Showing results 1 to 10 out of 262
Hackathon: Co-creating the future of the Tenderloin
19 Dec - 09:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
"We'll never solve this at city hall" - former mayor of San Francisco (2004-2011), Gavin Newsom
All proceeds will be donated to a Tenderloin community organization we collectively vote for at the end of the event. Please feel free to bring suggestions of organizations that might benefit from this donation.
In a city of abundant wealth and intelligence, why does the Tenderloin, and the people who inhabit one of the most traditional neighborhoods of San Francisco, still struggle to find solutions that make the area a better place for everyone? It has become clear over the years the challenges are multi-faceted, making it increasingly difficult to rely on the government alone for solutions to this complex challenge.
With the intellectual capital the San Francisco holds, can we find the solutions ourselves and push them forward?
Join us for a 1-day design thinking and business model innovation workshop, determined to identify a vision and solutions for the current situation of the Tenderloin neighborhood in San Francisco.
We want you: agents of change, innovators, disruptors, business leaders, influencers, community leaders, residents, technical experts...what do you have to bring to the table to find solutions for the city we all love?
Together, let's co-create a vision and actionable strategies to get there, answering questions such as...
Homelessness, what are the viable options to house displaced residents?
Lack of coordination between non-profit organizations
Drugs, why are they so prevalent and how can reduce their impact in the area?
Mental illness, what are solutions for increasing support towards the mentally ill?
Community, how do we come together to help our fellow residents?
Inclusion, how do we create opportunities to reinstate opportunities for everyone?
Education, what is the best approach and how can it have an impact on the short and long-term
Here are some number for you to start thinking about...
Currently, San Francisco has about 7,500 homeless residents. Of those, around 2,300 are chronically homeless (have been homeless for more than a year or experienced homelessness 4 times or more during the last 3 years).
Current city spend is $249 million per year on homelessness. 2/3 of this amount is already going to those in supportive housing
About 1000 residents at any given time are on a waiting list for temporary housing in San Francisco, in addition to the lack of permanent housing.
Jennifer Friedenbach, executive director of the Coalition on Homelessness, says an additional $100 million is needed, at least, to start solving the situation.
At the end of the day, we will have created real models of solutions for the Tenderloin neighborhood, combined with actionable plans to make them real.
Our goal is to have projects and models that have proven viability. The next step will be to find the financial feasibility with San Francisco based companies and organization that are willing to take the project forward.
You will be working in groups of 2-5 people. You are welcome to join with friends and colleagues.
09:00-10:30: Embrace Uncertainty & Co-Create Options for the Future
Today: What is the current model of the Tenderloin today? Who is living there, what is the value of the location to residents & businesses, what are the resources available, what are the key contributors to the economy of the area, what goes the cost structure look like for the current efforts in the area...
Future: Now fast forward 2 years, 5 years, 10 years...what does this model look like now? What has changed and what has created impact?
10:30-11:00: Break
11:00-12:30: Unpack the World! What are the trends driving change in other parts of the world? How might we turn uncertainty into an opportunity? What is the future of the Tenderloin and it's residents? What do they need today & tomorrow?
12:30-1:30: Lunch
1:30-2:30: Prototyping the Business Models of the Future of the Tenderloin. How might we co-create future-proof models to improve parts of the problems within the neighborhood? What are our riskiest assumptions and how might we test them using prototypes?
2:30-3:30: Get out of the Building! Coffee with your residents, business owners and the community: How might you invalidate (or validate) your assumptions with your prototypes? Time to talk to the people who are living it every day.
3:30-4:15: Pivoting & Pitching your Ideas. Updating your idea and prototypes based on customer validation. Craft your pitch!
4:15-4:30: Pitch your idea (s). Why are your groups ideas the ones with real potential to create a positive shift in the neighborhood?
4:30-5:00: Closing the Day
5:00-6:00: Decompress Over Cocktails
Eitanim Local Hackathon
16 Dec - 10:30 AM
Palo Alto, United States
May the Best Team win...!
We will be kicking off the Eitanim year with a local Hackathon!
Students from 7th to 12th grade are invited to join us in an all-day idea hackathon.Judges from the Business and Tech world will evaluate performances.By learning how to approach social issues with an entrepreneurship and innovative lens, we hope you get a fresh perspective on some of the global biggest challenges today.
Teams will compete to develop the best solutions needed by using soft skills, entrepreneurship, innovation, creativity and thinking outside the boxPrizes will be given to the winning team!
* Registration includes meals and a T-shirt
** In partnership with Palo Alto Group
!!שהקבוצה הטובה ביותר תנצח
Developing Hyperledger Fabric Applications Step-by-Step | With IBM
15 Dec - 05:00 PM
Santa Clara, United States
Join us for a hands-on workshop and learn how to build and deploy Hyperledger applications.
The Hyperledger Project is quickly becoming the front-runner in enterprise Blockchain solutions and has attracted talent and resources from industry leaders like IBM and Intel in an open source collaborative effort to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. It is a global collaboration, hosted by The Linux Foundation, including leaders in finance, banking, Internet of Things, supply chains, manufacturing, and Technology.
In this workshop, you will learn:
- How to use the Hyperledger Composer, an extensive, open development toolset, to develop Hyperledger applications from a business perspective.
- How to deploy Hyperledger applications to the Hyperledger Fabric and the IBM Blockchain Platform, which is designed to accelerate the development, governance, and operation of enterprise business networks running on the IBM Cloud.
- What Use Cases and IBM Development Patterns can you reuse?
- Architecture considerations.- How to build up your Hyperledger team. What kind of skills do you need on your team?- What kind of software and hardware do you need?- On-chain and Off-chain, how do you you connect to existing legacy systems?- How and why do you host in the Cloud?
- How do you get support for your app?
- Where do we go from here?
Meet the Instructor:
Your teacher is Lennart Frantzell, IBM Code SF Developer Advocate. Lennart has been working with Blockchain and Hyperledger for over a year. Lennart loves building and hacking anything in the cloud. He speaks at Meetups, holds Workshops and on weekends, whenever possible, to avoid doing yard work at his bungalow in Silicon Valley, he attends Hackathons. His goal is to change the world by accelerating the roll-out or Hyperledger apps.
This is a getting started workshop so anyone is welcome to attend. Please bring your laptop as this is a hands-on coding session.
IBM has been kind enough to provide pizza and drinks to all attendees, so be prepared to eat and learn!
Please arrive early! The event begins promptly at the start time.
Learn more about our community at!
You can always reach us at (408) 657-0861 or email us at!
Hyperledger Development Bootcamp
15 Dec - 09:00 AM
Fremont, United States
Join us!
This coming December 15th & 16th, we welcome to join our upcoming cohort for a hands-on Hyperledger Fabric Developer Bootcamp. In this instructor-led, live training, developers will learn how to use Hyperledger and develop a sample application. This is a 14-hour bootcamp spread over two days.
What is Hyperledger Fabric?
Hyperledger Fabric is a framework implementation and one of the Hyperledger projects hosted by The Linux Foundation. Intended as a foundation for developing applications or solutions with a modular architecture, Hyperledger Fabric allows components, such as consensus and membership services, to be plug-and-play. Hyperledger Fabric leverages container technology to host smart contracts called “chaincode” that comprise the application logic of the system. Hyperledger Fabric was initially contributed by Digital Asset and IBM, as a result of the first hackathon.
What's the Agenda?
Introduction to Distributed Ledger Technology
How does the Distributed Ledger Technology Work?
Install the prerequisites using script
Reviewing the content of script
Running script to install all prerequisites.
Installing the development environment - Installing components
Step 1: Install the CLI tools
Composer CLI
Composer REST Server
Yeoman tool - Slide 34
Step 2: Install Playground
Step 3: Set up your IDE
Step 4: Install Hyperledger Fabric
Controlling your dev environment
Starting Hyperledger Fabric
Start Composer Playground
Developing on Composer Playground
Step 1: Open the Hyperledger Composer Playground
Step 2: Creating a new business network
Step 3: Connecting to the business network
Step 4: Adding a model file
Step 5: Adding a transaction processor script file
Step 6: Access control
Step 7: Deploying the updated business network
Step 8: Testing the business network definition
Step 9: Creating participants
Step 10: Creating an asset
Step 11: Submitting transactions
Developing on CLI using Composer
Step 1: Creating a business network structure
Step 2: Defining a business network
Modelling assets, participants, and transactions
Adding JavaScript transaction logic
Adding access control
Step 3: Generate a business network archive
Step 4: Deploying the business network
Step 5: Generating a REST server
Destroy the previous setup
What are the Requirements?
Comfortable programming in some high-level programming language such as Python, Java\
Comfortable working with some cloud computing platform such as AWS, Azure or the GCP
Basic understanding of Distributed Ledger Technology is not required but would help
Who's Teaching the Course?
Our instructor has 6+ years of experience in Distributed Ledger Technology and related domains and is a member of the Indian Council. He is well versed with various frameworks which include HyperLedger Fabric, Iroha, Indy, Chainscript etc.
With an extensive background on Distributed Ledger Technology, he is a global speaker on Distributed Ledger Technology. Also has been working and designing products which can leverage Distributed Ledger Technology and efficiently solve the problems also at the same time reduces the cost for the companies.
He has trained more than 2200+ hours on Distributed Technology globally to help the audience understand the technology and how to leverage it.
Social Impact & Education Blockchain Hackathon
15 Dec - 07:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Do you want to start a new blockchain venture but aren’t sure where to start?
Are you searching for a co-founder but don’t know where to look?
Are you going to various networking events, but can’t find like-minded people?
| Join Serendipia Nest & The DEN and begin building your blockchain startup for social impact!
Startup Saturday – 12-Hour Blockchain Challenge is an event dedicated to helping you to find your technical co-founder, connect with a business co-founder, and create a blockchain prototype. In this event, you bring a previously non-prototyped idea and work with a team of business people and developers to create magic. Along the way, you will get a chance to learn many things about what a startup is, all in one day!
We will provide lunch, all you need is to bring an idea or development skills, that has no prior prototype, so you can validate it. We will form various teams with about three to five members per team. Or we can use the Jigsaw technique to prototype an idea or many ideas.
| Audience
Blockchain enthusiasts, developers, business owners looking for real-world working blockchain solutions, futurists, hackers, fellow cypherpunks as well as all other people interested in developing a social impact with digital transactions through blockchain technology.
| Key Takeaways:
Do you have a blockchain idea for social impact? Come and join us for a 12-hour challenge to build a blockchain prototype!
1. Come up with an idea.
2. Form a team.
3. Validate.
4. Create a prototype.
5. Pitch!
| Agenda:
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM – Registration, Breakfast, & Coffee
8:15 AM - 8:30 AM - Intro from organizers, #serendipia #theden
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM - Lecture: Crypto Economics & Tokenomics
8:30 AM - 9:15 AM - Workshop: Build ERC-20 & 721 From Scratch
9:15 AM - 9:45 AM - Participants Introduction & Brainstorming
9:45 AM – 10:00 AM – Team Forming
10:00 AM – 10:45 AM – Come up with an idea & a plan for execution
10:45 AM - 11:30 AM - Ideate & Build Wireframe
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM – Lunch (provided) + Talk: Social Impact Measurement
12:30 PM – 5:00 PM – Build, with mentors
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM – Create a high level business and financial plan
6:00 PM – 6:45 PM – Pitch your product + P2P feedback
6:40 PM - 8:30 PM - Post-Day Happy Hour - Because you deserve it, of course
| What Should I Bring?
A laptop, an open mind, questions, and a willingness to learn.
Please arrive early! Event begins promptly at the start time.
Learn more about our community at!
Join the conversation on our telegram at!
You can always reach us directly at (408) 657-0861 or email us at!
Blockchain Hackathon: Enterprise ready
14 Dec - 06:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
Blockchain Founder Club(BFC), INT9 Solutions and THON Network(THON) will host a blockchain hackathon with the theme "Enterprise Ready". This hackathon will feature a enterprise use-case that the participating teams will develop solutions on a blockchain platform
Visit our website to learn more about this event:
Blockchain Hackathon: Enterprise Ready
If you like to participate in the hackathon as a team/team-member, please fill-in this form to receive a promo code for a free ticket:
Team participation entry
12/14/20186pm-6:10pm Opening remarks6:10pm-6:30pm Introduce the theme, enterprise use-case and rules6:30pm-7pm Team formation and registration7pm-7:30pm Dinner
12/15/20188am-8:15am Hackathon Kick-off breakfast8:15am-7:30pm Develop solutions
12/16/20188:00am breakfast8:00am-12pm Hacking12:00pm Lunch12:15pm We ask each team to submit their team name or/and pitch deck to email: b@sve.io12:30pm We assign teams a random pitck rank from 1 to 15 if 15 teams1pm-2pm Pitch competition 5 min pitch, 5 min Q&A2pm-3pm Judging, announcement and prizes.2:50pm-3pm closing remarks
*All rights reserved by BFC, INT9 Solutions & THON.
Hack The San Francisco Bay Area Commute -- Hackathon
14 Dec - 03:00 PM
San Jose, United States
$9,000 Prize Pool
Are you ready to solve the Bay Area's traffic problems? EIT Digital in cooperation with Ultrahack, Climate-KIC and ProspectSV, are hosting a Hackathon from Dec 14-16. Win up to $9k from the prize pool! Register by 12/3.
Full event details and registration
Hack The San Francisco Bay Area Commute - Hackathon
14 Dec - 03:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
$9,000 prize pool
Hackers in the San Francisco Bay Area! Are you interested in the use of technology to help mitigate the impact of traffic in the Bay Area? You're invited to participate in Hack The San Francisco Bay Area Commute -- Hackathon. This is a traffic congestion hackathon, where you will brainstorm solutions and compete for your share of a $9,000 prize pool.
#Hack4Climate Global Hackathon SF 2018
11 Dec - 10:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Hack4Climate is inviting you to a global hackathon for climate change solutions!
The hackathon is decentralized (meaning you work from anywhere in the world) but you will have to physically present your solutions in the Future Cities & Societies Event on December 13 at NODE SF (1011 Kearny St., San Francisco, CA).The best solutions will be shared in the United Nations Climate Conference (UN COP24) in Katowice Poland and will receive global attention.
Read about the challenge areas below.
#Hack4Climate will invite selected solutions to their funding and acceleration program.Draper University is offering two $2000 value scholarships to the best solutions! Join the program and build your solutions with the help of Tim Draper!
This year, the engagement areas are:
1. Distributed Renewable Energy (production, storage, grid/exchange)2. Sustainable Transportation (mobility & logistics, integr./shared)3. Sustainable Land Use (agriculture & forestry)4. Sustainable Materials & Products (‘supply chains’, circular economy)5. Smart Buildings, Cities/Infrastructure (efficient, integrated systems)6. ICT & Sustainable Finance (enabling, scaling – Green Bonds)
Bonus points for all teams who will incorporate:
1. (distributed solution for NDCs, top-down & bottom-up emission accounting)2. ClimateDividend (tax/dividend carbon pricing, fully transparent)3. H4C Token Model (from ID, rights to co-investment & governance)
December 11 10.00am - Hack Online Opening Sessions are published. Hack begins!December 13 10.00am - Hack presentation due. (Submission details will be shared later)December 13 5.00pm - Be at the NODE SF, ready to present your solution in under 10 minutesDecember 14 8.00am - The best solutions will be annouced and their solutions will be shared at UN COP24
Last year Hack4Climate invited many entrepreneurs, climate experts, blockchain hackers, and other individuals knowledgeable in climate change to develop solutions and present them in the United Nation Climate Conference in Bonn, Germany. The results were astonishing! So astonishing that now Hack4Climate is growing into a full fledged innovation program for exponential #ClimateAction!Read more about #Hack4Climate at
DoraHacks SF Blockchain Hackathon- 8Hour ESports-vibe! Now or Never:D!
11 Dec - 08:30 AM
San Francisco, United States
up to $US 1 million
Blockchain engineers and hackers, application security and audit experts, data analysts, product and UI/UX designers, mobile and web developers! You're invited to participate in the WDAS x DoraHacks-Hacker Arena! Come as a team of 3-6 people and work on a project of your choice -- either the DoraHacks Satellite Design Hack challenge, or one of the 20 professional challenges sets by top blockchain projects. Showcase your skills and compete for your share of a 1 million $USD prize pool.