Showing results 11 to 20 out of 41
Peer Group: Marketing your Hackathon
05 Nov - 07:00 PM
Meet and work with other hackathon organizers in the MLH community! If you haven’t been on a Peer Group yet, they are our weekly calls where organizers from around the world talk about similar challenges that they’re facing with hackathon planning. Space is limited and tickets are first come, first served. Please email any questions to
    Hacking for Humanity - Hack the Future (Pre-Hack: 11 Oct | Hackathon: 19-20 Oct)
    11 Oct - 06:00 PM
    Hacking for Humanity 2019 | Girls in Tech Australia presents Hack the Future(Pre-Hack: 11 Oct | Hackathon: 19-20 Oct) Hackers - Register here to be a part of Hacking For Humanity 2019. Join us over 2.5 days  Calling all developers, product managers, designers, UXers, sales and marketing professionals!   Be a part of this year's Hacking For Humanity: Hack the Future, a hackathon presented by Girls in Tech Australia to be held in October.  Imagine how technology could impact what the world looks like in 2050. Hack the Future aims to solve issues that will help us pave a better world - whether this is coming up with a new marketing strategy or creating an app to engage with a diverse audience - hackers have the opportunity to choose from a broad spectrum of business problems to shape this vision. The problems will be pitched to you during the Pre-Hack (October 11) when you will also form teams of 5. Following that, the teams of hackers will brainstorm, problem-solve and prototype for two days over a weekend (October 19 & 20). Gather your gang, have a weekend of innovation and celebrate diversity in the tech community through the Girls In Tech Hack for Humanity! The event details PRE-HACK - Meet and greet with the charities Friday, 11 October6 - 9pmNibbles will be provided for the evening. HACK WEEKENDSaturday, 19 October & Sunday, 20 October (Hack Market on the Sunday!)9am - 5pmFood and drinks will be provided for the weekend. Thanks to the support of... FAQs I want to participate in the Hack Weekend but do I need to attend the Pre-Hack?Yes, you will need to attend the Pre-Hack. On that night, you will hear the business problems the charities are facing, choose the charity you'd like to work with, and form your teams. This is essential as it will help maximise time during the Hack Weekend. Who can be involved? This hack is for developers, product managers, designers, UXers, sales and marketing professionals who want to learn by doing. What do I need to bring along for the Hack Weekend?Your laptop and charger, your smartphone chargers, some sneaky snacks for that mid-afternoon perk me up (though food and drink will be provided), and any other materials you see fit. Basic stationery will also be provided for you. How can I contact the organiser with any questions or I have a charity I'd like to suggest?If you have further questions, please email I'm a charity - how can I be involved? We'd love to hear from you register your charity here,
      National Missing Persons Hackathon 2019
      11 Oct - 09:30 AM
      , Australia
                                 National Missing Persons Hackathon 2019                                                        ‘Cyber Trace a Missing Face’ What is the National Missing Persons Hackathon? The AustCyber Canberra Innovation Node has partnered with the Australian Federal Police, the National Missing Persons Coordination Centre and Trace Labs to conduct a missing person capture the flag (CTF) event (aka Hackathon) on Friday 11th October 2019. The event will see the gathering of ethical hackers and investigators using online investigative techniques within the bounds of the law to find new leads on real missing persons cases in Australia. Contestants will be using their cyber skills to gather open source intelligence (OSINT) on long-term and current missing persons using only information that is publicly available on the internet. The goal of this is to generate new leads on cases that can provide assistance to the relevant Australian policing jurisdictions in their investigations. The event has been modelled against 20 successful missing persons hackathons run by the not-for-profit organisation Trace Labs in partnership with various security conferences, universities, and community organisations within the USA, Canada, UK, and Australia. This is the first ‘large scale’ crowdsourced open source intelligence gathering of its kind in Australia for missing persons. If you see yourself as an ‘online investigator’, 'cyber hacker' or a 'cyber sleuth', then this is the event for YOU! How does it work? The CTF will run for a duration of 6 hours and physical attendance is required at the participating locations across Australia. The main event will be in the ACT with the event live streamed across several platforms for simultaneous participation at nominated locations and for public viewing. Twelve missing persons will be selected from existing National Missing Person Coordination Centre cases for participants to collect OSINT on, and to generate new leads. At the start of the event, contestants will be able to view the missing persons case details by logging into the CTF platform at with their own credentials (Registration e-mail to be sent one day prior to the CTF for those who have pre-registered). For each OSINT Flag submitted on one of the missing persons that falls into any of the categories listed here, the flag will be validated by one of our Judges prior to awarding points. The top 3 individual/teams awarded the most points will receive a National Hackathon prize. There may be State/Territory awards as well. For first time contestants, please review Trace Labs CTF rules here. All leads generated on the missing person cases will be handed to the National Missing Persons Coordination Centre. Where is it being held? The main event will be hosted in the ACT with a live stream to other State/Territory locations. Tickets are available for the following locations: *PLEASE NOTE A CHANGE IN VENUE FOR SYDNEY* Adelaide - 28 Leigh Street, Adelaide City Brisbane - TAFE Queensland, Southbank Campus, 66 Ernest Street, South Brisbane Canberra - Telstra Corporate Office, Ground Floor 16-18 Mort Street, Canberra City Darwin - Charles Darwin University, Casuarina Campus, Ellengowan Drive Casuarina Gold Coast - TAFE Queensland, Coomera Campus, 198 Foxwell Road, Coomera Hobart - Enterprize Hobart, Level 5, 24 Davey Street, Hobart Launceston - Enterprize Launceston, Macquarie House, Civic Square, Launceston Melbourne - CyRise, 710 Collins Street, Docklands Perth - Flux Basement 191 St. Georges Terrace, Perth Sunshine Coast - TAFE Queensland, Mooloolaba Campus, 34 Lady Musgrave Drive, Mountain Creek Sydney - Room 113, Building K17, School of Computer Science & Engineering, UNSW Sydney, Kensington Wollongong - Room 105, SMART Building 6, University of Wollongong, Northfield Avenue, Wollongong What is the program for the day? The schedule of the day is subject to change. The main event will be hosted in the ACT with a live stream to other State/Territory locations. A Hackathon Finale Event for participants is being scheduled following the end of the Hackathon in the ACT. Please check times carefully for time zone differences: Pre-registration Opens: 1.5hrs prior to live stream (check start time below) Housekeeping Pre-Brief: 30 minutes prior to live stream (check start time below) Live Stream Commence: 11am AEDT (Canberra, Sydney, Hobart, Melbourne) 10am AEST (Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast) 10.30am ACDT (Adelaide) 8am AWST (Perth) 9.30am ACST (Darwin) CTF Starts: 11.30am (AEDT) CTF Finish: 5.30pm (AEDT) Top 3 National teams announcement: 5.45pm AEDT(Canberra, Sydney, Hobart) 4.45pm AEST (Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast) 5.15pm ACDT (Adelaide) 2.45pm AWST (Perth) 4.15pm ACST (Darwin) Live Stream Finish: 6pm AEDT ACT Awards Event: 6.30pm AEDT What are the Hackathon Prizes? The National Missing Persons Hackathon prizes are provided by our generous sponsors for the event. NATIONAL - The top three teams with the most points will receive: First Prize: $2000 AmazonAU Gift Card Second Prize: Access to the "Penetration With Kali" (PWK) online course for up to 3 team members from Offensive-Security! This comes with 30 days lab access and one attempt at the OSCP exam! (valued at USD $800) Third Prize: Up to 4 Hunchly licenses for each of their team members (valued at USD $130) STATE - Each State/Territory may award separate category of prizes. Updates will be provided as information is made available. ACT: Prizes will be awarded to the top two ACT individuals/teams with the most points and a community award: First Prize: Up to 4 positions on a WorldStack OSINT program (valued at $1600) Runner-up: Up to 4 full admission tickets to BSides Canberra May 2020 (valued at $100) Community: Plaque (Valued at $90) NSW: The following prize will be awarded to the top NSW individual/team with the most points: An invite only dinner for a one-on-one opportunity to chat with, and learn from, Micah Hoffman, a leader in OSINT, penetrating testing and incident response and a certified SANS Instructor. It is anticipated that the dinner will be hosted during the period 4-9 November 2019. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTS This is a ticketed event with a cost of $35 per registered participant. This is NOT a virtual CTF - physical attendance at nominated venues is required for participation. This is a BYO device event You must allow sufficient time to arrive and pre-register to be able to participate. You will not be permitted to join if you have not registered before the commencement of the Housekeeping Pre-Brief (30mins prior to live stream). For this CTF, contestants can participate as either a solo team (an individual) or a team of up to 4. Due to the unknown nature of the web, if you are between the ages of 16 and 18, you will need parental or guardian consent to participate. Instructions for Forming a Team When registering for this CTF, you can join as a solo team (individual), existing team or create a new team (maximum of 4 per team) When creating a new team, you will have to set a password on it and provide that password to any individual who wants to join you team If joining an existing team you will need to type in the team name in the "Join A Team" field on the register page and enter the password of that team In the days leading up to the start of the CTF, registered contestants will be emailed a registration link to be on boarded to the CTF platform. How to prepare for the event 1. Review Trace Labs training video(s) View our Contestant training video here: Optionally, you can also view the Judge training video to see how your submissions will be vetted: 2. Have a personal laptop ready for use Note: it is highly recommended to not use a work laptop 3. Get on boarded to our Missing CTF platform You will be e-mailed a link to register on the CTF platform in the days leading up to the event. The registration email will originate from "" with the subject line "Set New Password On Your Trace Labs Missing CTF Account" 4. Join the Trace Labs Slack group here Event communication will take place in the #national-aust-2019 channel in this slack group so please do sign up prior! Secondary method of communications is from the Trace Labs Twitter 5. Prepare your "Work Environment" ahead of time to help you stay anonymous when gathering OSINT on the missing persons at the event Recommended to use a virtual machine or run a Linux distribution such as Buscador Buscador is a Linux distribution built specifically for OSINT investigations that comes with several pre-installed OSINT tools An installation guide for Buscador can be found here: Windows and MacOS operating systems will work as well, but you will be responsible for configuring/installing your own tools Setup your browsers and plugins such as EXIF Viewer plugins. Use a VPN or use TOR. You likely want to hide your trail. Setup burner social media accounts (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Google +, etc.) - Not recommended to be logged into your own personal social media account when viewing profiles of missing persons Questions? If you have any technical questions on the CTF, please reach out to If you have any questions in relation to the event, please reach out to us at
        Peer Group: Judging 101
        09 Oct - 07:00 PM
        Meet and work with other hackathon organizers in the MLH community. Space is limited and tickets are first come, first served. Please email any questions to
          Peer Group: Marketing your Hackathon
          02 Oct - 07:00 PM
          Meet and work with other hackathon organizers in the MLH community. Space is limited and tickets are first come, first served. Please email any questions to
            Peer Group: Sponsor Packets & Design Best Practices
            30 May - 04:00 PM
            Meet and work with other hackathon organizers in the MLH community on how to create sponsor packs for you hackathon.  Space is limited and tickets are first come, first served. Please email any questions to
              Symphony Innovate Asia 2019 Hackathons: Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore
              30 May - 08:00 AM
              Hack the day away. Join talented developers for a day of innovation. Network with others in your industry to learn best practices for innovative workflow solutions. Symphony will be hosting multiple hackathons prior to Innovate Asia in: Hong Kong, 24 May 2019HKEX1F, One and Two Exchange Square CentralHong Kong Singapore, 30 May 2019Deutsche BankOne Raffles Quay, South TowerSingapore 048583 Tokyo, 3 June 2019: Mizuho Bank Head Office1-5-5 Otemachi, Chiyoda-kuTokyo, 100-8176 Japanみずほ銀行 本店〒100-8176 東京都千代田区大手町1-5-5 The theme for the hackathons is "Enabling Hyperconnected Enterprises".  Teams of 1-5 individuals will to work together to create a bot, app, or integration that will break down silos across firms, as well as internally across front, middle, and back offices. Team members must register individually for the hackathon. Two winners will be selected from each location in the categories of: Most Cutting-Edge Technical Development Highest Value / Impact Business Automation Winning teams will receive awards & will be featured along with their developments at Innovate Asia on 13 June 2019 in Singapore. To participate in any of the hackathons, individuals must: Register on Eventbrite by 20th May 2019 for Hong Kong, and by 27th May 2019 for Singapore and Tokyo. Teams must be comprised of 1-5 individuals. Attend or view our one-hour webinar prior to the event. Please register for one of the following events:8 May15 May23 May28 May Provide your own hardware (laptops, chargers, etc.). Internet will be provided. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be provided. A casual cocktail and networking hour will follow the awards ceremony. For more information visit our website or reach out to By attending Symphony Innovate Asia 2019 Hackathon, you consent to (i) be photographed, filmed and/or otherwise recorded; (ii) be included in Symphony’s developer newsletter distribution list (which distribution will contain an unsubscribe option if you no longer desire to receive the newsletters); and (iii) the use and publication by Symphony Communication Services, LLC, its affiliates and any applicable media agency acting on Symphony’s behalf of (1) your name, likeness, statements & voice (if applicable) and (2) images, descriptions (whether verbal or written) and videos of any developments you bring to, or display or created at, the Hackathon, in each case as such information or media is received or recorded by Symphony at Symphony Innovate Asia 2018, for any purpose in which Symphony engages, including any promotion, advertisement or other conduct of trade.
                Symphony Innovate Asia 2019 Hackathons: Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore
                24 May - 08:00 AM
                Hack the day away. Join talented developers for a day of innovation. Network with others in your industry to learn best practices for innovative workflow solutions. Symphony will be hosting multiple hackathons prior to Innovate Asia in: Hong Kong, 24 May 2019HKEX1F, One and Two Exchange Square CentralHong Kong Singapore, 30 May 2019Deutsche BankOne Raffles Quay, South TowerSingapore 048583 Tokyo, 3 June 2019: Mizuho Bank Head Office1-5-5 Otemachi, Chiyoda-kuTokyo, 100-8176 Japanみずほ銀行 本店〒100-8176 東京都千代田区大手町1-5-5 The theme for the hackathons is "Enabling Hyperconnected Enterprises".  Teams of 1-5 individuals will to work together to create a bot, app, or integration that will break down silos across firms, as well as internally across front, middle, and back offices. Team members must register individually for the hackathon. Two winners will be selected from each location in the categories of: Most Cutting-Edge Technical Development Highest Value / Impact Business Automation Winning teams will receive awards & will be featured along with their developments at Innovate Asia on 13 June 2019 in Singapore. To participate in any of the hackathons, individuals must: Register on Eventbrite by 20th May 2019 for Hong Kong, and by 27th May 2019 for Singapore and Tokyo. Teams must be comprised of 1-5 individuals. Attend or view our one-hour webinar prior to the event. (Webinar details to follow). Provide your own hardware (laptops, chargers, etc.). Internet will be provided. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be provided. A casual cocktail and networking hour will follow the awards ceremony. For more information visit our website or reach out to By attending Symphony Innovate Asia 2019 Hackathon, you consent to (i) be photographed, filmed and/or otherwise recorded; (ii) be included in Symphony’s developer newsletter distribution list (which distribution will contain an unsubscribe option if you no longer desire to receive the newsletters); and (iii) the use and publication by Symphony Communication Services, LLC, its affiliates and any applicable media agency acting on Symphony’s behalf of (1) your name, likeness, statements & voice (if applicable) and (2) images, descriptions (whether verbal or written) and videos of any developments you bring to, or display or created at, the Hackathon, in each case as such information or media is received or recorded by Symphony at Symphony Innovate Asia 2018, for any purpose in which Symphony engages, including any promotion, advertisement or other conduct of trade.
                  Peer Group: Leading a Hackathon Organizing Team - May 2
                  02 May - 04:00 PM
                  Space is limited and tickets are first come, first served. Please email any questions to
                    MALF Hackathon
                    27 Apr - 09:00 AM
                    What does MALF do? We engage leaders of faith & goodwill, build their leadership capacity, and develop joint initiatives to address tough issues within our communities.    What does that really mean? We understand that true change happens at the community level.  We strengthen communities by supporting the leaders within those communities by helping them to become more effective.   With our help, their effectiveness grows through  1. Our leadership development programming. 2. The access we provide to resources (including financial support from our own operating accounts,) and 3. Strategic partnerships we facilitate that partner leaders with organizations and other leaders that will not only strengthen the leader's resolve to remain committed to their vision, but also provide a leadership ecosystem of growth. Why should you care? You should care because we all live here together.   Our goal is to make Atlanta a catalyst a place of hope, love, and a catalyst for change. But we can’t do it without you. Please join us on April 27 as we work together to develop the materials necessary for a tactical marketing strategy that will help us meet our goals.