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TALLERTÓN: Banco de tiempo para reconstruir Dolores
27 Jul - 06:30 PM
Montevideo, Uruguay
People, technology and resilience in the service of a cause. Come and provide ideas that will help the families in Dolores recover from the tornado. Dolores today is experiencing a situation where homeless families have the building materials, but not the manpower to rebuild more than 1500 houses. Come and collaborate to help develop a Time Bank prototype exchange that will match of rebuilding services with individual needs. The prototype will match labor and materials to aid in the reconstruction of homes affected by the disaster.
TADHack Uruguay
10 May - 12:00 AM
Montevideo, Uruguay
TADHack and and Universidad ORT Uruguay are partnering up for a mini hackathon in the city of Montevideo. All universities and local developer are invited to participate. The event will run in Spanish, with some English translation, and pitches can be Spanish or English. This event aims to unleash the creativity and engineering excellence of Uruguay through telecom application development.