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Digital Innovations for Law Enforcement
17 Apr - 09:00 AM
San Luis Obispo, United States
Law enforcement organizations face rapid changes in technology with limited personnel and financial resources to meet the intensifying expectations of their constituencies.
Hear how the CA Attorney General’s Office, San Leandro PD, and Iowa City PD worked with the Cal Poly DxHub to create innovative solutions to pressing challenges, i.e., improving the way investigators discover, subpoena and collect digital evidence.
Get hands-on experience with Amazon’s proven innovation methodology to ID a specific technology opportunity within the law enforcement community, and talk with a student hackathon team to think of potential digital solutions. (Information will be made available for all attendees on the winning prototypes from the student hackathon.)
Eligible for 8 hours POST #2800
Who should attend?
Chiefs, captains, lieutenants, CTOs, CIOs, forensics, investigators
9:00 - Check-in and continental breakfast
9:30 sharp - Keynote speaker: Chief Ralph Brown, Bureau Chief, Training Delivery & Compliance, POST
9:50 - Presentation on work to date with the Calif Attorney General's Office and police departments around the country
12:00 - hosted lunch
1:00 - Short workshop on Amazon's innovation methodology and brainstorming with attendees on challenges in law enforcement that may be addressed with digital solutions.
3:15 - Three challenges selected for the student hackathon. Introduction to hackathon teams.
4:15 - Students leave to start hackathon. Closing remarks for seminar attendees.
4:30 - Happy hour on the terrace for law enforcement attendees
For more information, email