Showing results 21 to 30 out of 139
Learning Fest
02 Nov - 02:30 PM
San Jose, United States
An afternoon of fun and learning for kids from Grade 5 to high school.
Hacking for Humanity with Girls in Tech SF
02 Nov - 10:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Girls in Tech Presents: A Social Innovation Hackathon
Uniting to Solve SF Bay Area Challenges
It's that time of the year again!
Join the Girls in Tech, San Francisco chapter for our 3rd annual Hacking for Humanity hackathon. This year, we’re focusing on tackling topics that deal with local San Francisco/Bay Area issues such as (but not limited to) the following:
- Homelessness - Affordable Housing - Economic Disparity - Transportation
Hackathons exist to enable the rapid prototyping of a complex problem and provide a range of solutions in a short period of time. By hacking with us, we are aiming to think bigger for global change with tech, whilst also allowing impassioned women to engage in innovation and entrepreneurship within our tech ecosystem.
We are calling all women and men across the globe, including developers, designers, product developers, and entrepreneurs, plus businesses that want to embrace the idea of Social Innovation or initiatives that combine a positive mission with business.
This hackathon is beginner friendly and for participants new to coding or hackathons. However, any and all levels are welcome. You can come with your own team (no more than 5 per team). No team? No problem - we'll figure that out for you. Form a team, solve a problem, create something awesome, present it to the audience and win prizes!
Register now to participate as a Hacker! Your ticket includes meals/brainfood for both days.
1st place: $1,500
2nd place: $1,000
3rd place: $500
* If you're under 18 years old, you must have a parent/guardian on site with you at all times *
Saturday, November 2nd
10 AM - Welcome & Team Formations11 AM - Keynote 12:30 PM - Lunch2 PM - Hack!6 PM - Dinner8 PM - Hack!10 PM - Late night snack 11 PM - 9:30 AM Hack All Night!
Sunday, November 3rd
9:30 AM - Breakfast10 AM - Hack!12:30 PM - Lunch1:30 PM - 1-hour warning 2:30 PM - Hacking stops3 PM - Pitch & Presentations5 PM - Dinner & Deliberations6 PM - Judges award prizes7 PM - Closing remarks
Sponsors & Partners
DocuSign transforms how people work, live and connect by solving the 'paper problem', providing customers the freedom to finish business faster on the world's most trusted Digital Transaction Management (DTM) network.
Volunteer with us
You can support our cause by volunteering with us. Check out the opportunities available and sign up. It's very easy!
Please note: By attending this event you consent to being photographed.
Please note that by registering you're agreeing to share your contact with us so we can keep in touch. In the future we may ask for your feedback about how we're doing, invite you to future events, and more. For a full look at how Girls in Tech SF handles your data and respects your privacy, please check out our Privacy Policy.
Hackathon DeFi | FinTech - Change the Future of Finance
01 Nov - 05:30 PM
San Francisco, United States
A three-day event that leverages open source software and decentralized networks to transform traditional financial products
SF Blockchain Week 2019 - October 28th through November 3rd
28 Oct - 08:00 AM
San Francisco & Berkeley, United States
SF Blockchain Week 2019
7 Days, 4 Main Events, 5000+ Attendees, 250+ Speakers, 100+ Companies, and more!
The Main Events
1) SOLD OUT CryptoEconomics Security Conference @ UC Berkeley | October 28-29 (WAIT LIST FORM)
2) Blockchain Career Fair @ UC Berkeley | October 30
3) SF Blockchain Week Epicenter @ Marriott Marquis Downtown SF | October 31- November 1
4) DeFi Hackathon @ Downtown SF | November 1-3
Free Ticket - Sign up for an Etoro account here and deposit $50 to recieve a FREE ticket to SFBW!
OR, Apply for a Discounted Developer or Student ticket.
IMPORTANT: Multiple Event Locations
CESC Location:
Martin Luther King Jr. Building2495 Bancroft WayBerkeley, CA 94720
Blockchain Career Fair Location:
International House | UC Berkeley2299 Piedmont AvenueBerkeley, CA 94720
SF Blockchain Week Epicenter Location:
San Francisco Marriott Marquis780 Mission StreetSan Francisco, CA 94103
Why Attend?
SF Blockchain Week is where blockchain startups, enterprise companies, academics, developers, and investors from around the world come together to define the future of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
If you want to connect and engage with the ideas and people at the forefront of the Internet of Value, we'll see you at the SF Blockchain Week 2019.
Who is Attending?
SF Blockchain Week brings the top educators, thought-leaders, developers, investors, enterprise leaders, influencers, and the retail consumers to learn more from each other and challenge the status quo for the direction of the industry. Whether you consider yourself a newbie or an expert, our agenda is designed to address the interests and curiosity for every level of knowledge.
The Mission
We designed talks and workshops to create friendly debates on critical topics that the industry is facing today. Panelists and speakers are guided to express their honest opinions, even if it's controversial, in order to foster an open conversation about the topics that matter. We hope that by doing so, you will receive the most realistic picture on the current state of the industry in a way you have never experienced before. No more fluff, you will be engaged.
Ticket Prices
Our mission to support consumers adoption and educate the masses led us to challenge the high costs of conference tickets around the world. Therefore, we decided to price our tickets at cost so we can deliver a meaningful event yet still be inclusive and welcome everyone who desires to attend. In addition, we decided to donate any profits left after the event to multiple non-profits who are donating their time and sweat to the blockchain community in SF.
About SF Blockchain Week
We are excited to announce SF Blockchain Week 2019 which provides world-class education for both consumers and developers with the goal of pushing the boundaries of blockchain innovation. The focus of this week-long immersive experience is to help the industry reach mainstream adoption through fundamental education, establishing technology standards, and engagement with projects paving the way.
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Please email:
Do you provide discounted tickets for students?
If you are a student, please fill out the following form to purchase a discounted student ticket. Student ID is required to claim tickets during check-in.
Do you provide discounted tickets for developers?
Yes, please fill out this form to apply for a discounted developers tickets.
Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable?
Yes, feel free to sell your ticket if you cannot attend. You can change your personal information in your eventbrite account.
Do you provide a group discount?
Yes, if you are interesting in buying a group (5+) ticket, please contact us at We will be happy to accomodate a discount for your group!
*Our team reserved the right to share certain information with our event partners and sponsors.
QBI Hackathon 2019
26 Oct - 09:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
The QBI hackathon is a 48-hour event connecting the vibrant Bay Area developer community with the scientists from UCSF
Second Annual Second Chances and Empathy Hackathon
26 Oct - 09:00 AM
Santa Clara, United States
Across the country, dozens of states have enacted “second chance” legislation, designed to help Americans with criminal records to shorten or downgrade their past convictions, clean their criminal records, and/or regain the right to vote. In theory, second chance legislation removes barriers to full reintegration into society and unlocks opportunity for tens of millions of Americans. However, while many new laws have been passed, research shows that only a small fraction of those eligible for relief have received it,
Building on the passage of California Bill 1076's historic passage clearance of expungements through automation, the hackathon will work to develop data for reform efforts around the country as well as support reentry projects by several non-profit groups.
Speakers will include national criminal justice changemakers and impacted leaders Antonio Reza (upcoming TedX talk: From Felony to 4.0) and Jay Jordan, the head of Californians for Safety and Justice, which just celebrated the passage of enactment of four second chance laws in California.
After a day of hacking, we will watch the award-winning movie Life After Life and hear from a speaker from the movie.
The second chances hackathon brings together advocates, public servants, students, and experts in tech and law to develop technologically-driven strategies. Working in teams, participants will receive instructions and mentorship to develop tools for criminal justice “second chances” alongside nonprofits. Participants will learn skills such as how to develop algorithms for parsing public records, and apply search criteria to expunge convictions. End products will be presented to a panel of judges at the end of the hackathon.
Event sponsors and co-organizers: High Tech Law Institute, Leavey School of Business, Black Law Student Association, La Raza, Internet Law Society, Northern California Innocence Project, and others
8:00 Breakfast, Check-in, Project Signup
9:00 Opening Speakers: Judge Zecher, Jay Jordan, Antonio Reza, and Professor Sanjiv Das
10:00-6:00 Hacking
6:00-7:00 Judging and dinner
7:00-9:00 Movie Screening and Speaker
Learn more here.
New skills and projects for your resume/portfolio
Mentorship from industry Software Engineers & Data Scientists
Social impact of your work!
Free food and souvenirs!
If you’re interested in continuing with the project, we’ll share opportunities to do so.
A $20 donation will be requested from attendants working in the private sector. Proceeds will be donated to Uncommon Law, a nonprofit focused on transforming the lives of people overlooked by society.
Interested in sponsoring? Want more infromation? Contact Colleen ( or Laura (
Game Oasis Hackathon
25 Oct - 05:07 PM
San Francisco, United States
Game Oasis Hackathon is a global gaming hackathon, where gaming meets blockchain! The hackathon is co-hosted by Binance Labs, Celer Network, Cocos-BCX, Contentos, Matic Network, Marlin Protocol and Republic. The hackathon consists of three rounds, including the preliminary online hackathon to in-person hackathons in 4 cities; Shanghai, Seoul, Bengaluru and San Francisco.
The Game Oasis Hackathon is designed for all game developers, no blockchain experience is needed. The in-person hackathon will last for 48 hours. The topic will be related to blockchain gaming. Mentors will be present to provide support on how to integrate blockchain technology with traditional games.
Prize: $5,000 and more from individual sponsors.Potential to be selected by Binance Labs’ incubator program for seed investment!
Apply at
Game Oasis Hackathon San Francisco
25 Oct - 05:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
Harvest Hacks 2019 (Track #2)- COMPETITIVE TRACK
19 Oct - 09:00 AM
Salinas, United States
HarvestHacks 2019 is a first of its kind hackathon hosted by the Salinas Valley Dream Academy. The overall goal of this hackathon is to bridge the technology gap — to spark an interest in underrepresented middle school and high school students for coding, app/game/web design, software development and to educate students about the opportunities available to them in the technology industry.
This coding and design event where students will learn about coding, computer programming, and software development, includes an opportunity to show what a student knows about website design, interface design, and project management.
Harvest Hacks 2019 is for EVERYONE!
There will be 2 tracks at the hackathon and students can sign up for either track.
TRACK #1 is for students with little or no experience with coding or design. Students in Track #1 will be introduced to coding and will be exposed to the many opportunities that exist for students in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).
TRACK #2 is for students who have some experience with coding or design. Students in Track #2 will compete for prizes at the hackathon by creating an app, video game, or website related to the concept of harvest or harvesting crops, knowledge, information. These students will work in groups to create usable software or hardware with the goal of creating a functioning product or well thought out and viable schema by the end of the event. Several experienced adult mentors (college students or professionals) will be available to assist student groups throughout the entire process.
The hackathon will be taking place on Saturday, October 19, 2019. It will be hosted at Hartnell College's brand new, state of the art STEM building. We are anticipating that about 150-200 students will attend.
We have several amazing co-sponsors including Google, Hispanic Heritage Foundation, Code As A Second Language, Salinas Union High School District, Hartnell College, DigitalNEST, Future Citizens Foundation's Center for Learning, Margaret Inc., and Pedro Urquidi.
Gooddler Social Innovation Youth Summit
19 Oct - 09:00 AM
Stanford, United States
GOODDLER Social Innovation Youth Summit
October 19, 2019 - Social Innovation Youth SummitOctober 20, 2019 - Social Innovation Hackathon (by invitation only! ask details:
Stanford University. 498 Santa Teresa St, Stanford, CA 94305
The Gooddler Social Innovation Youth Summit inspires a new generation of technology-oriented youth to invest their entrepreneurial brainpower into solving the world’s acute humanitarian problems.
October 19-20, 2019.
Set annually by Gooddler Foundation (501(c)3), the Summit is a vibrant forum for university and high school student leaders to get challenged, learn, and connect with a global community of changemakers.
This year’s Summit is held on October 19-20 (Saturday-Sunday), 2019.
The Summit brings together 500+ students to interact with successful entrepreneurs and corporate leaders and encourage the new generation to invest their knowledge and drive into the matters of social entrepreneurship.
Today’s youths are tomorrow’s executives and industry leaders. Gooddler Youth Summit 2019 teaches to use innovation and technology to tackle development challenges. Using the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as an entry point, the Summit aims to take up social entrepreneurship as an avenue for the driven young leaders to solve global issues.