Showing results 1 to 10 out of 19
Livermore Valley Charter Prep's STEM Parent Forum
  09 Dec - 06:00 PM
  Livermore, United States
Some of the STEM students are interested in continuing to compete in National and International competitions and we need your support. We have raised nearly $13,000 from our community and industry in support of our robotics team.  Join to learn more about what STEM students are doing at our parent forum.
The First AngelsGlobal Silicon Valley Innovation and Entrepreneurship Summit
  05 Dec - 08:30 AM
  Palo Alto, United States
AngelsGlobal and China's most influential financial media and professional CBN TV are hosting "The First AngelsGlobal Silicon Valley Innovation and Entrepreneurship Summit". This summit will attract people from Sino-US economic and investment communities, to discuss about venture capital in depth from both international and domestic perspectives. The summit will bring knowledge of the world's top venture capital to Silicon Valley and China and through leading specialists in this field.
TechLab: Java Game Design Hackathon
  20 Nov - 07:00 PM
  Saratoga, United States
Java Game Design Hackathon will be building games with an open-source Java library. Students of all ages and skill levels are welcome to attend!
Calling for ideas for "Apps" for Startup Hackathon Monterey Bay
  20 Nov - 04:00 PM
  Seaside, United States
The Startup Monterey Bay Hackathon (formerly the Ideas of March Hackathon) is a three day Mobile App development competition at California State University Monterey Bay that brings together teams of students to develop proto-type Apps for non-profits and small businesses in the Monterey Bay area.    During the weekend teams of students will produce a real, working prototype application in return for meals and a chance for fame and fortune, should one create the next killer app.  We are looking for App ideas from local community organizations, small businesses, startups, and university departments.   If your organization, company or department is interested, please Register and describe your idea for an App. Provide a short description no later than Monday, November 16th that can be sent to the students ahead of time. Have someone from your organization give a 2-3 minute pitch to the students on Friday, November 20th, at 4pm.  This really helps in getting your App idea chosen. Have someone from your organization available by phone  to answer questions from the team about your App idea. Or stop by to visit the team.  Join us on Sunday, November 20th beginning at 1:00pm to see the Apps, see the winning Apps, and celebrate with the students on their hard work. The event kicks off on Friday, November 20, 2015 at 4:00 pm with ideas proposed by Monterey Bay community organizations and small businesses. Students will choose which Apps they are interested in working on and teams will be formed on those chosen by at least 4 students. Teams will have the rest of the weekend to build a working prototype application. The Apps will be evaluated by judges on Sunday, November 22, 2015  afternoon and the winners chosen.
    Startup Hackathon Monterey Bay
      20 Nov - 04:00 PM
      Seaside, United States
    The Startup Monterey Bay Hackathon (formerly the Ideas of March Hackathon) is a three day Mobile App development competition that brings together teams of students to develop proto-type Apps for non-profits and small businesses in the Monterey Bay area.   Local software engineers will be available along with student mentors to help the teams during the weekend.  Participants will be provided with food all weekend to keep them fueled up for this intense hacking experience. Nonprofit organizations & small businesses that wish to pitch an idea for an APP should register at Space is very limited. Pre-Registration is required. Please register here to save your spot. Any Questions?     Email: Schedule: Friday, November 20 (snacks and coffee available) 4:00 pm - Registration - outside of Room 104 4:10 pm - Introduction, Application Pitches and selection - Room 104 5:30 pm - Tech Set Up: Intro to GitHub - Room 104 5:45 pm - Teams announced with application pitches - Room 104 6:00 pm - Dinner - provided in BIT building 6:30 pm - Hacking Time 10:00 pm - Work Day Ends Saturday, November 21 (snacks and coffee available all day) 8:00 am Team Work - in BIT Building (continental breakfast available) 12:00 pm - Lunch - provided in BIT building 1:00-5:00 pm - Professional mentors available 6:00 pm - Dinner - provided in BIT building 10:00 pm - Work day ends Sunday, November 22 (snacks and coffee available all day) 8:00 am Team Work - in BIT Building (continental breakfast available) 9:00 am Sign up for practice pitches 11:00am-1:00pm Pitch Practice 12:00 pm - Lunch - provided in BIT building 12;300 -2:00pm - Judges review prototypes - First Floor of BIT building 2:00 pm - Top Applications presented & winners announced - Room 104 2:30 pm -Team photos and closing remarks 3:00 pm - Reception - open to the public - outside of Room 104 4:00 pm - Clean up and go home - please help us by cleaning up your team's workspace in this new building! Thanks to our major sponsors:             Thank You to Our Newest Corperate Sponsor: Sticker Giant who will be promoting swag for our event! Check them out if you like to see more or order your own stickers!  
      The Cardinal Game Jam
        14 Nov - 12:00 PM
        Stanford, United States
      The Cardinal Game Jam is our one and only game jam event. Think of it as a hackathon focused on game development. Come make games, learn how to make games, or play games!   Our goal is to bring together people with all kinds of backgrounds to contribute to game development and creativity. It is an opportunity to push boundaries and collaborate on a fast-paced challenge.  Anyone is welcome to attend. Just bring your computer, toothbrush, and enthusiasm! Saturday, November 1, 2014 10:00am - Check-in 12:00pm - Game jam begins 1:00pm - Lunch 7:00pm - Dinner 12:00am - Midnight snacks Sunday, November 2, 2014 8:00am - Breakfast 12:00pm - Lunch 2:00pm - Submissions due 2:30pm - Demos 4:00pm - Award ceremony Eligiblity  Registration is open to all. Teams should consist of between 1 and 6 participants.  Participation We encourage you to plan your game in advance. Before the game jam, you can: pre-install software on your laptop; setup infrastructure (hosting, DNS, SSL, empty github repo, etc.); design a logo and create a color scheme; create wireframes, mockups, and user flows; and write documentation for your proposed design Art/Audio Assets may be created in advance of the event. All code, outside of public libraries and development tools/platforms available to all participants attending the game jam, should be completed during The Cardinal Game Jam. Please don't start coding before noon on November 14.   On-site participants may stay for the entire time or leave and return as convenient.   Electricity, Internet, and space will be provided. Participants are responsible for bringing their own equipment, including at least one phone they can build and demonstrate on.
        2015 Bay Area C4TK Hackathon
          13 Nov - 07:00 PM
          San Jose, United States
        2015 Bay Area Code for the Kingdom HACKATHON   Transforming The Bay and Beyond Hackathon  Ideate. Build. Impact.  Create technology that matters. A hackathon movement to ignite the passion and purpose of technologists and entrepreneurs to innovate culture shaping technologies that would reclaim our times for the Gospel. Engage, envision, challenge, and release the culture makers for sustained impact.   10 great reasons you should be at the Hackathon:  Listen to the keynote by Roberto Ortiz, Director of Mobile Design at Yahoo, co-founder of ELEO Conference, and one of the top designers in the world. Work with The Bay Area Anti-Trafficking Coalition (BAATC) to create technology that activates individuals, families, and groups of friends to take tangible action to fight human trafficking. Heed the challenge from TBC and Pat Gelsinger, CEO at VMware,  to invent technology to help churches, non-profits, and businesses in the Bay Area adopt schools and respond to the community needs. Join Francis Chan and CrazyLove in building technology to encourage personal intimacy with God. Create technology to match an individual’s skills and passions with the right serving opportunity in the community. Design games to impart to the mobile first generation of children the need and benefits of being generous of mind, time, love, and resources. Learn how to win a hackathon from Chris Chan, winner of the most Yahoo hackathons. Connect with mentors, like-minded individuals, and explore your new venture idea. Pitch your project at the hackathon and recruit team members to join you to help your vision come to life. Use your skills to affect our communities and global culture by creating technology that addresses significant issues confronting society, families, and spiritual life. Create technology that matters!!!   --- WHAT IS IT? It's back, it's bigger, it's beautiful.  For the thrid time in three years, Code for the Kingdom, the world's largest faith-inspired hackathon movement, is coming back to the Bay Area.  On the weekend of November 13-15, 2015, we are bringing together technologists, entrepreneurs, creative’s, businesspeople, ministry leaders, visionaries, and anyone passionate about faith and technology, to create technologies what would address significant issues confronting society, community, families, and spiritual lives. See this video of what happened in the 2014 Bay Area Hackaton.     Together our vision is to provide more opportunities for people like you to use your talent and be the change by addressing a number of challenges aimed at helping release the oppressed, teaching God’s Word, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and supporting the church and the body of Christ. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? We want to catalyze friendship, passion, purpose, and collaboration in technical and entrepreneurial communities. To challenge and release you to create and use 21st century technologies to serve God’s Kingdom. To create a scalable community across the world to accelerate and encourage Christian innovators.  A Bay Area judging panel will choose the awards for best projects SOME OF THE CHALLENGES FROM PREVIOUS CODE FOR THE KINGDOM HACKATHONS INCLUDE: HOW CAN TECHNOLOGY... • be leveraged to create, cultivate, and strengthen society's foundational relationships of marriage, family, friendships? • bring the word of God to the first generation of children who are growing up with mobile devices?  • help cut and/or combat the effects of fatherlessness in a child’s life, in turn strengthening families, reducing poverty and crime?  • foster a culture of generosity towards each other? • identify, promote, test, collaborate, augment, and fill the gaps of ministry programs around the city? • disrupt human trafficking?  Join us on Nov 13-15, 2015 - make new friends, get inspired and build something that matters.    Everyone is welcome regardless of faith or worldviews - come as you are and join-up with a team on the Friday night, or bring a team with you. The Friday will start with food and then individuals / teams will pitch their idea, and invite people to join with them to hack for the weekend.   What can you do? Sign up now - get an early-bird discount. Get some friends together - bring a team - or just come as you are. Think of a product you would like to build.  We can't wait to meet you.  Your Bay Area Organizing Team  For more information visit our full website. DRAFT TIMETABLE   Friday, November 13th 7:00 PM Doors Open  7:00 - 8:00 PM Dinner & Networking  8:00 - 8:25 PM Welcome & Review Format  8:25 - 8:35 PM API Presentations  8:35 - 8:50 PM Review - Official Challenges  8:50 - 9:20 PM Open Floor - pitch your own project  9:20 - 11:59 PM Team Formation/Create Away  Saturday, November 13 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Creating  8:30 AM Breakfast  9:00 AM Schedule and logistics announcements, team rebalancing  12:00 PM Lunch  4:30 p.m.   Optional progress briefing, more developing   6:00 PM Dinner  9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Meet with Mentors and Subject Matter Experts  Sunday, November 15 12:00 - 2:15 PM Creating  8:30 AM Breakfast  10:30 - 11:30 AM Option to join with Sunday Service  12:00 PM Lunch  1:00 PM Presentation Walk-thru & Judges Make Rounds  2:30 PM Submission deadline; Team Presentations Begin  4:30 PM Judges adjourn  4:50 PM Call-back  5:00 PM Awards Ceremony 5:30 PM Closing  
          knodemy's kode Hackathon Ages 10-15 SAN RAMON 10:30am-2:30pm
            11 Nov - 10:30 AM
            San Ramon, United States
          The hackathon is coming! #knocode2015 Knodemy hosts kode Hackathon on Veterans DAY -  in order to empower young students, guide them to become innovators and lead the way to the future through exposure to computer science and technology. Beginners programming in HTML. CSS and JAVASCRIPT Required Mandatory Workshops - If student doesn't have prior programming experience. Workshop I Saturday - Nov 7th 10am-11:30am - Register @ Workshop II Saturday - Nov 7th 1pm-2:30pm - Register @ The Hackathon will provide an opportunity to students who are eager to learn computer science, to collaborate, innovate and bring their ideas to life. The Hackathon is structured to teach students to become builders and creators, and not just consumers of technology. What will you learn? Introduction to programming, basics in programming languages such as: HTML5 CSS JavaScript Concept of an idea to a product launch Skills: Time management Leadership skills Collaboration/team work Presentation/Pitching Skills Brainstorming Problem Solving  Check out Annual hackathon video - August 16, 2015   FAQS What to expect? Students will be divided into teams where they will get a chance to collaborate to brainstorm ideas, create a project, and market the product. At the end of the Hackathoneach team will present their project judges and knodemy instructors. There will be prizes and certificate distributed at the end of presentations. Is there an age limit to enter the event? Ages 10 - 15 . Some programming experience required  What should I bring? BYOL (Bring Your Own Laptop) & Headsets REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE Where can I contact the organizer with any questions? Please send your questions to  * Free Lunch provided for every participant
            H2O World Registration 2015: November 9, 10, & 11th
              09 Nov - 09:00 AM
              Mountain View, United States
            Learning is fun. Data is the new Clay. The killer-products of the new decade are data products. Rule based applications will transform to Smarter Applications. It is a pleasure to invite you to H2O World 2015, Nov 9-11th at the Computer History Museum. H2O World is our annual gathering of the community, creators, users and customers - A culmination of 250+ meetups in the past year. We'd love to have you in the audience.   This 3-day gathering with first day of a data hack-a-thons and training session where data scientists, developers, and to best utilize machine learning. Day 2 and 3 feature speakers from all walks of our community: users, makers, developers, customers and investors talking about their experiences, as well as panels  discussing practical data science for competitions. Insurance, Telcos, Marketing, Healthcare special panels and speakers will bring Day 2 culminates with book signing, DJs and after party.
                07 Nov - 12:00 PM
                Livermore, United States
              Intro to Coding - Workshop Languages: HTML5, CSS & Javascript Ages 10 - 15th | 1.5 hours | Intermediat - Advanced No prior programming experience needed BYOD:  Bring your own device - Laptop/iPad   Preparation for kode Hacakthon - Programming languages taught relevent to hacakthon.