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Code for Greensboro Fall Hackathon 2015
06 Nov - 06:00 PM
Greensboro, United States
Code for Greensboro | Civicon15   Please be sure to review the details here as well as our Code of Conduct. If you need clarification on this please contact us.    Friday night we're at HQ Greensboro for our kick-off happy hour social. Enjoy some dinner, meet your fellow participants, City staff, and community leaders. Hear from Jane Nickles, Greensboro CIO, Jason Hibbets from Red Hat and learn about what's in store for the weekend. Saturday and Sunday we'll be at the Joint School for Nanoscience and Nanoengineering. This amazing space will be our home for two days of hacking, talks, working, learning, and fun! We'll feed you breakfast and lunch, keep you caffeinated and full of snacks, so be sure to indicate any dietary restrictions on the order page. We are partnering with a local, amazing and reputable childcare center to provide their services on an as-needed basis throughout the weekend. Code for Greensboro recognizes that childcare is often a barrier to participation for many who would be an asset to an event such as this. If childcare is something you would need, please indicate your needs on the order page.     About the competition: In the spirit of collaboration, form a team of at least two hackers. You may begin hacking at the conclusion of the Friday night social, November 6th at 9:00pm, and continue until we call time on Sunday, November 8th. App presentations for the competition will take place Sunday, November 8th. At least one team member must be present on Sunday to present your app in order to be considered. App idea must have a civic focus. Special consideration will be given to apps focused on our Greensboro community. Suggested themes: health, resources, safety and justice, transportation, education, mapping, housing, and food/nutrition. App must be open sourced, and utilize open data. We will unveil a set of civic open datasets at the Friday night social on November 6th. You may use any open data in your app, although special consideration will be given to teams that utilize one or more of the datasets unveiled at the social. A link to the datasets will be posted here at 9:00pm on November 6th. It is not necessary to have a fully working and polished application at the end of the hackathon to be considered for the competition. Judges will be considering the spirit of your team's application and potential benifit to the community when selecting winning teams. App idea must keep in line with the Code for America Principles for 21st Century Government.     About the conference: We will have a full day of workshops, talks and other break-out sessions going on alongside the Hackathon on Saturday. Hear from leaders, mentors, and startup founders about a wide range of tech and civic related topics and projects. Have an idea for a session? Answer our Call for Speakers.