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The Hackathon of Outlandish Things - San Antonio
  04 Dec - 06:00 PM
  San Antonio, United States
Designers, Developers, Mobile, Web, Robotics, Internet of Things... everyone is welcome to join us December 4th and 5th at Geekdom in Downtown San Antonio to hack for FUN! Pitch your ideas Join a team Build something OUTLANDISH!  Kandy presents "The Hackathon of Outlandish Things" Prizes and API provided by $250 Most Crazy & Outlandish App $250 Best App Using App $250 Best App Using Created by Students $250 Best Tutorial (Please see this example) Schedule Friday 6:00p - Doors Open and Dinner Served Friday 7:00p - Kickoff Presentations Friday 7:30p - Idea Pitching and Team Formation Saturday 10am - Breakfast Saturday 01pm - Lunch Saturday 06pm - Presentations start Saturday 07pm - Winners Announced Speakers Alex Donn - Director, Developer Relations, / Genband Ami Readdy - VP, Marketing - Omar Quimbaya - def-logix Louis Vela - SA Coders Sponsors CyberDEF Dojo SA Coders