Showing results 1 to 10 out of 15
Canine Hackathon
  01 Dec - 07:00 PM
  Atlanta, United States
A hackathon in honor to dogs. Come and build apps and products for dogs and get dog judge the apps on their merits, counting barks and tail wags to determine the best one! The prize for winning is receiving lots of doggy affection!
AT&T & GWC Women in Tech and IoT Hackathon - Atlanta
  12 Nov - 10:00 AM
  Atlanta, United States
Developers, designers, project managers, or just interested in tech, you are invited to attend the AT&T & GWC Women in Tech and IoT Hackathon - Atlanta. You will come to the hackathon to collaborate om the design and build of innovative websites for non-profit charity organizations. You will be working with a team which is a great way to meet other girls who are passionate about technology too.
STEAM Hackathon
  28 Oct - 07:00 PM
  Atlanta, United States
Georgia State University will be holding a hackathon available exclusively to their students in which participants will work with sponsors to design a scalable web and mobile based platform to display the best Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math projects and advances of Atlanta. There are no rules about what or how you design except for that you must #buildsomethingfromnothing, and you must address a group or community that is typically underrepresented in the STEAM fields.
MARTA Hackathon
  28 Oct - 05:30 PM
  Atlanta, United States
  Do you love Atlanta? Want to help make MARTA better?  Whether you love to code, have a passion for design, can herd cats, or just want to help out somehow, we'd love for you to be part of this exciting 24-hour challenge to create solutions to real world problems. You'll be among the first to get your hands on robust ridership data and work directly with people and organizations from across Metro Atlanta to solve the problems they face in their daily transit adventures.  Open to the entire community - regardless of your technology orientation. Coders, cat video enthusiasts, and wood carvers are equally embraced. Join us for just for a few hours or come along for the entire ride! Participants will gather the first night to form teams and then work like busy bees to present their prototype solutions to a panel of esteemed judges from the community.  More details coming your way. Register today to make sure you receive all of our updates.  Media and partner inquiries can be directed to   PARTICIPANT BRIEFING PACKET: GO HERE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM     Registration  6:00 PM - 6:30 PM     Dinner service begins 6:30 PM - 6:35 PM     Kickoff: Scott Henderson, Sandbox ATL 6:35 PM - 6:40 PM     Welcome: Keith Parker, MARTA  6:40 PM - 6:45 PM     Schedule Overview: Luigi Montanez, Code for Atlanta 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM     Ridership Data Briefing 7:00 PM - 7:10 PM     Key Stakeholder Challenge Presentations 7:10 PM - 8:00 PM     Idea Pitches + Team Formation 8:00 PM - 11:30 PM   Evening Work Block 11:30 PM - Midnight  Late Night Snack SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 Midnight - 8:30 AM    Quiet Hours 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM     Breakfast Service Begins 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM   Morning Work Block 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM   Quick Pitch Team Progress Reports 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM     Lunch Service Begins 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM     Final Work Block 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM     Show & Tell Setup + Afternoon Snack 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM     Show & Tell Showcase + Judging 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM     Judge Deliberation 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM     Award Ceremony + What's Next 7:00 PM - 7:30 PM     Clean-up and Go Home A special thank you to our sponsors! The MARTA Hackathon series is a yearlong strategic technology initiative led by MARTA, Sandbox ATL, Code for Atlanta, HackGT, and other community groups to help create the next great thing in Atlanta transit. This is the first of three 24-hour hackathons, semi-monthly work group sessions, and continual online interactions to create new ideas to increase ridership and improve the rider experience. 
    Code for the Kingdom 2016 Global Hackathon Atlanta, GA
      21 Oct - 06:00 PM
      Alpharetta, United States
    Christian techies, designers, and entrepreneurs! Come to Atlanta, GA, and participate in Code for the Kingdom. You'll be challenged to create innovative culture-shaping solutions that help reclaim our times for the Gospel. Come participate and you will be confronted with challenges such as how technology can: Bring the word of God to the first generation of children who are growing up with mobile devices? Help reduce and/or combat the effects of fatherlessness in a child’s life? Foster a culture of generosity towards each other? Identify, promote, test, collaborate, augment, and fill the gaps in ministry programs around the city? Disrupt human trafficking? If you need answers to questions regarding participation in Code for the Kingdom, then visit the hackathon tips page!
    Women Who Code Hackathon: Atlanta
      29 Jul - 08:30 AM
      Atlanta, United States
    Women who code! Come and showcase your skills at WWCode Hackathon Atlanta. Participate with over 100 other engineers, designers, and mentors. Collaborate to create tech solutions that support inclusion, while driving innovation.
    UrbanFoodTech Hackathon
      18 Jun - 08:00 AM
      Atlanta, United States
    Techies and urban farming nuts! Come and collaborate in an innovation event targeting new opportunities around urban food systems -- with the goal of creating projects that will directly benefit urban farmers and the urban food system in Atlanta, GA. The UrbanFoodTech Hackathon is targeting innovation in these technical areas: --> Mobile: Designing new mobile interfaces that simplify tasks, present data, consume APIs, and facilitate communication for urban farming practioners, their customers and community easily using standards compliant HTML, CSS, Javascript and UI/UX principles and tools such as Bootstrap, Angular, and React, etc. --> Data: Communicate complex information clearly and efficiently to the urban farming practitioner, their customers and community, helping them analyze and reason about data using open source tools such as D3, SVG, Open Street Map, GeoJSON, TopoJSON, R, etc --> APIs: Creation and Utilization of new and existing RESTful web application programming interfaces that create value for the urban farming practitioner, their customers and community utilizing professional practices and API development tools like Swagger, Kong, Apiary, and Postman. --> Hardware: Creating open source hardware solutions, utilizing micro controllers,the internet of things (IoT), sensors, and drones, that collect data, exchange information, automate urban farming operations, and inform the urban farming practitioner, their customers and community in real time.
    Hack'd Mini Fundraiser for 100 Girls of Code
      20 May - 06:00 PM
      Conyers, United States
    This is a mini hackathon for youngsters aged between 9 and 16 to learn the basics of building code and how to solve problems their code creation. Note: do not get confused by the name, this event is for both girls and boys!
    Code Camp and Hackathon Presented By Presidio and Cisco
      15 Apr - 08:00 AM
      Norcross, United States
    Join this Coding Camp to learn how to code, gain a better understanding of REST APIs, learn about Cisco Spark and Tropo Cloud Services and building applications with them. Discover how these technologies are enabling businesses to quickly adapt to the future of cloud enabled collaboration and get to participate in your choice of one or both event tracks. This is your chance to compete for prizes by developing the next generation of collaboration enabled applications!
    Lincoln Initiative Refugee Hackathon
      01 Apr - 02:00 PM
      Atlanta, United States
    Lincoln Initiative Refugee Hackathon wants to leverage the power of technology to refocus the national debate on exponentially improving our refugee system and ensuring this great American tradition continues.  Hacking for the unique needs of refugees after they arrive. Georgia has the right mix of incredibly talented people, refugee success models and southern hospitality - with a small dash of controversy -  that could create a great recipe for empowering local change agents to amplify their impact within the communities they operate.