Showing results 261 to 270 out of 318
Conference: The Seeds of Our Future: AgTech & the Connected World
06 Apr - 08:30 AM
Sunnyvale, United States
Are you planning to attend the 2017 AgTech Conference: The Seeds of Our Future: AgTech & the Connected World? While you're at the conference, learning what's going on in AgTech, you're also invited to participate in a hackathon. The Hackathon: The Internet of Cows will take place following the conference. You'll be tasked to hack into the Internet of Cows, an initiative led by BovControl to connect every cow on the planet to the cloud. At the hackathon, you'll be challenged to connect the dots between existing technologies and new innovations both within and outside of the cattle industry. The goal is to improve data collection throughout the cattle production value chain, and thereby improve production and efficiency of the whole cattle industry.
Open Innovation Challenge Silicon Valley
06 Apr - 08:00 AM
Palo Alto, United States
Symphony Foundation members, Symphony developers, open source enthusiasts! You're invited to bring your best ideas to the Symphony Software Foundation Hackathon -- the open innovation challenge in Silicon Valley. You'll get to collaborate with other Symphony enthusiasts to build open source, innovative and high value financial services collaboration solutions using the Symphony platform.
The Seeds of Our Future: AgTech and the Connected World
03 Apr - 07:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Are you planning to attend the 2017 AgTech Immersion Program? If so, you're invited to participate in the Hackathon: The Internet of Cows, which will take place following the AgTech Conference. You'll be tasked to hack into the Internet of Cows, an initiative led by BovControl to connect every cow on the planet to the cloud. At the hackathon, you'll be challenged to connect the dots between existing technologies and new innovations both within and outside of the cattle industry. The goal is to improve data collection throughout the cattle production value chain, and thereby improve production and efficiency of the whole cattle industry.
Ctrl Alt Delete Hate Hackathon
01 Apr - 09:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Developers, designers, entrepreneurs, anyone who wants to fight hate! AngelHack invites you to sign up to participate in the Ctrl Alt Delete Hate Hackathon. You'll be challenged to collaborate to design and build technology-driven solutions that fight hate. You'll work with folks from industry, from nonprofits and from social impact partners to identify the challenges that can best leverage technology for an immediate impact on overturning hate and bigotry and to help those most affected by hateful speech, action and, legislation.
Hacktivists Unite
01 Apr - 09:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Attention Hacktivists,
We are excited to announce that we have joined forces with AngelHack and ThoughtWorks and will be combining events to bring you the Ctrl Alt Delete Hate Hackathon on Apr 1 - 2 at ThoughtWorks in San Francisco. We would love for you to join us!
Hacktivist Unite participants, enter coupon code Free4HU.
General Assembly students, enter coupon code Free4GA.
If you are unable to attend, please let us know to receive a full refund.
In Solidarity,
Tech Stands Up & We Persist
Are you interested in the intersection between human-centered design and activism? Hacktivists Unite is the perfect opportunity to connect and work with other activists, policy makers, journalists, designers and developers who want to stand up for our country.
Join us April 7-9 to tackle some of the most urgent and vexing problems we face right now:
Refugee and immigrant communities are under siege. How do we protect them?
Free speech and freedom of the press are being attacked. How do we fight back?
How might the activist, journalist and tech communities boldly and imaginatively combat these threats by working together?
Who are we? We Persist, Women’s March Sacramento, Women’s March Oakland, and Tech Stands Up are joining forces to tackle these pressing issues. Hacktivists Unite is generously hosted by General Assembly, San Francisco.
What is a hackathon? Hackathons are events that enable smart, dedicated, passionate people from a multitude of backgrounds to come together to focus on solving (or hacking) a specific problem. Facebook’s “Like” button, for instance, came out of a hackathon. To get a better sense of what a hackathon is like, check out MIT’s 2014 event, “Making a Breast Pump That Doesn’t Suck.”
Friday, April 7 – 6:00pm – 9:00pm (presenting challenges, pitching ideas)
Saturday, April 8 – 9:00am – 6:00pm (iterating, building, presenting initial demos, crowd judging)
Sunday, April 9 – 9:00am – 5:00pm (polishing, presenting final demos)
Hack4Health: Design, Code, Build
01 Apr - 08:30 AM
San Rafael, United States
Students, professionals in Marin County! If you're interested in the use of technology to help solve health care issues in the county, then the County of Marin invites you to sign up to participate in Hack4Health: Design, Code, Build. Even though Marin County ranks as one of the healthiest in the state, some of your fellow residents are not so lucky! You'll be tasked with helping identify health challenges in the community, coming up with creative technology solutions and then designing, coding and building them.
DataKindSF DataDive
31 Mar - 06:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
Socially conscious analysts, statisticians, data scientists, coders, hackers, designers, and other humans in the Bay Area! DataKind SF Bay Area invites you to participate in DataKindSF DataDive. You'll be challenged to collaborate to help participating social change organizations do initial data analysis, exploration, and prototyping. Participating organizations at this DataDive include, Compassion at Work, SupplyBank (K to College), and Living Goods.
Artificial Intelligence - Global Hackathon
31 Mar - 06:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
Founders, engineers, scientists, business hackers, or students! OneTraction invites you to sign up to participate in the Artificial Intelligence - Global Hackathon. The focus of this innovation event is artificial intelligence. Sign up as a team, or join one at the event.
Civic Hackathon - Building the First Police Accountability Platform
31 Mar - 06:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
Designers, back-end and front-end developers in San Francisco and the Bay Area! You're invited to sign up to participate in a Civic Hackathon - Building the First Police Accountability Platform. You'll be challenged to help finalize and perfect the Raheem Ai chatbot and interactive dashboard that lets individuals anonymously track and rate their experience with police officers. The hackathon output will be presented to a panel of city officials, activists, and law enforcement, followed by discussions on strategies for implementing Raheem Ai and similar police accountability platforms within local government.
Personal Digital Archiving (PDA) Hackathon 2017
31 Mar - 04:00 PM
Stanford, United States
Hackers and coders! Are you planning to attend the Personal Digital Archiving (PDA) 2017 conference? You're invited to sign up for the hackathon that will be run in conjunction with the conference. You'll be challenged top create your own new and innovative approach to how individuals in the digital age can best analyze, visualize, and use the enormous amount and wide variety of personal data that we create.