following link: , then click on the link;, to register for the competition.
Registration shall close on Tuesday, October 13, 2015, at 11:59 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST), or when the 120-person registration capacity is reached. Once registration is completed, participants shall receive a confirmation email.
On the day of the Hackathon event you shall be required to sign the following document;
Gratuitous Services Agreement
All information for our Fall Hackathon event is contained in the Federal Register Notice published by the U.S. Government Publishing Office. Please follow the directions below to view the Hackathon Federal Register Notice.
Click on the following link;, a list of Fiscal Years shall be displayed click on FY2015, a list of months shall be displayed click on the September link, a list of days with dates shall be displayed click on Wednesday, September 16, a list of Agencies is displayed click on General Services Administration, two Notices are displayed click on the GSA Digital Innovation Hackathon Fall 2015 Notice.
The Notice can be viewed in the following formats; PDF and Text.
HBCUHacks @ Howard University - Hackathon Weekend
09 Oct - 05:30 PM
Washington, United States
Have you always wanted to build the next SnapChat?
Let's take your idea for an app and make it real. Build a mobile or web app in a weekend @ HBCUHacks Howard University!
HBCUHacks returns to Howard University!
Join us for this special hackathon designed for college students. Learn what it takes to build an app and build a prototype in a weekend in this fast paced hack competition.
Meet other students interested in tech and build something that you can put in your portfolio or keep working on after the hackathon.
Meet tech company recruiters and network with companies looking to hire for internships and full-time positions.
Who should attend this event? Any college student interested in learning about startups or thinking about starting a career in technology.
Do I have to know how to code? Being able to code does help. However, there are many other roles for students who want to be involved in this hackathon, such as designers, marketing, and creatives. If you don't know how to code, but are interested in learning, check out online tutorials like Codecademy.
Where: Howard University School of Engineering - LK Downing Hall Washington, DC
Prizes and food will be provided throughout the event.
Prizes: Most Innovative Use of the CapitalOne API, Most Innovative Use of the BeaconGrid API, Yelp swag and a special Black Founders Future Prize
About HBCUHacks:
HBCUHacks is a series of weekend hackathons that provide students at HBCUs (historically black colleges and universities) the opportunity to flex their coding, design, and business skills and work together to build software and mobile apps. Presented by Black Founders (a 501c3), these hackathons identify talented students and develop the pipeline of minority tech talent.
Bluemix (Pre- DoDIIS App Challenge) BootCamp *
09 Oct - 08:30 AM
McLean , United States
Calling all Developers! All Federal agencies are faced with expanding data sets and new mission goals for their use. The “big data” problem is overwhelming the ability of analysts to review, assess, and provide intelligence to national decision makers and the warfighter. Furthermore, the “big data” problem is overwhelming the ability for IT departments to tag, process, and disseminate the right and relevant data.
Participants can compose apps with IBM Bluemix's SaaS offerings (Like Watson Natural Language Processing, Text Analytics services and IoT foundations) to rapidly glean new value out of Big Data. Bring your laptop and innovate ideas, and we'll provide resources, mentorship and refreshments! Develop and enter your ideas into the App Challenge Showcase on October 16th! (Details below)
Bootcamp Workshop Agenda
8:30 AM: Registration 9:00 AM: Kick off 9:15 AM: Keynote 9:45 AM: Break 10:00 AM: Group Workshop 12:00 PM: Lunch 1:00 PM: Hands-on Workshop Lab - Attendee selected 4:30 PM: Wrap up and Close
After attending the workshop, be sure to attend the DoDIIS App Challenge* on October 16th. Register for the event here
*This event is not sponsored in any way by any US Federal government entity
PakathonDC: Global Hackathon
02 Oct - 06:30 PM
Washington, United States
What is Pakathon and PakathonDC?
Pakathon is a global organization aimed at empowering Pakistanis to be change-agents around the world. With over 15 city and university chapters, our programming includes events, webinars, hackathons and online forums. The programs are designed to help you launch your business, and collaborate with a global Pakistani network.
PakathonDC aims to bring together some of the smartest minds in DC to tackle issues in Pakistan and provide them with a platform to become change-makers in our community. The hackathon is our biggest event but we also host other events such as speakers series, webinars, trivia night and much more.
Pakathon Global Hackathon Event
Our global flagship event is a three-day hackathon that takes place across all of our chapters and university locations at the same time! A hackathon is an event where individuals from a wide range of professional backgrounds intensively collaborate to launch a venture. This year the event will take place on Friday, October 2nd 2015 at OpenGov Hub (1110 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 500) and on Saturday, October 3rd and Sunday, October 4th at General Assembly (8th Floor, 1133 15th St NW).
The winner from each city or university will be invited to compete against the winners from other chapters in the final global round. Winning teams have the option to pitch in person or send a video for our judges. Our all star judging panel is a mix of venture capitalists, investors and entrepreneurs and they will select the global winners that will be awarded prize money. This year the global finals will be held in second week of November in Toronto.
The winning team will be provided with subsidized travel to the global judging event, in-person access to our global community mentorship from renowned business leaders in both North America and Pakistan and much more.
If you have a great idea, or a skill that can help bring an idea to life, the hackathon event is the perfect way for you to spend your weekend. It's a great way to learn about social issues in Pakistan, exchange ideas on how to make a change, create a product that can actually make an impact and network with the DC tech community.
Why should you attend?
Pakathon DC will be bringing together some of the smartest minds in DC all focused on tackling social issues in Pakistan. If you have a great idea, or a skill that can help bring an idea to life, Pakathon is the perfect way for you to spend your weekend. Pakathon DC is a great way to give back to communities across the world, create a product that will actually make an impact and network with the DC tech and changemakers community. Winning teams can win seed money for their ideas, exposure on a global scale and mentor-ship from renowned business leaders in both North America and Pakistan.
Who should attend?
Pakathon events have something for everyone. Engineers, business majors, designers, philosophers all have something to contribute. We believe interdisciplinary collaboration is one of our most powerful tools for change. Pakathon is for Pakistanis and non-Pakistanis alike. Don't have a team? Don't have an idea? Don't worry - we'll spend time on grouping participants together, and more information wil be shared with you as we come closer to the event.
Event Agenda
Friday, October 2 at Opengov Hub:
6.30 pm - 7:00 pm - Check-in and Network (dinner will be provided by Taste of India)
7:00 pm - 7:30 pm - Pakathon kick-off, introductions and review event schedule
7:30 pm - 8:15 pm - Visioning & Ideation workshop led by Kalsoom Lakhani
8:15 pm - 9:00 pm - Brainstorming sessions facilitated by mentors
9:00 pm - 10:00 pm - Create teams and initial pitches
Saturday, October 3 at General Assembly:
10:00 am - 10:30 am - Check-in and Breakfast (provided by Dunkin' Donuts)
10:30 am - 11:00 am - Coffee Session with Sarish Khan, Miss Pakistan USA
11:30 am - 10:00 pm - Teams work on projects
- Mentors will be coming throughout the day to support teams/think through details
- Lunch will be served at 1pm and dinner at 6pm, both provided by Pak Halal Restaurant
Sunday, October 4 at General Assembly:
10:00 am - 10:30 am - Check-in and Breakfast (provided by Dunkin' Donuts)
10:30 am – 1:00 pm - Teams work on projects
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm - Pitches due to PakathonDC. Pitches will be posted to Pakathon Global website
- Lunch will be served at 1pm, provided by Dunkin' Donuts
2:00 pm - 3.30 pm - Judging
4:00 pm - Winner will be announced!
Join Us!
Join us for our second annual hackathon - where you will collaborate with other passionate DMV folks to create change in our communities both here and in Pakistan. Buy your tickets online and before the event. Ticket prices will increase if purchased at the door.
Still confused about how this works? Check out Al-Jazeera as they covered out 2014 event!
Refreshments will be provided for all participants.
Terms and Conditions
By registering for PakathonDC's hackathon event, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
I hereby grant PakathonDC and Pakathon Global permission to use my likeness in a video, photograph, or other digital reproduction in any and all of its publications, including website, without payment or any other condition.
Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Email us at
What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?
PakathonDC will be hosted at OpenGov Hub (1110 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 500) on Friday and at General Assembly (8th Floor, 1133 15th St NW) on Saturday and Sunday. Both locations are located 2-3 blocks North of McPherson Square metro and 4 blocks West of Farragut North metro. Street parking is available. Limited parking garages are available on the weekend.
Are there ID requirements to enter the event?
Please remember to bring your ID to check in at the event in the front lobby of the building.
Do I have to have any entreprenuership or business experience?
No. The beauty of a collaborate event like a hackathon is that the more diverse the group of people, the more unique the solutions!
What is the general structure of the event?
On Friday we will have our introductions and brainstorming sessions. The goal here is to hash out some initial plans and form teams. On Saturday, the goal is to work on the project throughout the day and work with our rmentors to fine-tune the idea. Finally, teams will finalize their projects and pitch to our panel judges as we pick a winner for PakathonDC 2015 who will get to have a chance to participate in Pakathon Global in Toronto in November.
What streams can I participate in?
-Women Development
-Law and Order
What if I am not familiar with issues in Pakistan?
Don't worry, we've pulled together some material to get you thinking! Visit our Resources page and learn more about each stream!
Sponsors & Partners:
AT&T Mobile App Hackathon - Government Solutions (DC)
26 Sep - 06:00 PM
Washington, United States
$20,000 Cash Prize Pool
Mobile app and IoT techies and Government techie professionals in and around the Washington DC Beltway! Have an idea for a mobile app or an Internet of Things (IoT) app for your government entity? Join AT&T's Developer Program for the AT&T Mobile App Hackathon - Government Solutions (DC). Hang out with like-minded techies as you hack and build an awesome mobile and/or IoT app, and compete for a $20,000 cash prize pool across the following categories:
Best Government Solutions App Overall
Best Public Safety App
Best Fleet Management App
Best Supply Chain Management App
Best Use of AT&T M2X
Best Use of IBM Bluemix
Best Use of mBed hardware
Advice on participation is available on the experthackathon tips page!
HackDC 2015 - A Hackathon for Healing
25 Sep - 09:00 PM
Annandale, United States
Want to use technology to change health care? Then you don’t want to miss HackDC 2015!
In this 36-hour hackathon held at the beautiful NOVA Annandale college campus, several hundred university students will focus their creativity and design/coding skills on building mobile apps for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), with a bit of help from clinicians, veterans, and veterans’ families and friends. There will be free food, prizes, API workshops, and fun activities. Make new friends, meet technology companies, sponsors, and federal healthcare leaders, and create an awesome mobile app.
Please sign up soon, as space is limited. Register by completing the HackDC 2015 signup form.
Travel costs may be partially reimbursed (with receipts) on an individual basis, depending on the ultimate number of participants. Meals, showers, and other amenities will be provided free of charge. For more information, please go to
Countering Violent Extremism: Defining Current Challenges and Necessary Solutions #peacehackDC opening session
25 Sep - 09:00 AM
Washington, United States
Violent extremist groups present a major challenge to global peace and security. Violent extremists are individuals who support or commit ideologically-motivated violence to further political goals. Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) encompasses the preventative interventions to undermine the attraction of extremist movements and ideologies that seek to promote violence. CVE efforts address the root causes of extremism through community engagement and outreach.
We are welcoming a panel of speakers who will discuss the challenges facing the CVE community today with the rise of extremist groups, such as ISIS, who are skillful in their use of technology for recruitment and radicalization. Panelists will discuss what types of solutions are working today to counter the efforts and narratives of extremist groups and what is needed to make CVE efforts more effective.
This panel serves as the opening session for #PeacehackDC. #PeacehackDC is a 36-hour hackathon where teams of software developers, designers and peacebuilding experts will work together to develop technology solutions to counter violent extremism. Participants are being challenged to devise creative solutions that can counter the messaging and recruitment of extremist groups and, as a result, help mitigate violence and build peace.
More information on #PeacehackDC and the application form for the hackathon can be found here:
9:00am-9:30am: Registration and Breakfast
9:30am-11:00am: Opening Remarks & Panel Discussion
Dara Katz
Deputy Executive Director, Secretariat for Countering Violent Extremism, USAID
Oliver Wilcox Deputy Countering Violent Extremism Policy Chief, Bureau of Counterterrorism, Department of State
Elizabeth Hume
Senior Director for Programs and Strategy, Alliance for Peacebuilding
Sid Balman, Jr.
Managing Director, Turner4D
Panel will be moderated by Paul Turner, Senior Conflict Advisor, Creative Associates
Opening Remarks will be provided by Tom Wheelock, Senior Vice President and Senior Director, Communities in Transition Division, Creative Associates
Spots are limited for this event. Please RSVP to reserve your spot today.
Location This event will take place at the Creative Associates Conference Center located at 5301 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC. The building is adjancent to the Friendship Heights Metro stop on the Red Line. When you arrive at the building take the elevators down from the main lobby to Level B1.
About #Peacehack The first #peacehack took place in September 2014 in London as part of International Alert’s Talking Peace Festival. Following on from the success of #peacehack 2014, International Alert is partnering with several organizations to organize simultaneous hacks around the globe over the weekend of September 25-27, 2015. Peacehacks are taking place in Barcelona, Beirut, Colombo, Derry, London, Medellin and Washington, DC. All the hackathons will focus on developing groundbreaking ideas for using technology to build peace in cities, while exploring the challenges particular to each urban context – for example violent extremism in London and DC and migration in Barcelona.
Technologists, developers, designers and peace practitioners can apply for the full 36-hour hackathon here: