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AT&T Irish Hacks 2018 - Notre Dame
02 Nov - 05:30 PM
Notre Dame, United States
Have an app idea or need an app built? AT&T Irish Hacks 2018 - Notre Dame is an event produced by the AT&T Developer Program and the University of Notre Dame Association for Computing Machinery chapter that is designed for students (technical & non-technical) to build apps/mobile apps, get fed, compete for prizes across different categories and most importantly: meet new people and scout for teammates to work on new or current projects. Please note that travel compensation will not be provided for this event. We Supply: Quick presentations and code samples that help to bootstrap your hacking, food to keep you going, and caffeine to keep you awake. Along with technical mentors to assist you in building faster, smarter, and with new tools. You Bring: Your laptop, skills & ideas. Come with a collaborative, team focused mindset and/or team up in advance on Twitter/Facebook/Google+ via the #atthack hashtag. Whether you are a backend person, designer, entrepreneur, student, or just interested in tech; you are invited to attend this event. Every group needs a good balance of talent and your development skills are needed! Event Schedule.  The following is a list of the weekend's agenda: Friday 5:30PM - Kickoff event with dinner, networking, and developer dating which leads into idea pitches and team formation. 6:00PM - Speakers present 7:00PM - Pitch ideas and form teams 11:00PM - End of the night; Venue will close completely, but you may code offsite. Saturday 08:00AM - Doors Open; breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served. 11:00PM - End of the night; Venue will close completely, but you may code offsite. Sunday 9:00AM - The fun continues with breakfast served in the morning! Pencils down. Teams must register to present using the link provided on Day 2 by 9:30AM. Mentors will be available throughout the morning to help you prep your presentation. Pitches start promptly at 10AM and are limited to three (3) minutes per team. No powerpoints unless you are only presenting an idea. 10:00AM - Final pitches, promptly followed by judging and winner announcements.   Prizes. The following prizes are experiential and geared towards accelerating you towards a successful business as well as expanding your network and industry knowledge: Best Overall App, 1st place $2,000 Best Overall App, 2nd place $1,500 Best App from a Woman-Led Team $1,000 Deloitte Prize $500 Pariveda Solutions Prize $500 Best Entertainment Solution $500 Best IoT App $500 CSE Excellence Award Judging Criteria. Apps will be judged based on the criteria below and weighted evenly.   Presentation Originality of idea Polish / Completeness  Technical Difficulty / Ambitiousness Resume Book.  The hackathon organizers will assemble a resume book for ND student attendees to distribute to the event sponsors (the final sponsor list will be revealed at the event).  If you are an ND student, and you would like to have your resume in the book, please login to Go IRISH with your student credentials, search for position ID 762466, and submit your resume to that job posting. Hackathon Legal Hackathon terms: We expect all participants to abide by the Hack Code of Conduct:  FAQ: Social Media Follow us, @attdeveloper, for live updates and photos from the event "Like" us on Facebook! Sponsors AT&T Pariveda Solutions Deloitte