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Hyland Hackathon 2015
  18 Dec - 05:00 PM
  Westlake, United States
ABOUT Hyland is inviting students and local industry professionals from Northeast Ohio to spend a weekend at our world headquarters. We love technology, and know you do too! Come learn new things, work on something cool, and show it off to your peers. The theme will be "Use Technology to Benefit the Local Community." It'll be the Season of Giving and what better way to give back to the community than to use your creativity and ideas to help others? Throughout the weekend we'll be offering workshops for those who want to take a break from hacking. The topics of these workshops will range from Intro to HTML and how to set up a LAMP stack. We can show you what things will look like in case you see them throughout the hackathon.  Doors will open at 5PM on Friday December 18th and will officially kick-off with a Keynote speaker at 6PM. Judging will begin at 10AM Sunday December 20th.  ATTENDEES This hackathon is a free event for students (high school and college) and local industry professionals. If you are a minor, there will be additional paperwork to complete. We'll have you covered when it comes to food and drink, but you may want to bring a blanket and pillow!  Hardware and software hacks are welcome! Wireless connection will be available for use.  RULES All projects worked on and submitted at the Hyland Hackathon must be from scratch. Teams are limited to four people.  If you have any questions before registering, please contact Hyland's Technical Outreach Program Manager, Caitlin Nowlin:   
    #HackCLE @ Year 1
      04 Dec - 06:00 PM
      Cleveland, United States
    Hi Friend, Remember #FIX216 a few months ago? Hack Cleveland hosted our first social justice hackathon and we were thrilled by the success and energy from that event. Since then, we've been spreading the word about tech for social justice and strategizing on how to build and grow from #FIX216. With that said, please join us for "HackCLE @ Year 1" Friday December 4, 2015 6pm - 9pm St. Luke's Auditorium Inside The Intergenerational School 11327 Shaker Blvd #200W Cleveland, OH 44104 What you can expect: Updates on the 5 projects created at #FIX216 An overview of what we've been working on since May And most importantly - learn all the ways YOU can be involved in civic tech for social justice in #CLE See you soon, The Hack Cleveland Crew   DIRECTIONS TO THE EVENT: If using a navigational system, type in the following address to arrive at the correct entrance way to the former St. Luke's Hospital building (off of MLK): 2721 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Cleveland, Ohio 44104 If driving, please park in the areas marked in BLUE on this map and then walk towards the Easternmost wing of the large red-brick building (the former St. Lukes Hospital). As you approach the building on foot, make sure you are on MLK (not Shaker). Walk directly towards the Boys & Girls club entrance off of MLK and look for the concrete stairs going down towards the building. Follow the curving pathway to its ending point and go inside the building Parking Options: You may park in the parking lot of Harvey Rice School and Library, along the street on Martin Luther King Drive or in the Saint Luke’s Manor parking lot. Lastly, additional parking is in the lot west of the building, and street parking on Martin Luther King Drive. Public Transportation: We can also be accessed via RTA at 116th Street and Buckeye Avenue. Event day questions or need help finding the event? Please text: (440) 836-3194